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60 Best Breastfeeding Tips for New Mothers: 2025 Tips

Medically Reviewed by Michelle Roth, BA, IBCLC
Breastfeeding tips that will make your nursing life easier.

Doesn’t breastfeeding look like the most natural, heartwarming thing you’ve ever seen? Throughout the pregnancy, we long for the day we’ll hold our babies in our arms and nurse them.

Only it’s rarely as perfect as you’d imagine — not at first, anyway. You’ll probably be dealing with post-birth issues like exhaustion, healing from labor, and a slowly increasing breast milk supply.

Both first-time and repeat moms share breastfeeding predicaments, and often times, there will be some hits and some misses. If you’re considering breastfeeding your baby, here are some refreshing and helpful tips to help you along the way.

Breastfeeding Tips for Newborns

When I gave birth to my first-born, I was so exhausted I fell asleep soon after. I woke up a couple of hours later to a sore body, and a baby sleeping.

The first two days were frustrating for me as I wasn’t sure the colostrum was enough for my baby. I worried and cried because I couldn’t nurse. Eventually, the milk did come and it would leak all over my clothes!

As a new mom, it’s easy to be completely overwhelmed by the arrival of your new baby. You want to do everything right, but you’re not sure how to go about it.

How do you get them to open their mouth and latch on properly? What do you do if your breasts don’t produce any milk? How often should you breastfeed and how will you know that you’re producing enough for your baby’s needs?

These questions may run through your mind and even have you second guessing your ability to nurse. Before you get to this point, take a deep breath.

Enlisting the help of your doctor or lactation consultant, as well as other moms who have breastfed, will be invaluable to you. Plus, your maternal instincts may kick in and enable you to successfully breastfeed your little one.

Prepare Ahead of Time

Shop for post-birth essentials, like nursing bras, and a good pump kit. More importantly, read books on breastfeeding, or find a breastfeeding support group online or near you.

You can also sign up for a breastfeeding class. Breastfeeding classes teach you what to expect at birth and the different types of breastfeeding positions you can use.

Breastfeed Right After Birth

If possible, start breastfeeding your baby right after they are born.

Ideally, you’ll be able to spend the first hour or so skin-to-skin with your baby and postpone any hospital routines that would separate you. Most babies will nurse during this time if given the opportunity.
Headshot of Michelle Roth, BA, IBCLC

Editor's Note:

Michelle Roth, BA, IBCLC

During the first two to five days, your breasts will produce colostrum. Colostrum is a nutrient-rich sticky yellow fluid that is extremely beneficial to your baby.

Some of its benefits include:

  • Building your baby’s immune system.
  • Helping your baby pass their first stool, also known as meconium.
  • Minimizing low blood sugar issues.
  • Keeping jaundice at bay.
  • Building a tough stomach lining that’s necessary to help prevent illnesses.

Colostrum is easy for the baby to digest and contains valuable nutrients, like proteins, vitamins, fats, and salts. All these are necessary for your baby’s transition from the womb to the outside world.

My mom used to tell me that babies can smell milk so they automatically know where to look. Babies are naturally able to find their mom’s breast when placed on her chest. Experts also recommend skin-to-skin contact after birth to help keep the baby calm and help them adapt to the outside world (1).

Breastfeeding isn’t just beneficial for your baby. New moms who breastfeed soon after having their baby will have improved lactation and lessened blood loss. It may also help you to shed the pounds gained during pregnancy, which is excellent news.

Breastfeeding moms are also less likely to suffer from Type 2 diabetes and some cancers like breast cancer (2). Plus, the closeness that comes with breastfeeding strengthens the bond between a mom and her baby.

More Breast, Less Bottle

As much as possible, delay introducing your baby to bottle feeding. At the least, let your baby breastfeed exclusively for the first four weeks of their lives.

Uninterrupted breastfeeding helps you maintain a constant supply. Interchanging the bottle with your breast may interfere with your milk supply (3). The less stimulation your breasts get, the less milk you will make.

Additionally, the breastfeeding mechanisms differ from those of bottle feeding. Bottle nipples allow milk to flow easily, compared to breast milk which requires the baby to work for it. The interchange may cause nipple confusion and frustrate your baby.

What do you do if you have to leave your baby with someone else for a while? In such cases, consider introducing the bottle at least two weeks earlier. This will help both you and your little one adjust to the new mode of feeding.

You may need to find someone else to bottle feed your baby as the baby might refuse to bottle feed from you. Naturally, they’ll be wondering why you’re giving them a bottle rather than your breast.

If your baby is having a hard time adjusting to bottle feeding, try:

  • Offering them a bottle containing about half an ounce of breast milk after a regular feeding. Put some breast milk on the nipple and let the baby taste it.
  • Let the baby play with the nipple. As they chew on it, suck, and rub it on their mouths, they may start getting used to it.

If your baby still won’t take the bottle, then you can try feeding them using a cup a medicine dropper, or a spoon. Be patient as you experiment with different feeding methods. You’ll eventually find one that works best for your baby (4).

How to Breastfeed: A Step-By-Step Guide

Breastfeeding involves holding your baby properly and having a good part of your areola in their mouth. Here is how to get started (5):

  1. Hygiene is of the essence, so wash your hands before feeding the baby, to minimize the transfer of germs.
  2. Hold your baby in your preferred position. We will be looking at these in the next section.
  3. Use your free hand to hold your breast. Your thumb should be on top of the breast and your fingers below.
  4. Touch the center of your baby’s lips using your nipple to get them to open their mouth. You want to make sure they open wide so they can latch on properly.
  5. Pull your baby close and put your nipple into their mouth. Ensure that a part of your areola goes in as well. A good latch will ensure the baby squeezes milk from the ducts around the areola and not your nipple (6).

As you breastfeed, ensure your baby can breathe comfortably. Muffled sounds could mean they are struggling to get air. Sometimes it’s as easy as shifting them just a bit or pressing their shoulder blades closer to you so they tip their head back and move their nose away from the breast.

Don’t worry about the quantity of milk coming out. As the days go by, your milk supply will increase. The key is to breastfeed frequently and be patient.

How Often Should I Breastfeed?

Ideally, the breast should be offered on demand. Breast milk is easy to digest and since your baby’s stomach is quite small, the process finishes fast. This means your baby will nurse more often.

How Often To Feed Your Baby

During the first weeks, they may breastfeed around eight to 12 times a day, translating to roughly every two hours round the clock. Allow your baby to nurse until they are full.

Some babies tend to sleep for long periods, so be on the lookout for that. Don’t let the baby sleep for more than three hours without nursing, otherwise, they may become dehydrated. If the problem persists, speak to your pediatrician about it (7).

Pick up on your baby’s hunger cues and feed them immediately if they show signs of being hungry. If you wait until they cry, you may have a hard time calming them down and feeding them. Some of the cues include (8):

  • Turning their head toward mom’s breast or the bottle.
  • Putting their hands in their mouths.
  • Clenching hands.
  • Puckering, smacking, or licking their lips.
  • Crying (though this is a late sign of hunger).

Breastfeeding Tips for Latching

A good latch, where your nipple and part of your areola is in your baby’s mouth, is crucial to successful feeding. When the baby latches well, they’re able to nurse and empty the breast, which prevents engorgement. It also reduces the likelihood of cracked nipples.

Most babies will latch on well, but some may find it difficult. Some of the reasons for poor latching include (9):

  • Flat nipples: Nipples that don’t stick out from breasts make it difficult for a baby to latch on.
  • Engorgement: If overly full breasts make the nipple flat and the areola hard, it can be difficult for baby to grasp.
  • Mom has large nipples or large breasts: Your newborn baby may find it difficult to fit the nipple and areola inside their mouth.
  • A fussy or crying baby: A fussy child will not be interested in taking the breast or latching well.
  • Drowsy baby: Newborn babies tend to sleep a lot, but some babies sleep more than others, even when placed on the breast. Such a baby may not latch on properly.
  • Babies born with a tongue-tie: The tissue connecting the tongue to the floor of the mouth is sometimes too short. This makes it hard for the baby to extend its tongue to grasp the nipple and effectively remove milk.
    Babies born with cleft lip or cleft palate: Babies with a cleft lip may find it difficult to close around the breast, which can cause latching problems.

If your baby can’t latch well, chances are that they are also not feeding well. This may lead to weight loss, among other health problems. A tongue-tie and cleft lip or cleft palate can be corrected by surgery.

Speak to your pediatrician or lactation consultant if:

  • Your baby can’t latch on well for most feedings.
  • Your baby has less than six wet diapers every day.
  • Your baby’s lips are dry.
  • The soft spot on top of baby’s head seems like it is sinking into their skull.

Here are some valuable tips to help your baby latch on well.

Get Comfortable

Get into a comfortable position before you start breastfeeding. Use a comfy chair, and pillows to support your back and arms.

Avoid slouching or leaning into your baby, as this will strain your back, neck, and shoulders. Rather, bring the baby up to you.

Calm Your Baby

A fussy baby easily becomes irritable and will cry the house down. Find out the cause of the fuss, then do your best to calm the baby down before offering them the breast.

Hold off Giving Your Baby the Pacifier

With the exception of preemies, parents of full-term babies should avoid giving their infants pacifiers. Industry experts recommend waiting at least four weeks before introducing a pacifier.

Offered too early, pacifiers may interfere with your baby’s ability to latch. It might also reduce their need to nurse, which could lower your milk supply and cause weight gain problems for your baby.

Position the Baby Right

How you hold your baby greatly determines their ability to breastfeed and swallow comfortably. Your baby’s ear, shoulder, and hip should be kept in alignment every time you’re breastfeeding. And there should be no space between you and baby.

Some of the best breastfeeding positions include:

  • Cradle hold: The baby lays facing you with their head resting in the crook of your elbow. The baby’s back and bottom are supported by your forearm. This position allows your baby to lay across in front of you at your breast’s level.
  • Cross-cradle hold: Support the baby’s head and bottom using the arm opposite the breast you’re offering. So if you’re using your right breast, the baby is supported by your left hand and arm. Going with this example, you’ll then use your right hand to support and stabilize your breast as baby latches.
  • Side-lying: This position is great for moms who have had a cesarean birth or are simply fatigued. As you lie on your side, lay your baby on their side as well, facing you. Ideally, your nipple and the baby’s nose should be in line, so pull the baby closer for a good latch and use pillows to prop both your backs.
  • Football hold: This hold is good for women who have large breasts or those who have had a cesarean birth. The baby is tucked under your arm as their head and body are supported by your palm and forearm respectively. The baby will be lying along your side facing you.
  • Laid-back position: This position allows you to recline back on your chair, recliner, sofa, or bed, to about 45 degrees. You then place your baby on your chest, facing down – they can be diagonal across your body with legs dangling next to your side opposite the breast their nursing from.
  • Breastfeeding positions for twins: You can use the double-cradle or double football positions, which work as explained above. With twins, you’ll use pillows to support your babies, rather than your hands or arms.

Signs of a Proper Latch

One of the best ways to know your baby is latched on well is that they’ll nurse quietly. You will not hear any smacking or clicking noises as your baby suckles. Other signs of a good latch include:

  • Rounded cheeks.
  • You don’t experience pain when your baby is nursing.
  • Once full, your baby comes off the breast looking relaxed, their hands are open or they even fall asleep.
  • Your baby exhibits circular jaw movements when nursing, instead of rapid chin movements.
  • When the baby comes off your breast, your nipple does not look flattened or misshapen.

Breastfeeding Tips for Preemies

Every parent dreams of bringing home a healthy and full-term baby. When the baby is born prematurely, parents find themselves in a position they didn’t expect. Often, the joy of a new baby is shrouded in worry, powerlessness, and fear of the future.

This state of worry can drain you emotionally. It’s okay to cry and to vent your frustrations, so go ahead and do it.

Join preemie support groups and ask for help whenever you need it (10). Hang in there, mom.

Why You Should Breastfeed Your Preemie

Preemies present a delicate situation as their health, feeding, and development needs to be monitored meticulously. Your baby needs all the help they can get and your breast milk will be crucial to their development.

Research shows breast milk from moms with preemies contains higher concentrations of protein, magnesium, iron, and sodium chloride (11). It’s nature’s way of ensuring that baby gets what they need at the stage they are in.

It is also loaded with antibodies and other substances that will help your baby fight off infections. Think ear infections, lower respiratory infections — such as pneumonia — and urinary tract infection.

Your breast milk will minimize the risk of necrotizing enterocolitis, which is a severe intestinal infection unique to preterm babies (12). And there is the part where you get to hold, bond with and nurture your baby, which we all love to do.

How Soon Can You Start Breastfeeding?

Babies born before 32 weeks gestation may not be able to simultaneously suck, swallow, and breathe. As such, they can’t breastfeed and may require other forms of feeding, such as intravenous feeding, cup, or finger feeding. Often they can have pumped breastmilk, though.

At week 34, they may transition fully into breastfeeding. Until your baby can nurse at your breast, the best way to stimulate milk production is by using a pump. You can choose to use the hospital-grade breast pump if available, or buy your own.

Ramping Up Milk Supply for Preemies

Having looked at how important breast milk is for your preemie, here are some ways to build and maintain supply:

  • A double breast pump is your friend: Pump often, preferably every two to three hours for at least 15 to 20 minutes, which translates to around eight times in 24 hours (13).
  • Try hand expressing: As your milk supply increases, your breasts may become engorged, which is quite painful. Hand expressing will relieve the pressure from your breasts. It also provides some skin to skin contact which may stimulate the milk-making hormones.
  • Allow your baby to breastfeed at their pace: Initially, your baby may not be able to nurse successfully. Empty your breast of milk and allow the baby to practice sucking.
  • Try kangaroo care: Holding your little one skin-to-skin offers tremendous benefits to your baby, including temperature regulation and better sleep. Additionally, it calms your baby and makes them feel safe, and they will naturally be inclined to reach for your breast.
  • Explore alternative feeding methods: If your baby can’t breastfeed yet, your doctor will discuss with you other feeding options available.
  • Get help: Are you having trouble finding good breastfeeding positions? Or do you have concerns over your milk supply? Don’t hesitate to ask for help from your pediatrician or lactation consultant.

Caring for Your Preemie At Home

You may experience mixed emotions when the time comes for you to take your little one home. It’s perfectly normal to feel a little unsure of yourself.

Stay in touch with your doctor or lactation consultant. They are there to help you. Lastly, keep a record of your baby’s growth and milestones.

Breastfeeding Tips for Night Time

Yes, it does sound (and even feel) nightmarish, waking up in the middle of the night to breastfeed! Yet, breastfeeding your baby exclusively, day and night, can give you more sleep by up to 40 to 45 minutes every night. This translates to around five hours a week (14).

Understandably, some moms may not be able to breastfeed at night for one reason or another. It’s also tempting to have your partner offer the baby formula while you rest.

Before you do that, take a look at the health benefits your baby gets from breastfeeding at night:

  • Milk supply peaks during the night, meaning your baby gets more milk at each feeding session.
  • Night-time breast milk contains an amino acid that promotes brain development and helps the baby sleep more easily.
  • Night-time breast milk also contains melatonin, a special hormone that helps your baby develop a day/night routine.
  • Prolactin, the milk-making hormone, has higher levels at night, so nighttime feedings help you maintain a good milk supply.

Here are some tips to help make those night time feedings easier:

Keep Baby Close to You

A baby’s room filled with cute baby items is great. But no one wants to walk down the hall two or three times at night to breastfeed. Consider having a bassinet close to your bed.

You can also share your bed but only if you address safety issues in advance, and don’t smoke, drink, or take medication that makes you less aware of your surroundings. But keep in mind, most experts frown upon sharing your bed with your baby because of suffocation risks with blankets and pillows.

Keeping your baby close to you means you’re able to respond to their needs faster, which increases their sense of security. And you can safely do this by having a bassinet or crib near your bed.

Keep Your Night-Time Essentials at Hand

Think about diapers, burp cloths, your drinking water, a late night snack, and anything else that you might need. By limiting movements in the night, you’ll minimize sleep disturbance for you both. Plus, you’ll be able to fall back to sleep faster.

Wear Accessible Clothing

Wear night clothes that are buttoned or open down the front. These offer easy access to your breast.

Pulling down your clothes to uncover your breast, or if the clothes are tight, will make you uncomfortable. Lifting clothes may expose parts of your body to the night’s chill.

If you wear a nursing bra at night, make sure it’s loose fitting. Avoid bras with underwires as they may press into your ducts, increasing the risk of mastitis or blocked ducts.

Dim the Lights

A dark room will encourage your baby to return to sleep after nursing. If you need light to see what you’re doing, use a flashlight or a nightlight.

Find a Good Nursing Position

Choose a feeding position that is comfortable for you. The laid-back position and the side-lying positions may be more relaxing at night.

Don’t Look at the Clock

Doing this will make you crazy about being up so late or thinking about how much sleep you’re losing. Remember how beneficial nighttime breastfeeding is for your baby.

Stay positive — your baby is growing every day and, after a while, they won’t need to breastfeed at night.

Ask for Help

Ask your partner or other members of your family to help with morning duties. This will give you extra sleeping time. As your baby grows older, your partner may like to bottle feed in the night, allowing you more time to rest.

Breastfeeding Tips For Moms With Inverted or Flat Nipples

Flat nipples refer to nipples that do not protrude from the breast. Looking at them, they seem to be in line with the areola and are not raised at all. Inverted nipples, on the other hand, turn inward (15).

Types of Flat and Inverted Nipples

There are different types of flat or inverted nipples:

1. Dimpled Nipples

With dimpled nipples, only a part of the nipple will protrude. You can pull out the nipple, but it will go back to its flat position.

2. Unilateral Flat or Inverted Nipples

Here, only one breast has either a flat or inverted nipple.

3. Inverted Nipples

Nipple inversion exists in varying degrees, from slight to moderate to severe. Babies who suck normally may be able to bring out a slightly inverted nipple. Preemies and babies with a weak suck may find it difficult to latch on at first.

Moderate and severe inversions are somewhat harder to deal with. The nipples retract to the point where they are level with the areola or beneath it (16). This will present challenges for your baby when breastfeeding.

How to Check for Flat or Inverted Nipples

You can do this simple exam at home. Place your fingers around the edges of the areola and lightly compress your breast. If your nipple protrudes, you’re just fine.

However, if the nipple is drawn back in, then you have an inverted nipple.

You can also ask your doctor to conduct this exam and let you know what type of nipples you have (17).

Bringing out Flat or Inverted Nipples

There are various techniques you can use to bring out flat or inverted nipples. However, care needs to be taken to ensure you don’t damage your nipple in the process.

  1. Plan ahead: Sometimes inverted nipples can continue to develop during pregnancy and become everted. Speak to your doctor and let them recommend the best course of action.
  2. Breastfeed often, especially soon after birth: As your baby starts to breastfeed, they will help draw out the nipples.
  3. Use a breast pump: The suction from the breast pump may help draw out, and possibly elongate your nipples. Pumping just before you nurse can help your baby have a better latch.
  4. Wear breast shells: Breast shells exert pressure at the base of the nipple to enable them to stick out. Just remember you’ll need to remove them before breastfeeding.
  5. Use nipple shields while nursing: Nipple shields are silicone nipples worn over natural nipples to help a baby latch on. Continued use may see your nipples protrude, which will allow you to wean your baby off the shields.

There are moms who are able to manually draw out their nipples just before feeding, through nipple stimulation and/or reverse pressure softening. There are also nipple everter devices that work as a mini breast pump to pull the nipple out for latching.

Nipple stimulation involves using your thumb and index finger to gently roll your nipple. You then briefly use a cold, wet cloth to touch the nipple.

With reverse pressure softening, you place your fingers firmly around the base of the nipple. With steady pressure, push inward toward the wall of your chest for one minute. You then release the breast and repeat the process if needed (18).

Ensuring Your Baby Gets Enough Milk

If your baby is unable to latch on and nurse correctly, they’re not receiving the nutrition they need. Watch your baby’s diapers – if enough comes out we know enough went in. They should have the recommended six wet diapers and at least 3 bowel movements in a day.

The last thing any mom wants is for their baby to associate breastfeeding with frustration and unpleasantness. If they’re unable to latch and get any milk, they might refuse to nurse when offered the breast, and even become fussy.

If this happens for you, express as much milk as you can to maintain supply. Also, look for breastfeeding positions that work best for flat or inverted nipples. Work closely with a lactation consultant to get feedings on the right path.

Finally, find ways to calm your baby when you sense fussiness coming on. Rock them, speak, or sing softly to them or walk around.

Once they become calm, offer the breast again. Patience will be key as you both adjust and find what works best.

Breastfeeding Tips for Large Breasts

For large-breasted women, breastfeeding comes with a unique set of issues. Finding a suitable breastfeeding position may be more difficult. You’ll be looking for one that is comfortable for you both and lets you see how your baby is latching.

Additionally, women with large breasts worry they may suffocate their babies or hurt them with the weight of their breasts. Women with large breasts will need to support the weight of their breast throughout a feeding.

Similarly, moms with large nipples may experience challenges breastfeeding their newborns. The babies may not be able to take more than the nipple into their mouths and they end up nursing on the nipple and not getting enough to eat.

Unless you have a lot of milk, your baby may not receive sufficient milk to develop properly. To add to that, a poor latch can lead to sore nipples, which may end up cracking or bleeding.

Fortunately, large nipples may only be a problem in the first weeks of life. As your baby grows older, their mouth will become bigger and they’ll be able to latch on well. In the meantime, you may need to use a nipple shield, or to pump and bottle feed until baby can open wide enough to latch well.

Breastfeeding Tips

Prepare Early

Read books on breastfeeding positions, take a breastfeeding class, and speak to your doctor or lactation consultant. Practice with different positions suited for large-breasted women or those with large nipples. Investing in quality nursing bras to help with back pain is advised.

Use a Breast Pump or Hand Express

Women with large breasts can use a breast pump to reduce engorgement and soften their breasts. The softer your breasts, the easier it will be for your baby to latch on.

Support the Breast

Use your fingers underneath the breast, or consider rolling up a washcloth or light blanket and placing it under your breast for support. This keeps the weight of your heavy, full breast off of baby’s jaw so they can feed better.

Be Patient With Your Baby

Wait for your baby to open their mouth fully and gently place your nipple and a part of the areola in their mouth. This is particularly important for women with large nipples. It may take a while for your baby to get used to it, but they will eventually.

Monitor Your Baby’s Weight

Ensuring your baby is gaining weight at a healthy and steady pace is important. Anything less and you may need to speak to your doctor or lactation consultant. Plus, visit your doctor regularly, to have your baby’s weight checked and recorded.

Breastfeeding Tips for Increasing Supply

Many moms worry about producing enough milk for their babies. Often, they will wonder how much milk supply is normal. Research shows that nursing moms should produce no less than 440 milliliters (14 ounces) a day, 11 days after the birth of their baby (19). Breastfed babies will eventually eat between 570 and 900 milliliters (19 to 30 ounces) each day.

Unless there is an underlying factor that inhibits milk production, most moms are capable of producing sufficient milk for their babies.

You can know if your baby is receiving enough milk by looking at the tips we shared earlier, under the benefits of a good latch. If you suspect your baby is not getting enough milk, consult your doctor or lactation consultant.

Factors That Affect Milk Supply

Certain factors may hinder an adequate supply of milk. These include:

  • Mom’s health issues, such as anemia and retained placenta.
  • Surgeries and certain cancers that can cause fewer milk ducts.
  • Mom’s medications, such as antihistamines.
  • Oral contraceptives.
  • Drinking alcohol, using drugs, and smoking.
  • Supplementing breastfeeding for bottles of formula.
  • Not feeding the baby often or on demand.
  • High blood pressure induced by pregnancy.
  • Poorly controlled insulin-dependent diabetes.
  • A poor latch.
  • Tongue-tie in your baby.
  • Insufficient glandular tissue.

How to Boost Supply

  • Breastfeed often and on demand.
  • Use a breast pump to stimulate production.
  • Switch sides at each feeding. In cases where you or your baby prefer a particular breast, pump milk from the other side to maintain supply.
  • As much as possible, avoid formula supplementation.
  • Ensure baby latches on well.
  • Consult your doctor before taking any medicine that may affect supply.
  • Take care of yourself by resting and exercising.
  • Eat nutritious, well-balanced meals. When possible, include galactagogues, such as fenugreek, blessed thistle, oatmeal, and goat’s rue.
  • Stay hydrated by drinking at least 12 glasses of water daily (20).
  • Get help from a lactation consultant who will share useful tips.
  • Avoid alcohol while breastfeeding (21).
  • Hand express to stimulate milk production, especially after breastfeeding your baby. It sends a signal to your body that more milk is needed.
  • Focus on your baby. Spend time skin-to-skin and enjoy your baby’s smell. It stimulates the release of oxytocin, a hormone that is responsible for milk ejection (22).

Breastfeeding Tips for Nursing in Public

It’s easy to understand why moms may find breastfeeding in public somewhat unnerving. Not only do you feel exposed, but there is also the fear of being bullied.

But here’s the thing, breastfeeding in public is legal in the United States. All 50 states as well as Puerto Rico, the District of Columbia, and the Virgin Islands have legislation that specifically allows breastfeeding in public or private locations.

Of the 50 states, 30 of them exempt breastfeeding from public indecency laws. These include Florida, New York, Tennessee, and Washington. You can view the full list here.

So, if you have to breastfeed on the go, do it. You’re well within your rights.

Public Breastfeeding Tips

Here are some tips to help put you at ease when breastfeeding in public.

Research First

It helps to know there’s a place you can turn to whenever you need to breastfeed. Do some reconnaissance around the areas you’ll be visiting and see if they have baby-feeding rooms.

Certain restaurants, shopping malls, department stores, or babywear stores offer lactation rooms you can use.

Other places you can look at include community centers, museums, libraries, and parks. You can also ask other moms to recommend places for you to nurse.

But keep in mind, you don’t need a specified place to do it. You can nurse your baby wherever you are. A comfortable place to sit helps, but when your baby is hungry, they can nurse wherever.
Headshot of Michelle Roth, BA, IBCLC

Editor's Note:

Michelle Roth, BA, IBCLC

Plan Ahead

Think nursing wraps or blankets, burp clothes, and wet wipes — basically anything you may need to keep you and your baby clean and comfortable. While you’re at it, pack some water or a nutritious drink, plus a snack, to keep you hydrated and energized.

Find a Quiet Spot

As much as possible, find a quiet area away from distractions to nurse your baby. Too much noise or activity may distract the baby or make them fussy, which may then turn into crying sessions.

Use a nursing wrap or blanket to shield your baby from view so they can concentrate on nursing. Some babies, however, do not like to be covered. And a nursing cover can call attention to the fact that you’re feeding.

Don’t Nurse in a Public Bathroom

How would you like to have your meals served in a public bathroom? Besides being gross, public bathrooms are full of bacteria.

No mom should have to be banished to a toilet just to feed their hungry baby.

Think Through the Outfit Choices

Wear clothes that give you easy access to your breasts, such as those with buttons or zips down the front. Or wear a shirt that can easily be lifted from the bottom. Avoid one-piece outfits.

Consider wearing camisole tops underneath your nursing clothes, that can easily be pulled down to expose the breast while still shielding your tummy and chest (23). A cardigan or zippered sweatshirt can also help to maintain your bodily privacy as baby is latching.

Breastfeeding Tips for Working Moms

Leaving your baby to resume work has got to be one of the most heart-wrenching situations for a mom. Many times, a mom will be faced with the decision to either wean their baby off the breast or continue breastfeeding.

For the first 6 months of life, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics, breastfeeding exclusively is recommended (24). If you’re resuming work before your baby is 6 months old, we would also encourage you to keep at it.

Tips for the Breastfeeding Working Mom

Here are some tips to help you transition back to work (25).

Maximize Your Maternity Leave

It takes about four weeks for you to establish your milk supply (26). Do your best to have uninterrupted time with your baby to get this done. Take the time to also bond with your baby and enjoy your time together.

As your maternity leave draws to a close, start building and storing the breastmilk supplies that will be used by your child’s caregiver (27).

Work With Your Employer

The Affordable Care Act requires employers to give reasonable break time to express milk and provide a place to do so. And it requires space that’s not a bathroom.

Keeping your legal rights in mind, let your employer know about your desire to express breastmilk at work.

Some employers provide daycare services that allow you to nurse your baby during your break. Other companies may offer a room where you can express your milk without interruption.

You might find your organization offers nursing moms flexible working schedules, so find out and take advantage of what your company offers.

Invest in a Good Breast Pump

Go for a double breast electric pump to help maintain your supply. Carry extra bottles, pump kit accessories, and batteries if you can. Your work schedule may change or you might need to put in extra time — so be prepared.

The extra stuff will save you from walking around with engorged and painful breasts. Additionally, learn how to hand express. Life happens — you may experience a power outage or the pump could break down.

Carry an Extra Set of Clothes

Oops! It’s mighty embarrassing to walk around in clothes that have stains from leaked milk. Trust me, I know.

Having spares you can slip into will make you more comfortable.

Breast pads are also helpful. Carry extras in your purse, in case the ones you’re wearing become soaked and need replacing.

Maximize Time With Your Baby

When you’re off duty, spend quality time bonding with your baby. Be present, talk to them, snuggle, play, sing. Your baby will appreciate your affection and will look forward to seeing you after work.

Breastfeeding Tips for Pain

Should breastfeeding be a painful experience? Ideally, no, especially if your baby is latching well. However, most moms will feel some discomfort for about 30 to 60 seconds as their baby starts breastfeeding for the first week or so.

This pain comes from your nipple and areola, as your baby pulls them into their mouth. The pain should go away after about a minute. Continued pain is a sign that other things may be going on.

Causes of Breast Pain

Pain in your breast can come from one of the following causes:

1. Breast Engorgement

Two to five days after the birth, a new mom may experience painful breast engorgement that results from milk coming in. The breasts become full, heavy, and hard. Sometimes, pain even extends to the armpits.

Other times, engorgement is the result of IV fluids given to women in labor or those who had a cesarean birth. Left untreated, engorgement can lead to blocked ducts and other illnesses, including damaged breast tissue (28), as well as low milk supply.

Applying a warm compress for about three minutes and nursing frequently may help reduce engorgement. Hand expressing at this time might be painful, but it could relieve pressure from your breasts. The best treatment is to nurse your baby often.

2. Mastitis

Mastitis is an inflammation of the breast, caused by an infection. Some of the symptoms include breast pain, burning sensation when breastfeeding, discharge from nipple, swelling, nausea, and fever.

Keep milk flowing in the affected breast, by breastfeeding every two hours or more. You can also apply a warm compress on the breast and massage it.

Additionally, speak to your doctor who will recommend the best course of action, including medication (29).

3. What About Abdominal Cramps?

Many new moms will experience menstruation-like cramps days after delivery. This pain is associated with your uterus that is beginning to shrink back to its original size.

How to Ease Pain While Breastfeeding

Here are some tips to give you pain relief while breastfeeding (30) :

Get a Good Latch

Most of the pain moms experience can be avoided if the baby latches on well. Ensure your baby gets a good latch using the tips we’ve shared above.

Switch Positions

If you’re used to a particular position while breastfeeding, try switching to another position to ensure the breast is emptied. This will also keep baby’s mouth from putting pressure on the same location of the breast at every feeding.

The cradle hold is a classic. You hold your baby’s head in the crook of your elbow while supporting their back on your arm. Your free hand can guide your breast into the baby’s mouth.

This position helps you see how well or poorly your baby is latching.

The side-lying position is comfortable for both mom and baby as it lets you lie on your side, facing each other. You can use a pillow to prop your back or place one in between your knees.

This is a great position as it lets you watch how your baby is nursing.

With the football hold, you start by placing a pillow next to you, then laying your baby on it so they are tucked under your arm. Use the palm of your hand to support your baby’s neck.

It is an excellent position for moms who’ve had a cesarean birth, who have large breasts, or who are feeding twins. With the football hold, babies can take in milk more easily, which is great for emptying breasts (31).

Soothe Soreness

  • Air dry your nipples after feedings. If you’re uncomfortable about doing it during the day, try leaving them exposed at night while you sleep. I can vouch for this method.
  • Ask your doctor to recommend the best creams that are safe to use while breastfeeding. Use one specifically designed for breastfeeding. Or consider using olive oil or coconut oil.
  • Compress your breasts as your baby nurses, using your free hand, to get more milk out.
  • Take over-the-counter pain relief medications, like Ibuprofen or Tylenol.

Get Help

If the pain persists, talk to your lactation consultant or doctor. They will conduct an exam and prescribe the best treatment for you.

Breastfeeding Tools

In essence, breastfeeding requires two things — you and your baby. However, some accessories may help make the breastfeeding sessions more comfortable or more effective.

Nursing Pillows

Designed to provide comfort while you’re breastfeeding, nursing pillows come in different shapes and sizes. Moms tend to lean into their children when breastfeeding, but this strains your back, shoulders, and neck.

Besides, carrying a baby in your arms for several hours every day can leave your arms aching. A nursing pillow may help take some strain off your body as your baby will be raised to you.

Nursing Covers

If you feel awkward about people staring at you while you breastfeed, a nursing cover may help put you more at ease.

As we’ve seen earlier, American moms are legally allowed to breastfeed in public. This, however, doesn’t mean you won’t encounter a bully or two who will chide you for it.

Using a cover will also help shield your baby from the activities around them which can help them concentrate on nursing.

Lactation Consultants

Lactation consultants are an invaluable resource for new moms. They take the confusion out of newborns and the breastfeeding journey. They’re knowledgeable and will teach you how to care for your new baby (32).

Nipple Soother

Sore and cracked nipples are no fun, as we’ve seen above. Wearing a nipple soother under your bra may prevent cracking, protect already tender nipples, and promote healing.

You could also take advantage of hot/cold compress packs specifically designed for sore breasts.

Tracker for Nursing Sessions

Your pediatrician or lactation consultant may emphasize the need to monitor your baby’s weight, feeding, sleeping patterns, and general development.

Thanks to technology, you can download a baby tracker app to help you record and maintain all important information.


What Should You Not Do While Breastfeeding?

While breastfeeding, avoid smoking, consuming excessive caffeine or alcohol, and using certain medications without consulting your doctor. Also, avoid becoming overly stressed or distracted, as it can impact milk production and the feeding experience.

Should You Not Wear a Bra When Breastfeeding?

You can wear a bra while breastfeeding, but it should be a comfortable, well-fitting nursing bra without underwires. This type of bra provides support while allowing easy access for feeding and minimizing the risk of clogged ducts or mastitis.

How Do I Build Up My Milk Stash?

Build up your milk stash by pumping regularly, especially after morning feedings when your milk supply is highest. Store the pumped milk properly in the freezer, and gradually accumulate a reserve for future use.

Does Drinking Water Increase Breast Milk?

Staying well-hydrated is important for maintaining a good milk supply. While drinking water doesn’t directly increase breast milk, dehydration can reduce your supply, so it’s important to drink regularly throughout the day.

What is the Flipple Technique?

The flipple technique is a breastfeeding method used to help a baby latch more deeply. By flipping the nipple upwards as the baby opens their mouth, it encourages a better latch and more efficient feeding, especially useful for babies with latch difficulties.

What is the 5-5-5 Rule For Breastfeeding?

The 5-5-5 rule is a guideline for breast milk storage: five hours at room temperature, five days in the refrigerator, and five months in the freezer. This rule helps ensure that stored milk remains safe and nutritious for your baby.

It’s Boob Time

Choosing to breastfeed your baby is one of the best gifts you can offer your newborn. Your milk is loaded with vital nutrients to help your child transition from the womb and into our world.

Take time to know what kind of breasts and nipples you have. Educate yourself on the type of feeding positions that will work best for you. Breastfeed your baby often to establish a good milk supply and maximize the time you spend with them.

Ask for help when you’re unsure of anything, and use whatever breastfeeding tools will make your experience better. And remember to take care of yourself. Your baby needs you.

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Michelle Roth, BA, IBCLC

Michelle Roth, BA, IBCLC is a writer, editor, and board-certified lactation consultant for two busy pediatric practices. She is a former La Leche League Leader, Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educator, and Certified Infant Massage Instructor.