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100 Popular Swedish Girl Names: With Meanings

These traditional Swedish girl names are as memorable as a Scandinavian adventure.

Swedish girl names are as unique yet popular worldwide as the culture of Sweden itself. Sweden is also known for its rich tradition of storytelling and mythology.

If you want to share these amazing Swedish traits with the little girl you’re expecting by giving her a Swedish name, look no further. Our guide to all kinds of Swedish girl names will provide you with the origins and meanings needed to make the right decision when it’s time.

Read on for the coolest guide to Swedish names for girls this side of a Midsomer celebration.

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100 Cute Swedish Names for Girls

Here are 100 Swedish girl names that honor the sought-after land of beautiful forests, minimalist furniture, and super fun pop music.


Agata is a feminine name taken from St. Agatha of Sicily, a Christian martyr from the 3rd-century. The name is rarely given of late but implies a classic, old-world feel. In addition to being a Swedish name, Agata is still found in Russia and Poland.

  • Origin: Greek
  • Meaning: Pure, good, brave, noble, moral, fortunate, lucky
  • Pronunciation: AH-gah-tah
  • Variations: Agathe, Agate
  • Namesakes: Agata Kulesza, a Polish movie actress and member of the Polish film academy.
  • Popularity: Agatha has not been ranked among the top 1,000 names for girls born in the United States since the 1930s.
Classic, Vintage


Agnes has a classical religious connection to St. Agnes of Rome, a 13-year-old Christian saint. The name was popular in medieval times and carries the power of a young girl with an old soul.

  • Origin: Greek
  • Meaning: Pure, holy, lamb
  • Pronunciation: AG-nuhs
  • Variations: Agneta, Agnetha
  • Namesakes: Agnes Moorehead, an American radio personality and actress. Agnes Varda, a French TV and film director/producer.
  • Popularity: The peak of Agnes’ popularity was between 1900 and 1920, when it was in the top 50 names for American girls.
Classic, Vintage


In addition to being the diminutive of the name Anna, Annika is also the Sanskrit name of the goddess Durga. Annika is a more elaborate-sounding version of Anna. Annika has become common in Germany, Finland, and Estonia due to a character from the Pippi Longstocking series.

  • Origin: Latin, Hebrew
  • Meaning: Grace, gracious, graceful, favored
  • Pronunciation: AN-ni-ka
  • Variations: Anna, Annica, Anika
  • Namesakes: Annika Beck, a German tennis player. Annika Kjærgaard, a Swedish singer.
  • Popularity: Annika first entered the U.S. Top 1,000 in 1995, and as of 2007, reached #380.
Popular, Pretty


Astrid offers a lot of power behind it since its meaning is that of divine beauty. Astrid is a Swedish name with one of the most traditionally Scandinavian origins. Astrid brings a sense of cool since German photographer Astrid Kirchherr captured the first public photographs of The Beatles.

  • Origin: Old Norse
  • Meaning: Divinely beautiful
  • Pronunciation: AHS-trit
  • Variations: Astryd, Asta, Estrid
  • Namesakes: Astrid Kirchherr, a German photographer. Astrid Lindgren, a Swedish author.
  • Popularity: Astrid has ranked in the top 1,000 names for girls in the United States since 2013.
Pretty, Cool


Belinda’s origin is part Germanic and part Italian, derived from the name Bella. Belinda’s origin is ultimately unknown so it can encompass many meanings. It feels like a literary name, not only because it was used in the Alexander Pope poem “The Rape Of The Lock.” The common name Linda is considered a shorter version of Belinda.

  • Origin: Germanic
  • Meaning: Bright, tender/flexible/soft, bright serpent, bright linden tree
  • Pronunciation: Beh-LIN-duh
  • Variations: Lindy, Bella, Clarinda
  • Namesakes: Belinda Carlisle, an American singer/songwriter. Belinda Bencic, a Swiss tennis player.
  • Popularity: Belinda returned to the top 1,000 from 2005 through 2013, only to fall off again in 2014.
Classic, Unique


The Swedish origin of Blenda means “blade,” instead of the original Latin meaning “dazzling” and “bright.” A famous Blenda in Scandinavian folklore led a group of women in a victorious attack against Danish invaders. Blenda is a strong name and quite rare these days.

  • Origin: Latin
  • Meaning: Dazzling, Bright
  • Pronunciation: BLEH-ND-ah
  • Variations: Belinda
  • Popularity: Blenda peaked in popularity 71 years ago in 1951 in position 1247.
Unusual, Vintage, Rare


Brigitta is the name of the patron saint of Europe, Birgitta of Sweden, who founded the Bridgettine nuns in the 14th-century. Brigitta is an old name with a definite Celtic flair, derived from the Gaelic Brighid, an ancient Celtic goddess.

  • Origin: Gaelic
  • Meaning: Bright, power, strength, virtue, vigor
  • Pronunciation: BRIG-ee-ta
  • Variations: Berit, Berget, Birgitte
  • Namesakes: St. Bridgitta/Bridget of Sweden, patron saint of Europe.
  • Popularity: Brigitta is considered rare on the baby names popularity charts in the U.S. in 2020.
Classic, Pretty


Carina is a unique name that isn’t often found. Initially, it was Latin meaning “love,” while also meaning “pure” in Swedish. Carina is linked to the Carina in Italian and Spanish, which gives it a warmer flair. Carina is also considered a diminutive for the Italian name Cara, which means “dear one.”

  • Origin: Latin
  • Meaning: Love, pure
  • Pronunciation: kar-EE-nuh
  • Variations: Cara, Corinna, Karinna
  • Namesakes: Carina Adolfsson Elgestam, a Swedish politician. Carina Aulenbrock, a German volleyball player.
  • Popularity: From the late 1950s to 1995, Carina grew in popularity but lost ranking after 2008-2011. It is considered an uncommon name.
Feminine, Classic


Cecilia has a storied history as a classical name. It originates from St. Cecilia, a martyr who refused to worship the Roman gods in the 2nd/3rd-century. After her death, she became legendary as the saint of music and musicians. Cecilia is also the feminine, Latin style of the name Cecil.

  • Origin: Latin
  • Meaning: Blind, or blind to one’s one beauty
  • Pronunciation: Sah-SEEL-lee-yah
  • Variations: Celia, Cecily, Cece
  • Namesakes: Cecilia Malmström, a Swedish politician. Cecilia Tan, an American writer.
  • Popularity: In 2020, one out of every 949 baby girls was named Cecilia in the U.S.
Classic, Formal


Dagmar has all the glory of a beautiful day. The Bohemian wife of the Danish King Valdemar II took the name Dagmar for herself in the 11th-century. It isn’t overtly feminine, making the name more modern than ever.

  • Origin: Old Norse
  • Meaning: Day, daughter, mother, maiden, Dane’s joy
  • Pronunciation: DAG-maar
  • Variations: Dagmarka, Daggi
  • Namesakes: Dagmar, a famous 1950s American actress, model, and television personality.
  • Popularity: Dagmar has some popularity in Denmark, but not as much worldwide.
Classic, Unusual
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Dahlia, like the Victorian origin of the flower, is named after Swedish botanist Andreas Dahl. It is one of many Swedish girl names that connote elegance and dignity. The tradition of naming children after flowers and other elements in the natural world was fashionable in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The floral feel to the name is light and airy yet substantial and feminine.

  • Origin: Old Norse
  • Meaning: Valley, Dahl’s flower
  • Pronunciation: DAH-lee-uh
  • Variations: Daliya, Dalia, Dolly
  • Namesakes: Dahlia Ravikovitch, an Israeli poet.
  • Popularity: Dahlia first appeared in the U.S. list of names in 2006 and has since risen in popularity.
Stylish, Feminine


Naming your little one Edia will bestow a thoughtful and unique name onto her. Edia is short, sweet, and old-world in nature.

  • Origin: Hebrew
  • Meaning: God’s adornment or decoration
  • Pronunciation: Ae-DIH-aa
  • Variations: Egidia, Edya, Edyah
  • Popularity: Edia has been relatively rare for the last 100 years, with less than 100 people worldwide being named Edia in that time.
Rare, Classic


Eleonor has a rich origin that revolves around the idea of light. In Hebrew, it means “God’s light,” and the ancient Greek nature-based meaning is “sun-ray.” Eleonor carries a definite regal vibe, especially since many royal family members adopted the name.

  • Origin: Hebrew, Greek
  • Meaning: God is my light, sun-ray
  • Pronunciation: E-le-o-nor
  • Variations: Eleanore, Elinor, Eleanor, Ella
  • Popularity: Eleonor is a unique name in the charts, typically passed over in favor of Eleanor.
Classic, Regal


Elisabet is a unique version of the classic name Elizabeth and has a long history, from Hebrew and Greek to Spanish and Scandinavian. Elisabet offers many nickname opportunities, such as Elisa, Ella, Bette, and Lilly.

  • Origin: Greek, Hebrew
  • Meaning: Devoted to God, God is my oath
  • Pronunciation: Eh-LEE-sa-beht
  • Variations: Elizabeth, Elisabeth, Isbel
  • Namesakes: Elisabet Carlsson, a Swedish actress.
  • Popularity: Elisabet has been used in the U.S. since 1961 and gained popularity in 1989.
Formal, Vintage


Elsa has grown in a big way as a trendy name for girls since the release of Disney’s Frozen film with the lead character Elsa. Elsa is short and sweet, with a very Germanic/Scandinavian feel. Elsa can still have nicknames like Elle, Elli, Lilly.

  • Origin: Scandinavian
  • Meaning: Truth
  • Pronunciation: EL-suh
  • Variations: Elyse, Else, Elle
  • Namesakes: Elsa Lindberg-Dovlette, a Swedish writer and princess of Persia. Elsa Schiaparelli, an Italian fashion designer.
  • Popularity: For the first time since 1917, Elsa has become a popular name in the U.S. The trend has been similar in the U.K. and Europe.
Popular, Pretty


Eva holds a special place in the naming world since it means “life” or “living one,” inspired by the first woman in the Bible, Eve. Eva is classic and feminine and can be used as a nickname for longer versions of the name, such as Evangeline or Evelyn.

  • Origin: Latin, Hebrew
  • Meaning: Life, living one, mother of life
  • Pronunciation: EE-vuh
  • Variations: Evie, Eve, Evelyn
  • Namesakes: Eva Peron, an Argentine actress, politician, activist, and philanthropist. Eva Longoria, an American actress.
  • Popularity: Eva has been in the top 100 girls’ names since 2009, remaining popular worldwide.
Classic, Popular


Filippa is a classic name (also spelled Phillipa) that arose from the male equivalent Phillip. Filippa could be a special name for all those horse lovers out there. Filippa had a resurgence of popularity in Great Britain because of the royal wedding and Prince Phillip, but it is a more rare name in the U.S.

  • Origin: Greek
  • Meaning: Lover of horses, friend of horses
  • Pronunciation: FI-lippa
  • Variations: Phillipa, Pippa
  • Namesakes: Filippa Hamilton, a Swedish-French model. Filippa Reinfeldt, a Swedish politician.
  • Popularity: Filippa has been used in the U.S. since 1914 and gained the most popularity in 1919 but is currently very rare.
Vintage, Unique


In Norse mythology, the goddess Freja was the beautiful sister to Freyr. She symbolizes the deity of love, beauty, and fertility. Freya is a classical name that carries the mythological magic as it’s spoken. Freja is one of the very rare Scandinavian names that bring up the comforts of home, Swedish style.

  • Origin: Norse
  • Meaning: Lady, noblewoman
  • Pronunciation: FRAY-ah
  • Variations: Freyja, Freja, Frida, Priya
  • Namesakes: Freya Allan, an English actress. Freya Clausen, a Danish singer/songwriter.
  • Popularity: Freya is considered a popular girl’s name, particularly in the U.K. though it is beginning to grow in the U.S.
Feminine, Stylish


The unusual name Frideborg is a traditional Swedish version that might sound funny but could work well as a unisex name. The name has a modern sensibility due to its rarity and Swedish origins.

  • Origin: Swedish
  • Meaning: Peaceful, tranquil
  • Pronunciation: FRAY-DEH-BaoRG
  • Variations: Fridbjorg, Frederica
  • Popularity: Frideborg is not in the top 1,000 list of baby names.
Modern, Unusual


Froja is the Norwegian version of the name Freya. Froja has a whimsical, quirky tone and sounds like the name of a mythical girl in a Scandinavian fairytale.

  • Origin: Old Norse
  • Meaning: Lady, noblewoman
  • Pronunciation: FROW-Jhah
  • Variations: Freya, Frida, Priya
  • Popularity: Between 1945 and 2019, Froja was used less than 1000 times for girls’ names. It remains a scarce name worldwide.
Vintage, Rare
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Gabriela is a classic, feminine name with a beautiful -ela or -ella ending. The fanciful feel and worldly popularity has made Gabriela a common name for girls, everywhere from Sweden to South America.

  • Origin: Hebrew
  • Meaning: Strength from God
  • Pronunciation: Gae-bree-EH-lah
  • Variations: Gabriela, Gabriele, Gabrielle, Gabriel
  • Namesakes: Gabriela Sabatini, an Argentinian tennis player. Gabriela Andersen-Schiess, a Swiss long-distance runner.
  • Popularity: Gabriela/Gabriella has been consistently popular, maintaining a spot in the top 100 since 2000.
Feminine, Popular


Gala is a festive name that means “singer” in Swedish but points to a joyous spirit when harking back to the Old French meaning of “merrymaking” and “festivity” (aka gala). A little girl with this name may bring with her the expectation of many good times. Gala is rare, so it will stand out among other little girls.

  • Origin: Scandinavian, Old French
  • Meaning: Singer, merrymaking, festivity
  • Pronunciation: GAH-lah
  • Variations: Galina
  • Namesakes: Gala Dali, wife to Salvador Dali.
  • Popularity: Gala has been used in the U.S. since 1919, and in its most popular year (1965), for only 99 babies.
Pretty, Unique


Gerdy sounds like a nickname often used for Gertrude, but Gerdy itself denotes strength of all kinds from Old Norse mythology. The name is short and snappy with a vintage quality.

  • Origin: Old Norse
  • Meaning: Enclosure, stronghold, the strength of a spear
  • Pronunciation: GUHR-Dee
  • Variations: Gertie, Gurdie, Gertrude
  • Popularity: Gerdy ranked as a very rare name in the U.S., with approximately 42 girls given the name ever.
Rare, Vintage


Göta is a one-syllable name that epitomizes the strength of Sweden. There is a sharp style about the name, and it is extremely rare outside of Nordic countries. Giving the name Göta to your little one might help revive it as a modern classic.

  • Origin: Swedish
  • Meaning: Strong
  • Pronunciation: GOH-Tah
  • Variations: Gotte
  • Namesakes: Göta Ljungberg, a Swedish singer. Göta Pettersson, a Swedish gymnast.
  • Popularity: Göta is common in Sweden and, less so, in Finland. At least 2,000 girls were given the name across Scandinavian countries.
Rare, Unusual


Gotilda is an old-fashioned sing-songy name with a playfulness built into it. As a variation of Göta, Gotilda is a strong Swedish name that is rarely around anymore, even in Nordic countries. If you want to give a special, one-in-a-million name to your little one, Gotilda certainly won’t fail.

  • Origin: Swedish
  • Meaning: Strong
  • Pronunciation: Go-TILL-da
  • Variations: Gotilde, Gota
  • Popularity: Gotilda is a very uncommon girls’ name worldwide, not listed in the top 5,000 names.
Unusual, Vintage


Greta is a pretty Germanic name well-known in Sweden. Thanks to the famous actress Greta Garbo and, more recently, environmental activist Greta Thunberg, Greta has re-gained popularity among girls’ names worldwide.

  • Origin: German, Swedish
  • Meaning: Pearl
  • Pronunciation: GRET-a
  • Variations: Margaret, Margareta
  • Namesakes: Greta Garbo, a Swedish-American actress. Greta Thunberg, a Swedish activist.
  • Popularity: Greta has been in the top 1,000 names for girls since 1999 and was most popular before 1932.
Vintage, Classic


Gustava was a popular name among the Swedish royal family. Gustava is the feminine form of the Swedish male name Gustave. The meaning certainly brings great weight and depth to the otherwise formal name. They won’t easily forget meeting your little Gustava anytime soon.

  • Origin: Swedish
  • Meaning: Staff of the gods
  • Pronunciation: GuwS-TAAVAH
  • Variations: Gustave
  • Popularity: Gustava first appeared in the naming ranks in 1917 at #1752 and peaked in 1923.
Regal, Unique


The uncomplicated, pretty name Hanna feels wonderful to speak aloud. Its rich history goes back to the Hebrew name Channah, meaning “favor and grace,” which encompasses a bright future for your little girl.

  • Origin: Hebrew
  • Meaning: Garden, happiness, joy, grace
  • Pronunciation: HA-ann-uh
  • Variations: Hannah, Hana
  • Namesakes: Hanna Grönvall, a Swedish politician. Hanna Abu-Hanna, an Arab poet, writer, and researcher.
  • Popularity: Hanna (without an “h” on the end) is the most common form of Hanna in northern and eastern Europe, especially in Norway, Sweden, and Poland.
Feminine, Popular


Hedvig is one of the unusual Swedish female H names, also spelled Hedwig. While not overtly feminine, girls named Hedvig will have both the strength and power of the name’s original Germanic meaning, able to show off who they are!

  • Origin: Germanic
  • Meaning: Warrior in the war, fight/duel
  • Pronunciation: HED-vikh
  • Variations: Hedda, Hedwig, Haduwig
  • Namesakes: Hedvig Elisabeth Charlotte of Holstein-Gottorp, Queen of Sweden and Norway. Hedwig Raa-Winterhjelm, a Swedish actress.
  • Popularity: Hedvig is very rare, ranked above the top 5,000 Swedish girl names.
Unusual, Stylish


Helena is a truly classical name going back to ancient Greece in the form of Helen of Troy. Helena suggests mythological tales, royal family members, and heroines of the ancient world. Her name means “light,” which makes the name a well-known favorite today.

  • Origin: Greek
  • Meaning: Light, bright torch
  • Pronunciation: HHeh-LEH-Naa
  • Variations: Helen, Helene, Elena, Elene
  • Namesakes: Helena Blavatsky, a Russian author. Helena Bonham-Carter, an English actress.
  • Popularity: Helena is the most common variation of Helen or Ellen used in Europe. Helena is currently in the top 100 names for girls in Croatia, Austria, Catalonia, Spain, and Belgium.
Classic, Popular
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Helga is an uber-Germanic and Nordic-sounding name bringing Swedish forests, stories, and fictional characters to mind. Helga is often a first name in Europe, and more so than in the U.S. Helga is almost interchangeable with Olga, a very Swedish-sounding name.

  • Origin: Old Norse
  • Meaning: Holy, blessed
  • Pronunciation: HEL-gah
  • Variations: Helge, Helja, Helle, Olga
  • Namesakes: Helga, also known as Saint Olga, the Princess of Kiev. Helga Brofeldt, a Swedish film actress.
  • Popularity: Helga was very popular throughout Scandinavia in the 19th and early 20th centuries and in Germany in the mid-10th-century. Helga currently ranks in the top 50 names for girls in Iceland.
Vintage, Classic


Henrika is an old-world Scandinavian name inspired by the male counterpart, Henrik (a Scandinavian version of Henry). The name’s meaning gives it a uniqueness that allows Henrika to stand apart from other such names. The name is uncommon to rare, so it could be an excellent choice if there is a Henrik or even a Henry in the family to honor.

  • Origin: Scandinavian
  • Meaning: Rules the home
  • Pronunciation: HEN-ree-kah
  • Variations: Henrika, Henriikka, Henryka, Henrica
  • Namesakes: Henrika Juliana von Liewen, a Swedish noble, socialite, and lady-in-waiting. Henrika Tandefelt, a Swedish-Finnish historian.
Vintage, Rare


There is a vintage charm to Hildegard, offering a regal, royal flair with its Medieval German. It’s not all war and games, though, since Hildegard can easily be softened with many nicknames like Hilde and Hilda.

  • Origin: Old High German
  • Meaning: Battle enclosure
  • Pronunciation: hIL-duh-gaard
  • Variations: Hildegarde, Hildegarda, Ildegarda, Hildegárd
  • Namesakes: Hildegard of Bingen, a Christian saint. Hildegard Knef, a German actress, singer, and writer.
  • Popularity: Hildegard first appeared in the U.S. name charts in 1920 and is the 1780th most popular girl’s name in the U.S.
Vintage, Formal


Ida falls under the category of short, cute names that feel classic and modern at the same time. Ida is quite popular in Nordic countries and is pronounced differently than in the U.S., as EYE-Duh.

  • Origin: Old German
  • Meaning: Industrious, prosperous, labor, work
  • Pronunciation: EE-da
  • Variations: Aida, Ada
  • Namesakes: Ida Lupino, an American actress, and film director. Ida Göthilda Nilsson, a Swedish sculptor.
  • Popularity: Ida is popular in Nordic countries and was among the top 50 girls’ names in Sweden in 2013.
Classic, Popular


Inga is a lovely Scandinavian name, not used as often as its variation Olga. Inga has a rich spiritual meaning belonging to the Nordic deity Ing, which connects to the natural world of water, meadows, and marshes. There is so much around Inga that the name is quite powerful in its four-letter spelling.

  • Origin: Scandinavian
  • Meaning: Belonging to Ing, a Nordic deity or Ing’s daughter
  • Pronunciation: ING-uh
  • Variations: Ingi, Ingibjǫrg, Ingimárr
  • Namesakes: Inga Gill, a Swedish film actress. Inga Vivienne Clendinnen, an Australian author and historian.
  • Popularity: Inga is an uncommon female name, which peaked in popularity in 1910 at position 648.
Cool, Popular


Isabelle is a beautiful French rendition of Isabel, meaning “God is my oath.” The divine feel to the name is made more interesting by its feminine flow, which includes the word “belle” for “beauty.” This could explain why Isabelle is popular all over Europe and North America.

  • Origin: French
  • Meaning: Pledged to God
  • Pronunciation: Iz-uh-BELLE
  • Variations: Elisabel, Isabel, Isabella, Isobel
  • Namesakes: Isabelle II, Queen of Spain. Isabelle Huppert, a French actress.
  • Popularity: Isabelle was the 121st most popular girl’s name in 2020 and is currently very popular among North Americans and Europeans.
Popular, Feminine


Jannike was once one of many well-known Norwegian/Swedish names for girls that rang true of all things Scandinavian. It’s a feminine diminutive of the male name Jan and the female name Janna. Jannike is not used commonly outside of Scandinavia, so you could take the opportunity to give this beautifully unique name to your little one now before it’s off the charts again.

  • Origin: Scandinavian
  • Meaning: God is merciful, gracious
  • Pronunciation: JHAEN-ih-K
  • Variations: Yannick, Yannich, Jannicke, Janna
  • Namesakes: Jannike Kruse Jåtog, a Norwegian singer, artist and actor.
  • Popularity: Jannicke peaked in 1930 and, since the mid-1990s, has all but fallen off the name charts.
Modern, Stylish


Judit comes from the old Hebrew name Judith, which meant “praised” and also “a Jewess,” a Jewish woman. The name is most often used today in Spain. If you’re looking for an extremely rare version of the classic name Judith, Judit might be your best bet.

  • Origin: Hebrew
  • Meaning: Praised
  • Pronunciation: Joo-DiyT
  • Variations: Judith, Judita, Judite
  • Namesakes: Judit Temes, a Hungarian swimmer.
  • Popularity: Between 1880 and 2019, approximately 27 children were named Judit for each year.
Classic, Rare


Kaja is a shorter version of Katarina, which has different meanings all over. The Swedish meaning of Kaja is a “Jackdaw bird,” while the Polish meaning tends towards a “dark bird.” Kaja has a Hawaiian connection as well, so you could enjoy whichever side of Kaja you like best!

  • Origin: Scandinavian, Polish
  • Meaning: Jackdaw, dark bird
  • Pronunciation: KAH-yah
  • Variations: Katarina, Kaia
  • Namesakes: Kaja Jerina, a Slovenian football player. Kaja Draksler, a Slovenian pianist and composer.
  • Popularity: Kaja’s popularity tends to find itself in Poland, Slovenia, and Estonia.
Pretty, Cool


Kajsa is an even more Swedish-sounding version of Kaja, but with a hint more of a feminine touch. The rare Kajsa-named women are more often than not Swedish, so if you want to go full Swede, Kajsa could look lovely on your little one.

  • Origin: Scandinavian
  • Meaning: Pure
  • Pronunciation: KIE-sah
  • Variations: Kaisa, Cajsa, Karin
  • Namesakes: Kajsa Grytt, a Swedish musician. Kajsa Bergström, a Swedish curler.
  • Popularity: Kajsa is a very rare name, ranking as the 13,321st most popular girls’ name.
Rare, Pretty
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The classic nature of the worldly name Katarina is captured in this more concise version of the name Karin, while also offering a pure history. The name represents purity in all its forms, so what could be better for a baby girl to inherit?

  • Origin: Greek
  • Meaning: Pure
  • Pronunciation: KEH-ruhn
  • Variations: Katrine, Karen, Karina, Katja
  • Namesakes: Karin Månsdotter, Queen of Sweden. Karin Aasma, a Swedish art historian.
  • Popularity: Karin is popular in countries with Germanic languages, like Austria, Germany, Netherlands, Scandinavia, and Switzerland.
Classic, Popular


Karolina is a more formal Germanic version of Caroline and is quite popular among Polish and Czech populations. Karolina has an interesting twist with a “K,” which could add something even more special to the name.

  • Origin: Germanic
  • Meaning: Feminine, free woman, warrior, army
  • Pronunciation: KAH-raw-lee-nah
  • Variations: Caroline, Carolyn, Carol
  • Namesakes: Karolina Bock, a Swedish dancer, actress, and singer. Karolina Šprem, a Croatian tennis player.
  • Popularity: Karolina is given to one in almost 19,000 girls, making Karolina a rare name. It reached its peak in 2007 at #1,232.
Feminine, Classic


Katerina is a very feminine name with classic Greek origins. With the purest meaning of all, Katerina has Russian and Slavic tones, with a strong sense of grace and beauty.

  • Origin: Greek
  • Meaning: Pure
  • Pronunciation: Kat-eh-REE-na
  • Variations: Katarina, Ekaterina, Katherine, Katrina
  • Namesakes: Katarina Radivojević, a Serbian actress. Katerina Thanou, a Greek sprinter.
  • Popularity: Katerina has been used in the U.S. since 1954 and gained the most popularity in 1992 when 217 babies were given the name.
Regal, Pretty


Katrine is derived from Katherine, meaning “purity”, but the spellings for Catherine and Katherine are more common. Katrine has more of a French feel to it, so if you are looking for a rare version of the name Katherine, this may be a lovely, unique choice for a little girl’s name.

  • Origin: Greek
  • Meaning: Pure
  • Pronunciation: KAT-rin
  • Variations: Katrina, Catherine
  • Popularity: Katrine was ranked very rare on the naming chart, overshadowed by the more widely used Katherine.
Unique, Stylish


Kerstin is a Scandinavian version of the ancient Greek Christian, meaning a “follower of Christ.” It has a classic, Latin feel, so it is a somewhat unusual option for the more traditional Kristy or Kristina.

  • Origin: Scandinavian
  • Meaning: Follower of Christ
  • Pronunciation: KER-stin
  • Variations: Kierstin, Kirsten, Kirsti, Kirsty, Kristyn
  • Namesakes: Kerstin Ott, a German musician. Kerstin Thorvall, a Swedish writer.
  • Popularity: Kerstin is currently not ranked in U.S. births.
Unusual, Pretty


Kia is a short, stylish name and Swedish short form of Kristina, including an African, ancient Greek, and Persian name. Its history encompasses the meaning of “Christ-bearer” and “beautiful one,” as well as “queen” in Persian. Kia will represent many different cultures, including Swedish, making it a unique name option for your baby girl.

  • Origin: Swedish
  • Meaning: Christ-bearer, beautiful one, good, woman
  • Pronunciation: KIY-aa
  • Variations: Katherine, Kiara, Kiana, Kay
  • Namesakes: Kia Abdullah, a British novelist. Kia Vaughn, an American basketball player.
  • Popularity: Kia is not currently ranked in U.S. births.
Rare, Cool


Klara is a classic version of the many female names that mean “light” or “bright.” Klara offers a rare, Scandinavian spelling choice compared to variations like Claire or Clara. If the feeling of light hits home for you, it may be the perfect name choice.

  • Origin: Latin
  • Meaning: Light, bright, clear, famous
  • Pronunciation: KLAA-Raa
  • Variations: Clare, Claire, Clarissa, Klara
  • Namesakes: Klara Rumyanova, a Soviet Russian actress and singer. Klara Milch, an Austrian swimmer.
  • Popularity: Klara has been given in the U.S. since 1884 and gained the most popularity in 2010 when only 96 babies were given the name.
Classic, Vintage


Kristina is an archetypal name from ancient Hebrew and ancient Greek to denote a Christian woman. The spelling Kristina has had waves of popularity and doesn’t lose any of the beauty of the classic Christina.

  • Origin: Greek, Hebrew
  • Meaning: Follower of Christ, Anointed
  • Pronunciation: KRI-S-Tiy-Naa
  • Variations: Christina, Kris, Krisztina, Krista
  • Namesakes: Kristina Mladenovic, a French tennis player. Kristina Louise “Tina” Yothers, an American actress.
  • Popularity: Kristina is currently in second place as a spelling variation to Christina in the U.S., but is not as popular as it once was in the 1970s and 1980s.
Classic, Feminine


Lena is a feminine Swedish name but also known worldwide in Persian, Hindi, French, Finnish, and other cultures. Lena is derived from the Biblical name Magdalena and Helena, and can be pronounced as LEH-nah or LEE-nah. So you can interpret the name in whatever way suits you best.

  • Origin: Hebrew
  • Meaning: Light
  • Pronunciation: LEH-nah
  • Variations: Leena, Leana, Lina, Lenka
  • Namesakes: Lena Olin, a Swedish actress. Lena Hades, a Russian painter.
  • Popularity: Lena is the 270th most popular girl’s name. In 2020, one out of every 1,543 baby girls received the name.
Pretty, Popular


Lindy is a playful version of the old English name Lindsey or Linda. It also has a unique, fun style and refers to a Linden Tree, which offers multiple remedies for the common cold. Lindy can therefore be seen as a healing name too.

  • Origin: English
  • Meaning: Beautiful, pretty, sweet
  • Pronunciation: LIN-dee
  • Variations: Linda, Belinda, Melinda
  • Namesakes: Lindy Booth, a Canadian actress. Lindy Elkins-Tanton, an American planetary scientist.
  • Popularity: Only 71 girls were named Lindy in 2020. One out of almost 25,000 girls born in 2020 were named Lindy.
Sweet, Stylish
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Linnea is a popular version of the Scandinavian name that denotes a lime or linden tree. It is relatively popular in Scandinavia and yet not as well-known in the U.S. Linnea has the ring of a beautiful flower and could easily point to a young beauty.

  • Origin: Scandinavian
  • Meaning: Lime tree
  • Pronunciation: Lih-NEY-ah
  • Variations: Lenae, Nea, Linnae, Lynae, Lenaya
  • Namesakes: Linnéa Darell, a Swedish politician. Linnea Ceder, a Finnish figure skater.
  • Popularity: In 2008, Linnéa or Linnea was the 7th most popular name for girls born in Sweden and the most popular girls name in Norway.
Feminine, Popular


Lotta is a shortened, Germanic name derived from the French Charlotte, which itself comes from Karl, meaning a “free man.” The diminutive female version of freedom makes a lovely and rare name for a little girl who’s got her whole life ahead of her! Lotts has a stylish feel to it since it is a nickname.

  • Origin: Scandinavian, Germanic
  • Meaning: Free, little, womanly
  • Pronunciation: LAW-ta
  • Variations: Lata, Latoia, Leeta, Letta
  • Namesakes: Anna Charlotte “Lotta” Engberg, a Swedish pop singer and TV host. Lotta Hintsa, Miss Finland 2013.
  • Popularity: Lotta reached #503 in the U.S. in the 1880s, but is currently unranked, making Lotta an uncommon to rare name.
Classic, Stylish


Lovisa is a uniquely Swedish name that packs a punch, meaning “fighter” or “the noise of battle,” while the name sounds very feminine and delicate to the ears. Lovisa is extremely rare and is usually passed over in lieu of Louise. You could be the first on your street to choose this lovely, interesting name.

  • Origin: Swedish
  • Meaning: Fighter, battle noise
  • Pronunciation: Loo-VEE-sah
  • Variations: Louise, Louisa, Luise, Luisa
  • Namesakes: Lovisa Augusti, a Swedish opera singer. Greta Lovisa Gustafsson (aka Greta Garbo), an American actress.
  • Popularity: Lovisa was given to over 52 girls in the U.S during the past 200 years and was the most popular in 2016, with 5 babies receiving the name.
Unusual, Formal


Lydia is a classical name derived from the ancient Greek for “beautiful” or “noble one.” With such an impressive background, Lydia brings with it a connection to the Greek myths. The area Lydia was located in Asia Minor and ruled by the descendants of the Greek god Hercules. Lydia may grab your attention as a possible choice for your little girl!

  • Origin: Greek
  • Meaning: Beautiful one, noble one
  • Pronunciation: LIHD-iy-ah
  • Variations: Lidia, Lidija, Lidiya
  • Namesakes: Lydia Baxter, an American poet. Lydia Stahl, a Russian espionage agent.
  • Popularity: In the U.S., Lydia is popular, staying in the top 100 since 2011.
Classic, Stylish


Maj is the Scandinavian declination of the classic Mary or May. It has a dark poetic meaning in connection with the sea, or the bitterness of the sea. The depth of this very short name is definitely unique yet holds a great deal of history within its three letters.

  • Origin: Scandinavian
  • Meaning: The sea, bitter
  • Pronunciation: MAY-juh
  • Variations: Maja, Mary, May, Maia, Mae
  • Namesakes: Maj Sjöwall, a Swedish author.
  • Popularity: Maj is not in the top 100 list of names, nor ranks in the current list of U.S. births.
Modern, Cool


Maja is a short, Scandinavian version of Maya, Mary, and Maria. In addition to being Scandinavian, Maja is also very popular in Arabic, German, and Slovene, so it has quite the worldly flair to it.

  • Origin: Scandinavian, German
  • Meaning: Pearl, splendid
  • Pronunciation: M-AH-ih-ah
  • Variations: Marija, Maria, Maya
  • Namesakes: Maja Aleksić, a Serbian volleyball player. Maja Einstein, sister of Albert Einstein.
  • Popularity: Maya is a top 10 name in Slovenia and Sweden and is popular in Germany and Norway.
Feminine, Stylish


Malena is a romantic-sounding name, which uses the Scandinavian spelling as a version of the Biblical name Magdalene or Magdalena. The very feminine name comes across more lyrically than the alternatives, Marlen and Marleen. Malena is quite rare and would feel as if you’ve resurrected a classic name from antiquity.

  • Origin: Scandinavian
  • Meaning: Woman of Magdala
  • Pronunciation: Mah-LAY-na
  • Variations: Madalene, Madelene, Marleen, Marlen
  • Namesakes: Malena Solda, an Argentinian actress. Malena Lott, an American author.
  • Popularity: Malena was the most popular name for girls in 2004 with 146 occurrences.
Unique, Pretty


Margit has a lovely sound because it is a shorter version of Margaret or Margerita. It is extremely rare, and is a good example of a more simple Scandinavian version of a classic Germanic name.

  • Origin: Scandinavian, Germanic
  • Meaning: Pearl
  • Pronunciation: MAHR-git
  • Variations: Margaréta, Margaret
  • Namesakes: Margit Korondi, a Hungarian gymnast. Margit Carlqvist, a Swedish actress.
Formal, Vintage


Marta is a feminine name with a lot of history. With origins including Hebrew, Latin, and Greek, Marta is as lovely as a pearl. Marta is often thought of as prettier than Martha, which is likely why it is so popular across Europe.

  • Origin: Hebrew, Latin, Greek
  • Meaning: Pearl, the lady, the daughter
  • Pronunciation: MAR-ta
  • Variations: Martha, Martina
  • Namesakes: Marta García, Cuban ballerina. Marta Bassino, Italian alpine skier.
  • Popularity: Marta is quite popular all over Europe, in places like Italy, Poland, Spain, and Sweden.
Feminine, Popular


Mia is a universal name that began its life as a variant of Miriam, Maryam, and Mary. Mia is very popular internationally and has a very Italian feel since the Italian version means “mine.” Mia’s completeness as a name will become just as memorable for your little one as the many Mias the world over.

  • Origin: Italian, Hebrew
  • Meaning: Mine, bitter
  • Pronunciation: MEE-uh
  • Variations: Maja, Maya
  • Namesakes: Mia Pojatina, a Croatian model. Mia Tyler, an American actress.
  • Popularity: Mia grew in popularity from the 1990s to 2010s, from #316 in 1994 to #30 in 2004, reaching #6 between 2013 to 2015.
Sweet, Popular
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Moa is an unusual name for a little girl since it means “mother.” It has a rare quality in that it is Scandinavian yet sounds very exotic. Moa can’t be pegged down and comes across as stylish and offbeat for the right little girl.

  • Origin: Scandinavian
  • Meaning: Mother
  • Pronunciation: MAW-ah
  • Variations: N/A
  • Namesakes: Moa Martinson, a Swedish author. Moa Arimoto, a Japanese actress, and model.
  • Popularity: Moa is ranked in the top 100 names for girls in Sweden, but is extremely rare in the U.S.
Rare, Stylish


Monika is a more Scandinavian and Germanic version of Monica, which sets it apart. Monika was also the patron saint of mothers, so if you want to impart your little one with the name of an old soul, Monika is for you.

  • Origin: Latin, Greek
  • Meaning: Unique, advisor
  • Pronunciation: MOH-nee-kah
  • Variations: Mónica, Mônica, Monique, Monika
  • Namesakes: Monika Zguro, Miss Albania 1993. Monika Harms, German lawyer
  • Popularity: Approximately 937 births in the U.S. per year used Monika between 1880 and 2019.
Classic, Popular


My is an example of a very unusual Swedish female name, and is simply the Swedish diminutive name for Maria. My comes across as a cool, fascinating name and is not traditional in any way, which may be perfect for your little treasure.

  • Origin: Scandinavian
  • Meaning: Diminutive of Maria
  • Pronunciation: MAYH
  • Variations: Mi, Mia
  • Popularity: My is rarely used these days, especially outside of Sweden.
Cool, Rare


Nanna may mean “grandmother” to some, but Nanna is a beautiful Scandinavian goddess in Norse mythology. Nanna is rare in non-Scandinavian countries but finds some minor popularity among Japanese girl names. Nanna is the most unusual of the variations, including Neena, Nina, and Neneh.

  • Origin: Scandinavian
  • Meaning: Darling
  • Pronunciation: NAH-nah
  • Variations: Nani, Nanni, Neena, Neneh, Nina.
  • Namesakes: Nanna Øland Fabricius (known as Oh Land), a Danish musician. Nanna Bryndís Hilmarsdóttir, an Icelandic musician.
  • Popularity: Nanna is pretty rare in English-speaking countries, but it is somewhat popular in Scandinavia, particularly Denmark.
Sweet, Vintage


Nea is like a breath of fresh air since it is a short form of Linnea, but has a life all on its own. The short, cute name is purposeful and also means “lustrous.” You’ll find so much behind this super short, modern name.

  • Origin: Swedish, Finnish
  • Meaning: Lustrous, goal, purpose
  • Pronunciation: NEH-ah
  • Variations: Neea, Nia, Neya, Nya
  • Namesakes: Nea-Stina Liljedahl, Finnish football player. Nea Kontio, Finnish politician.
  • Popularity: Though Nea is somewhat rare, Nea and Neaa are found more in the Finnish name registry than the Swedish one.
Unique, Pretty


Noa is a modern name, even though it originates from the classic Hebrew meanings of “movement” and “motion.” Noa is a unisex name that would work just as well for a little girl as a little boy. Noa is fairly uncommon but finds pockets of mild popularity, making it worth taking a chance on.

  • Origin: Hebrew
  • Meaning: Movement, motion
  • Pronunciation: NO-wa
  • Variations: Noa, Noé, Nuh, Noach
  • Namesakes: Noa (Achinoam Nini), an Israeli singer. Noa James, an American rapper.
  • Popularity: Noa is close but not over the top 1,000 name list in the U.S.
Unique, Modern


Nola is a Gaelic diminutive for everything from Fionnula and Nuala, to Magnolia and Olivia. Nola is a polished name that is all-encompassing and brings the magic of Gaelic history.

  • Origin: Gaelic
  • Meaning: Fair, fair shoulder
  • Pronunciation: NOW-Laa
  • Variations: Nuala
  • Namesakes: Nola Fairbanks, an American actress. Nola Marino, an Australian MP.
  • Popularity: Nola re-entered the U.S. Top 1,000 names for girls in 2008 for the first time in 50 years.
Cool, Unique


Olga is a very traditional (and often royal) old European name, especially in Scandinavia, Russia, and Germany. History is chock-full of queens and princesses named Olga. If you’re looking to resurrect this vintage beauty in the modern world, now is the time for Olga.

  • Origin: Old Norse
  • Meaning: Holy, blessed
  • Pronunciation: AWL-gah
  • Variations: Olgha, Olha
  • Namesakes: Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna of Russia, the daughter of Nicholas II of Russia. Olga Sandberg, a Swedish ballerina.
  • Popularity: Olga is the 3rd most popular girl’s name in Russia.
Regal, Popular


If you want your little girl to be above the rest, choose the uber-classic and wildly popular name Olivia. Coming from the Latin for “olive tree,” Olivias are everywhere in the world and find themselves at the very top of the baby name list. Olivia is both formal and concise, traditional and modern.

  • Origin: Latin
  • Meaning: Olive, olive tree
  • Pronunciation: O-LEE-vee-ah
  • Variations: Olyvia, Lyvia, Olive
  • Namesakes: Olivia Newton-John, an Australian singer. Olivia de Havilland, a British-American actress.
  • Popularity: Olivia is #1 name for girls in the U.S., UK, Australia, Canada, and throughout the western world.
Feminine, Popular


The classic Latin name Paulina is a female version of the Biblical Paul, meaning “small” and “humble.” Paulina is a fairly popular name worldwide and points to elegance and formality, which could be perfect if there is a Paul in your family.

  • Origin: Latin
  • Meaning: Little, small, humble
  • Pronunciation: P-aw-lEE-nuh
  • Variations: Paula, Pauline, Paulette
  • Namesakes: Paulina Porizkova, a Czech model.
  • Popularity: Paulina finds itself in the top 100 girls’ names in Poland, Chile, and Germany and is in the top 1,000 girls’ names in the U.S.
Classic, Feminine
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Pernilla originates from the classical Latin name Petronella (also Petra) meaning “rock.” The Swedish nickname version of Petronella is Pernilla, which is more lovely and even rarer. The vintage name can take on its own meaning for you and the little girl you expect.

  • Origin: Swedish, Latin
  • Meaning: Rock, country person, light
  • Pronunciation: PUR-nill-Ah
  • Variations: Petra, Pernella
  • Namesakes: Pernilla Stalfelt, a Swedish children’s writer and illustrator. Pernilla Sterner, a Swedish golfer.
  • Popularity: Pernilla is an extremely rare name worldwide, even in Sweden.
Vintage, Formal


Petra is an ancient name from the Biblical male name Peter, meaning the “rock or stone” upon which Christianity was built. Petra is a stylish name that could easily fit an intellectual in the same way. No matter what’s in store for your little one, Petra is a name on which to build a solid foundation.

  • Origin: Greek
  • Meaning: Stone, Rock
  • Pronunciation: PEHT-Rah
  • Variations: Petrina, Petria, Peterina
  • Namesakes: Petra Conti, an Italian ballerina. Petra Rampre, a Slovenian tennis player.
  • Popularity: Petra is the most popular girl’s name in Sweden, Croatia, Hungary, Bosnia, and Herzegovina. Petra also scored in the top 1,000 girls’ names in the U.S. from 1880 to 1951, but it is less popular today.
Pretty, Classic


Pia is captured in a Latin-root name for pious and devout. The name is traditional in this way, yet quite rare these days, and works as a modern name with great, often unused value.

  • Origin: Latin
  • Meaning: Pious, devout
  • Pronunciation: p-EE-uh
  • Variations: Piedad, Piia
  • Namesakes: Pia Zadora, an American actress, and singer. Pia Fries, a Swiss painter.
  • Popularity: In the U.S., Pia was only used 105 times in 2016, making Pia fairly rare.
Pretty, Sweet


Ragnhild is the ultimate Norse name, which doesn’t need to be feminine or masculine but trumps all with its meaning as a counseling warrior. Your little one could be anything she wants to be with this name! Outside of Norway, Ragnhild is rarely used, so it can be your little secret.

  • Origin: Old Norse
  • Meaning: Goddess, warrior, counsel
  • Pronunciation: RAHN-hilt
  • Variations: Raganhildis, Ragnhildur, Ragnailt, Raghnaid
  • Popularity: Ragnhild is somewhat rare, but is the most common in Norway, used less than 10,000 times between 1945 – 2019.
Unusual, Cool


Rakel, like Ragnhild, is a long-lost name that defies gender as one of the rarest of girls’ names with a Scandinavian background. Rakel implies purity of heart, which is no small matter when choosing the ideal girl’s name.

  • Origin: Scandinavian
  • Meaning: Sheep’s friend
  • Pronunciation: RAA-KehL
  • Variations: Racquel, Roquel, Rachel
  • Popularity: In the U.S. in 1982, Rakel had the highest rank, with a total of 8 girls born with the name.
Vintage, Rare


Rigmor is a uniquely regal Swedish name that denotes the name of a queen. Your little queen will be blessed not only with such a royal moniker but one that is so rare in the current day. The name is not overtly feminine but points to the most hailed woman in history.

  • Origin: Swedish
  • Meaning: Name of a Queen
  • Pronunciation: RIG-mor
  • Variations: Rigmore, Rigmorr, Rigmorre
  • Namesakes: Rigmor Gustafsson, a Swedish jazz singer.
  • Popularity: Rigmor is not in the top 1,000 list of girls’ names.
Regal, Rare


Saga is a cool name that doesn’t seem unusual on the surface, offering a storied history in Sweden of mythological proportions. Saga is the Norse goddess of storytelling and even refers to knowing all and telling the tales that people cherish. Your little mythmaker may be all set to share her tales with the world too!

  • Origin: Old Norse
  • Meaning: Goddess of storytelling, she who sees everything, fairytale
  • Pronunciation: SAA-gah
  • Variations: Sagah, Sachee, Saatchi
  • Popularity: Saga is in the top 30 girls’ names in Sweden but is rare worldwide.
Stylish, Popular


Sassa is a lovely sing-songy name that feels quite exotic, in addition to being of Swedish origin. Sassa is a diminutive of Astrid, which means “divine beauty.” Your little diving beauty may be perfect at showing off this gorgeous, rare name from Swedish history.

  • Origin: Swedish
  • Meaning: Divine beauty
  • Pronunciation: SAH-sah
  • Variations: Sasa, Sassi
  • Namesakes: Sassa Jimenez, a Fillipina fashion designer.
  • Popularity: Sassa is not listed in the top 1,000 girls’ names.
Unique, Stylish


Sibylla is a classic name from ancient Greek that means “a prophetess” or “oracle.” The mythological, all-seeing power of the name makes it an ideal name for parents who wish to raise a curious and wise little soul. Sibylla is a very rare form of Sibyl, so you can enjoy a special version of this name.

  • Origin: Greek
  • Meaning: Prophetess, seer, oracle
  • Pronunciation: Zih-BUY-Laa
  • Variations: Sibyl, Sybil, Cybilla
  • Namesakes: Sibylla of Anhalt, the Duchess of Württemberg. Sibylla Deen, an Australian actress.
  • Popularity: Sibylla is not ranked in the top 2,000 girls’ names and hasn’t been popular for some time.
Classic, Feminine


Sigrid is a rare Scandinavian old-Norse name for girls that defies typical girls’ name styles. Sigrid means a “beautiful victory,” which you might feel is ideal for the girl you are expecting. The name is rare even in Scandinavia, so you could add a unique style to the stunning victory known as your little girl.

  • Origin: Old Norse
  • Meaning: Victory, beautiful
  • Pronunciation: SIY-GRiy-D
  • Variations: Sigfrid, Zigrīda, Siiri
  • Namesakes: Sigrid, a Norwegian singer. Sigrid Brahe, a Swedish countess.
  • Popularity: Sigrid is not ranked in the charts for girls’ names.
Formal, Unusual
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There is a classic charm about Solveig, whose meaning varies as widely as the “lady or strength of the house” to the “way to the sun.” Solveig has a built-in formality and completeness to it. While it is common in Scandinavia, Germany, and France, Solveig is quite rare in other parts of the world. Your little one may inhabit Solveig with a modern style.

  • Origin: Old Norse
  • Meaning: Lady/strength of the house, way to the sun
  • Pronunciation: Sol-veig
  • Variations: Solveigh, Solvey
  • Namesakes: Solveig Dommartin, a French actress. Solveig Rönn-Christiansson, a Swedish politician.
  • Popularity: Solveig is more common in Scandinavia and not as popular in the U.S.
Unusual, Regal


Sonja is a unique spelling of the typical Slavic spelling of Sonya or Sonia. Sonja is derived from the Greek Sophia, the ultimate word meaning “wisdom” of all kinds. Sonja is a Scandinavian spelling of this old-world name that may help it stand out a bit more for your little one.

  • Origin: Greek
  • Meaning: Wisdom, knowledge, teaching
  • Pronunciation: SON-ee-yah
  • Variations: Sonya, Sonia, Sonnia, Sona
  • Namesakes: Sonja McCullen, an American judge. Queen Sonja, Queen of Norway.
  • Popularity: Sonja is an uncommon name in the U.S. that peaked in 1938 at #178.
Feminine, Classic


Stella is everything at once – a classic, ancient Latin word for a star that’s been changed by the Swedish to meaning a “calm personality.” Stella is formal and as brief as a nickname. Stella is super popular everywhere you look, so Stella is the naming star for you if you want to be trendy.

  • Origin: Latin
  • Meaning: Star, calm personality
  • Pronunciation: STAHL-aa
  • Variations: Starla, Estelle, Estella, Estrella
  • Namesakes: Stella Adler, an American actress, and acting teacher. Stella McCartney, an English fashion designer.
  • Popularity: In the U.S., Stella found itself in the top 50 girls’ names from 2016 and in the top 100 since 2010. Stella peaked in popularity at #38 in 2018.
Popular, Pretty


The character of Mother Svea represents the spirit of Sweden in a mother figure. The actual meaning of Svea arose out of Svea-rike, another name for Sweden that means “realm of the Svear.” Svea is popular in Sweden itself, but you could bring some of Mother Sweden home when you name your little one Svea.

  • Origin: Swedish
  • Meaning: Of the Swedes, a Swedish spear
  • Pronunciation: Suh-VE-ah
  • Variations: Sveah, Saveah, Svia, Sveya
  • Namesakes: Svea Norén, a Swedish figure skater. Svea Holst, a Swedish film actress.
  • Popularity: Svea has an overall ranking of #1161 worldwide, making it popular in Sweden but not as much elsewhere.
Unique, Cool


Synnove is quite uncommon worldwide, though its roots channel through Norway back to Old English, meaning “gift from the sun.” Synnove has both a modern ring to it and a very special formal tone. Synnove is everything celestial channeled into one lovely, unique name.

  • Origin: Old English
  • Meaning: Sun-gift
  • Pronunciation: Si-NOH-vuh
  • Variations: Sunniva, Synneve, Synnöve
  • Namesakes: Synnove Karlsen, a Scottish actress. Synnove Lie, a Norwegian speed skater.
  • Popularity: Synnove is not ranked in the top 1,000 girls’ names.
Modern, Unique


Tea is a short, pretty name from archetypical Greek names like Dorothy and Dorothea from antiquity. Tea is simple yet packs a punch with it meaning “God’s gift.” Indeed, you may feel the same way when your little girl comes along – letting her know how much you cherish the gift she represents.

  • Origin: Greek
  • Meaning: Gift of God
  • Pronunciation: TEH-ah
  • Variations: Teija, Thea, Teea
  • Namesakes: Tea Leoni, an American actress. Tea Mäkipää, a Finnish artist.
  • Popularity: Tea is a relatively uncommon girls’ name, peaking in 1998 at #736. Tea barely registers in the top 5,000 girls’ name chart.
Pretty, Classic


Teresia is a very traditional name from the ancient Greek meaning “harvester.” Teresia has a similar meaning for the Swedes – “reaper.” The natural feel of this feminine name shines through and is super rare across the board, so you’d be guaranteed the only Teresia for miles.

  • Origin: Greek
  • Meaning: Harvester/reaper, huntress, summer
  • Pronunciation: Teh-REH-see-ah
  • Variations: Teresa, Terese, Therese
  • Popularity: Teresia’s highest ranking was #3034 in the U.S. in 1971. Teresia peaked in 1956 but did not make it into the top 1,000 girls’ names even then.
Classic, Formal


Thorfridh is the name you choose for your little girl when you hope to raise a modern-thinking, courageous, and extraordinary lady. Thorfridh derives from Old Norse mythology, meaning “Thor’s beauty,” but became known in Scandinavia to mean “love, peace, protection, and safety.” Thorfridh is extremely rare and can be used for a boy or girl’s name – especially for those with the guts to stand out?

  • Origin: Old Norse
  • Meaning: Thor’s beauty, love, peace, protection, safety
  • Pronunciation: THOR-frid
  • Variations: Torfrid, Torfred
Rare, Cool


Tilde is an old Germanic version of Matilda. While Tilde is somewhat popular in Scandinavia, it is not throughout the rest of the world. Tilde is a contemporary name that will fit a modern little girl while giving her the strength inherent in the original meaning.

  • Origin: Germanic
  • Meaning: Strength in battle, mighty in battle
  • Pronunciation: TIL-de
  • Variations: Thilde, Thilda, Tildie, Tildy
  • Namesakes: Tilde Fröling, a Swedish actress. Tilde de Paula Eby, a Chilean-Swedish author.
  • Popularity: While uncommon worldwide, Tilde peaked at #26 in Sweden in 2003 and is currently ranked #85.
Unusual, Stylish


Tindra feels like a traditional Scandinavian name with a long history but has only been used for 40 years. Tindra has become a modern hit among Swedish girl names, beautifully capturing the twinkle in your eye that will shortly arrive in little girl form.

  • Origin: Swedish
  • Meaning: To twinkle or sparkle
  • Pronunciation: TIHND-Rah
  • Variations: Tandra, Tandrah, Tendra, Tandriya
  • Namesakes: Åsa Tindra Jinder, a Swedish composer, producer, and songwriter.
  • Popularity: Tindra is hugely popular in Sweden, ranked #60, but has only been in use as a girls’ name since the 1980s.
Modern, Popular
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If you’re looking for the rarest of Scandinavian vintage names, you’ll love the strength and power of Torhilda. The name is so rare it doesn’t register on any name database, perfectly portraying a thunderous storm and the battle of the god Thor. If your little girl is up for the challenge, go ahead and give Torhilda a try.

  • Origin: Old Norse
  • Meaning: Thunder, battle, Thor, struggle
  • Pronunciation: Tor-HILDE-ah
  • Variations: Torhild, Torhta
  • Popularity: Torhilda is an extremely rare girls’ name worldwide.
Vintage, Unusual


Tova is an ancient name born out of the Hebrew word for “good” and the “beautiful Thor” in Old Norse tradition. Tova dropped in popularity, but that doesn’t mean this good and beautiful god/goddess can’t win big with your little one.

  • Origin: Old Norse, Hebrew
  • Meaning: Beautiful Thor, good
  • Pronunciation: TOH-va
  • Variations: Tovah, Tove, Tuve, Tohfa
  • Namesakes: Tova Dorothea Magnusson, a Swedish actress. Tova Sanhadray-Goldreich, an Israeli politician.
  • Popularity: Tova was common in Sweden, but after it peaked in 2002, Tova fell off the name charts. Tova only reached the top 2,000 names in the U.S.
Feminine, Rare


Tyra is a somewhat traditional-sounding name with a lot of backbone. Tyra finds its meaning in Old Norse mythology as the “god of battle” or the “thunder warrior.” Despite all this mythology, Tyra has a cool, sharp ring to it and, if it works for models and artists today, it may work wonders for your little one.

  • Origin: Old Norse
  • Meaning: Thunder warrior, god of battle
  • Pronunciation: TIE-rah
  • Variations: Tyrah, Tira, Tirah, Tyrra, Tyrrah
  • Namesakes: Tyra Banks, an American model. Tyra Kleen, a Swedish artist.
  • Popularity: Between 1880 to 2018, Tyra just made the top 1,000 names in the U.S.
Pretty, Unique


Ulla is a very feminine Scandinavian name with a powerful meaning. Ulla represents will and determination, something your little girl is sure to gain in life. Ulla is not very popular outside of Scandinavia, so you can enjoy the easy-to-pronounce yet uncommon name that is Ulla.

  • Origin: Scandinavian
  • Meaning: Will, determination
  • Pronunciation: OOL-lah
  • Variations: Oula, Ula
  • Namesakes: Ulla Werbrouck, a Belgian Olympic judoka and MP. Ulla Agneta (Andersson) Jones, a Swedish, American model/actress.
  • Popularity: As of 2011, there were 61,043 girls named Ulla in Sweden, and as of 2010, there were 25,959 females named Ulla in Finland.
Pretty, Unique


The rarity of Ulva doesn’t do justice to its beauty. The Germanic meaning of “wolf” could certainly infuse a powerful and impressive spirit into your young girl’s life. Despite its wolf tones, Ulva is feminine sounding and easy to pronounce.

  • Origin: Germanic
  • Meaning: Wolf, ruling wolf
  • Pronunciation: UWL-Vah
  • Variations: Ylva, Ylfva, Olva
  • Popularity: Ulva did not rank in the top 10,000 girls’ names, making it very rare.
Rare, Unusual


Valda is a mighty name for your treasured girl, sounding just like its meaning of “power and rule.” The name befits a heroine-in-training yet also sounds feminine at the same time. Valda has not been around the name charts for a long time, so it might be time to bring her back to life.

  • Origin: Old Norse
  • Meaning: Rules, power
  • Pronunciation: VAELD-ah
  • Variations: Vada, Vadah
  • Namesakes: Valda Setterfield, an English dancer, and actress. Valda Emily Unthank, an Australian cyclist.
  • Popularity: In the U.S., Valda has been around since 1897 and briefly reached the top 2,000 girls’ names.
Feminine, Unusual


Valdis carries a whole new sense of cool since it is known more for being a Latvian boys’ name, than a Scandinavian girls’ name. The formality and unique sound of Valdis will allow your little girl to stand out as the goddess who rules. Valdis is extremely rare in girls, so you could take the leap and bring Valdis to the ladies.

  • Origin: Old Norse
  • Meaning: The deities of Valhalla, goddess
  • Pronunciation: VAL-dis
  • Variations: Waldis
  • Popularity: Valdis is not ranked for girls’ names worldwide, while the Latvian boys’ name Valdis is listed but remains relatively rare.
Formal, Stylish


Vendela is a rarity among Scandinavian names, denoting someone from the Germanic Vandal tribe. The old-world quality doesn’t interfere with the international flair that Vendela brings with her to impart onto your little bundle.

  • Origin: Germanic
  • Meaning: Of the Vandals tribe
  • Pronunciation: VEN-dela
  • Variations: Wendela, Vendalla, Vandella, Vandela
  • Namesakes: Vendela Maria Kirsebom, a Norwegian, Swedish model. Vendela Zachrisson, Santén, a Swedish Olympic sailor.
  • Popularity: Vendela was a more common name in Sweden, only ranking in 1998. After 2002, Vendela was unranked and is rarely used in the U.S.
Pretty, Stylish


Viola rolls off the tongue like a Shakespearean sonnet, and since there’s a Viola in Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night, that certainly sounds like no accident. Viola originates from Latin for violet and is the ultimate feminine, classic name for little girls to enjoy.

  • Origin: Latin
  • Meaning: Violet
  • Pronunciation: VEE-Ola
  • Variations: Wiola, Violetta
  • Namesakes: Viola Davis, an American actress. Viola Cheptoo Lagat, a Kenyan middle-distance runner.
  • Popularity: Viola ranked in the top 50 girls’ names in the U.S. from 1899 to 1911 but left the list in 1972. It’s somewhat popular worldwide, currently ranked #15 in Italy.
Pretty, Vintage


Yngvild represents the rarest of Swedish girl names barely heard today. Yngvild is a warrior of the god Ing, yet the name seems as foreign to our ears as old Norse mythology. Should you want to resurrect the gods of old into the name of your little girl, Yngvild may be a superb fit!

  • Origin: Old Norse
  • Meaning: Ing’s warrior
  • Pronunciation: IHNG-Vahld
  • Variations: Ingveldr, Ingvil, Ynghild
Vintage, Rare
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About the Author

Maryana Vestic

Maryana Vestic is a Brooklyn-based writer, editor, and food photographer with a background in entertainment Business Affairs. She studied film at NYU, Irish Theatre Studies at Trinity College Dublin, and has an MFA in Creative Writing Nonfiction from The New School. She loves cooking, baking, hiking, and horror films, as well as running a local baking business in Brooklyn with her boyfriend.