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Gassy Baby: How to Prevent & Treat Infant Gas

Medically Reviewed by Michelle Roth, BA, IBCLC
Signs your baby has gas, and how to treat it.

Does your baby start to fuss after feeding? Do they keep crying despite efforts to settle them? If so, you could be dealing with gas.

Gas is totally natural in babies. When it’s obvious your child is in pain or distress, though, it’s tough to remind yourself of this.

Monitoring your child’s reactions to potential triggers is a great way to narrow down and avoid what’s causing your baby’s tummy troubles.

Every child is unique — there isn’t one solution that relieves all. With this in mind, I’ve put together a guide to help you understand how gas can affect your baby and some tips on how you might deal with it.

Key Takeaways

  • Gas in babies is natural and can cause discomfort or distress.
  • Causes include swallowing air, digestion issues, and certain foods.
  • Prevent gas by monitoring feeding positions, latching, and diet.
  • Relieve gas with belly massage, tummy time, or over-the-counter remedies.

What Causes Baby Gas?

As babies get older, it’s easier to understand what’s bothering them. My toddler used to say: “Mommy, I no feel much better,” and point to the area that was hurting.

For newborns and infants, however, finding out what’s wrong is more of a guessing game. If your baby has gas, there are a few physical signs you can look for. Babies’ tummies are so tiny, even the smallest bout of gas can be obvious from the outside.

  • Bloating: If gas stays too long in their system, your baby can become bloated.
  • Hard tummy: Gas can cause your baby’s belly to become harder and slightly swollen.
  • Burps and farts: If your baby is burping or passing wind, it could be a sign there’s more gas waiting to come out.

Sometimes, however, you won’t be able to tell if it’s gas just by looking at your child. In that case, it’s helpful to be familiar with the causes.

Understanding how gas forms, and why, may help you respond better to a child suffering from its effects.

1. Swallowing Air

Breathing is one of our most critical involuntary functions. While we may not notice it, we suck in air whenever we eat and drink (1). Babies, especially newborns, are still learning how the whole eating and drinking process works, which may cause them to take in more air than adults do.

Once the air enters our bodies, it has to be released somehow. If you can find a burping method that works for your child, he or she should be able to release the air before it reaches their intestines.

Babies have more opportunities to swallow air than adults. If you think this might be part of the problem, you may want to ask yourself these questions:

Have They Cried Recently?

Crying can be a major source of gas, particularly if the baby cries for a considerable length of time, taking in lots of air. If your baby has cried in the past few hours, it might be a reason they’re now suffering from gas.

Feeding too quickly

Is your baby gulping at the breast or with a bottle? This can cause them to take in more air than a slower flow.

Do They Use a Pacifier?

Pacifiers can cause babies to suck in air. Once, when my baby had a terrible case of gas, I later discovered it was all down to a cracked pacifier.

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2. Digestion

Gas can also be produced internally. The human digestion process is super-complex. Things your stomach can’t digest will move on to your intestines and be broken down by bacteria.

These bacteria create gas while they break down certain foods. Because this gas is produced in the intestines, it will most likely be released as flatulence.

A baby’s digestive system is still developing. As they grow up and start on solid foods, this milestone can be a shock to the system — and the period of adaptation could be a gassy one.

If it seems like your baby is cranky a few hours after meals, you may want to try and recall what they last ate. Food can take several hours to work through a baby’s body, so you should also consider the previous meal they had.

There are some foods that you may want to limit during your child’s first year (2). These foods can lead to gas, stomach problems, or allergies for younger infants, even if you feed them as a puree. They include, but are not limited to:

  • Nuts: Peanuts, almonds or other varieties.
  • Seafood: Shellfish, swordfish, tuna.
  • Dairy: Cheese, ice cream, yogurt.
  • Drinks: Carbonated beverages, fruit drinks, cow’s milk, drinks with high-fructose corn syrup, caffeine.

How to Prevent Baby Gas

Unfortunately, gas is just a part of being human. Every baby will suffer with it at some point, no matter how hard you try to avoid it. That said, there are some things you can do to help minimize its occurrence.

1. Breastfeeding Babies

Moms might not realize that their actions while breastfeeding could have an impact on gas. Here are a few scenarios and some ideas which may help.

Feeding Position

If you think the position your baby feeds might be contributing to gas, you might like to try some biological nurturing, also known as the “laid-back” position.

This simple technique involves leaning back on your couch or bed in a semi-reclined position. Your baby lays on top of you and finds their own angle to latch on. This allows for a natural molding to your body and can minimize awkward positions that may encourage excessive air inhalation.

While this position may not be as sleep-friendly as others, it does have a relaxing feel about it — plus, your baby might just fall asleep on your chest!

If you don’t feel comfortable reclined, at least be sure baby’s head is much higher than his bottom when eating. If his head is at breast level with his bottom in your lap, he can handle a fast flow more easily, taking in less air.
Headshot of Michelle Roth, BA, IBCLC

Editor's Note:

Michelle Roth, BA, IBCLC

Latching Issues

Breastfeeding can be tricky until you get the hang of it. Generally, it takes a while to find a position that works for both mom and baby. Even then, teaching the baby to latch properly often comes with a learning curve.

We’re all familiar with the consequences of breastfeeding incorrectly. Any mom that has ever had nipple soreness after a bad latch knows exactly what I’m talking about (3).

As well as the nipple pain for mom, babies who don’t form a proper seal around the nipple are much more likely to take in excess air, leading to a gassy tummy.

When helping your baby latch during their early days, it’s a good idea to encourage them to open their mouth as wide as possible when starting to feed.

Doing so will ensure their mouth is full of breast tissue, which should reduce areas vulnerable to air intrusion. They’ll use their nose to breathe and find a rhythm that works for them.

Mom’s Diet

When I was breastfeeding, my monster-in-law was adamant I shouldn’t eat spicy foods. The only problem was, I just couldn’t get enough of them. She reasoned that whatever I eat, my baby will eat too, and the jalapenos might be too much for a one-month-old tummy.

While the logic seemed water-tight, in reality, not all foods make their way into your breast milk. There are a few common foods that can affect a baby’s reaction to breast milk, but the list is probably not as extensive as you might have thought.

  • Cow’s milk-related products: Dairy products can be one kind of food that affects your breast milk (4). Some babies have milk allergies, while others are milk intolerant. If this is the case for your child, you’ll likely see other signs in addition to gas, such as rash vomiting, or diarrhea.
  • Foods that cause allergies in your family: Allergies can be genetic. If someone in your family is allergic to shellfish, for example, you may want to monitor your baby closely after you eat it and breastfeed.
  • Peanuts: Peanut protein can be transferred through breast milk. Most doctors recommend you don’t give your child nuts until they are at least 2 or 3 years old. Now, some doctors say breastfeeding mothers should also avoid it (5).
  • Some vegetables: Certain vegetables, like cauliflower or cabbage, can cause gas in both mom, though it won’t be transferred to baby through your breastmilk. Once your baby is eating solids, however, these veggies can make baby gassy, too.
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2. Bottle Feeding Babies

Bottle fed babies are vulnerable to the same kind of gas problems as breastfed babies — only from a different source. While most people don’t think about it, bottle-fed babies can also latch on incorrectly to bottle nipples, or react badly to certain kinds of formula.

If you think your baby’s bottle might be part of the problem, here are some things to check:

  • Feeding position: Try not to let your baby lay in a horizontal position when feeding. Keep the body at an angle while they feed, with their head above their stomach, and let gravity help the digestion process.
  • Bottle angle: When your baby feeds, make sure to hold the bottle diagonally. The nipple should be full of milk, and all of the air should be at the top end of the bottle.
  • Feeding speed: If your baby is drinking too quickly and gulping the milk, it might cause gas. Bottle feeding should take as long as breastfeeding, between 20 minutes to an hour. Replace the nipple with one that has a smaller size hole.
  • Formula: Formula brands for sensitive tummies are available. If your baby seems to be reacting badly to the milk, switching brands might be worth a shot.

3. Babies on Solids

Weaning your baby is an exciting time. After months of milk, I was so excited to share the joy of fruits, soups, and vegetables with my little one. And, given that my husband is a great cook, he couldn’t wait to make his favorite pasta dish.

However, what’s easy to forget is that babies’ bodies aren’t used to all of this. Each spoonful of something new represents a different challenge for their bodies to take on. Many babies do just fine, but others can be sensitive.

When you first start with solids, limiting your baby to one ingredient at a time is deemed best practice. This will help you identify any problem foods in the event of a gassy reaction.

Fruits and legumes are the biggest culprits when it comes to gas. However, you don’t want to cut them out completely. Start with small portions, or switch to something else and then try again in a few weeks if your baby seems gassy after a particular food. Your baby’s system will eventually mature and you don’t want to encourage picky eating habits later on.

How to Relieve a Gassy Baby

If it’s obvious your infant has gas and is showing signs of discomfort, there are a few things you can do to help. Some can be done at home, while others may require a quick trip to your local pharmacy.

Belly Massage

Sometimes, a gentle belly massage might be enough to help your baby release the gas from their tummy.

Coconut oil, or another kind of baby-friendly oil, could make the massage more enjoyable for your little one. Take a drop of oil between your palms and gently rub your baby’s stomach in a clock-wise circular motion.

Other parents massage their baby’s stomach while in a bath of warm water. The heat of the water can lessen the discomfort and help to distract the baby from any pain the gas may be causing.

Finally, you can walk and massage your baby by using a special carrying hold. Lay your baby face down on your forearm and spread their legs on either side of your arm. Use your other arm to hold them in place and gently rub their back.

While you walk, lightly bounce your arm up and down to press against their belly. The motion will work together with the pressure of your arm to make your baby feel better and, hopefully, break up some of those painful gas bubbles.

Tummy Time

Tummy time is important for babies. It helps to strengthen their backs and necks. It also prepares them for crawling and other stages of movement.

A lesser-known benefit of tummy time is its ability to help with gas. Tummy time is essentially a self-induced belly massage.

The movement while placed on their front can help release trapped gas and get the digestion process going. Just as with adults, exercise is an awesome digestion aid, and tummy time is like a mini-workout for babies who can’t walk yet.

A lot of babies don’t enjoy tummy time. My baby hated it. To help encourage it, I joined a local mom’s class and we all did tummy time together. I got to meet new friends and my baby got to see tummy time role models.

Baby Pilates

Sometimes, tummy time might not be enough to get their bodies going. In this case, some pilates-style baby moves might do the trick.

One thing that always helped my little one was the bicycle move. Lay your baby down on their back on the floor. Grab their legs and gently push back and forth, as if they were pedaling a bicycle.

There’s a trick you can try if they resist. Do it in time to some fun music. This may help to distract them from what’s going on, and it can also teach them some rhythm!

Another helpful move is to gently hold both legs and slowly push their knees towards their tummy. This hits the gas right where it hurts — in their bellies. You might even notice that gas being released as you move baby’s legs!

You can also try this approach in reverse. Again, lay your baby on their back and hold their arms at the elbow. Gently help them do a few sit-ups, to try and break up the gas.

Take a Walk (Or a Drive)

For babies with gas, a walk in your local park can help to reduce the discomfort of gas and get their gut moving. When babies sit in strollers, they sense the vibration of the wheels on the sidewalk. This subtle shaking can help them pass any gas that might be trapped in their belly.

If you’re lucky enough to have a good walking route near your home, it might be fun to take a quick step outside. If not, you can hop in the car and head out to one. The mere vibration of the car might be enough to induce flatulence and soothe baby to sleep.

This one may also help you, as a mom. Caring for a child suffering from excess gas can be difficult, and the stress of hearing your child cry can be overwhelming. The walk or drive can calm both the caregiver and the baby — giving everyone a moment to relax.


While burping is preventative, it can also be a response tactic. Especially if you suspect the gas may be from crying or excess air.

There are a few effective burping positions:

The first option is to place your baby upright against your chest. Make sure their mouth is facing outward and that they can breathe freely.

Gently pat their back to try and elicit a burp. I also find gently rubbing the back in a circular motion works for my little one, so I often combine the two to bring the burps up.

If your child doesn’t like that position, you could also try laying them on your lap. Place them face down across your thighs, again making sure they can breathe freely. Gently pat or rub their back.

Another burping technique requires your baby to be seated on your lap. Hold their chin to support their neck and lean them forward slightly. Rub or pat their back.

Burping should be done both in between and after feedings. If you breastfeed, take time to burp your baby between breasts. If you bottle feed, take a break halfway through the bottle to burp your baby. This may help to keep gas from forming in the first place.

Over-the-Counter Remedies

There are some readily available products that may ease the discomfort of gas, and many parents swear by them. However, there are mixed reports regarding efficacy within the limited research (6).

  • Gripe water: This is one option that may help soothe your baby’s stomach. Depending on the brand, it’s a mixture of water and various herbs. Most formulas contain sodium bicarbonate, which helps to break up gas and also soothe stomach problems.
  • Gas drops: Usually containing simethicone — a compound that breaks up gas bubbles in the tummy (7). This action makes the bubbles easier for your baby to release, which should also reduce discomfort.
  • Baby Probiotics: These can be taken by breastfeeding mothers or given to children directly. These “good” bacteria were recently found to have reduced symptoms of colic in a study of almost 600 children (8).

Research found the children had reduced crying time and pooped more often — all great signs that the digestive system is working.

It’s a good idea to discuss any of these options with your pediatrician before giving them to your baby. While they are all over-the-counter products, the suitability may be dependent on age. There’s also the possibility of interactions with other medication.

Could Baby Gas Be Something More Serious?

In most cases, gas is just a sign that your baby’s digestive system is working and maturing. However, there’s a slight possibility that serious discomfort caused by gas can signal a larger problem.

1. Constipation

Every parent knows that babies are poop machines. Newborns can poop six to eight times per day or more. While infants gradually poop less and less, they should still be very regular.

If your baby has gas and seems very uncomfortable, you may want to think back to when they last filled their diaper, and its consistency — a baby is thought to be constipated when they haven’t pooped for more than three days or they’re passing hard stools (9).

Constipation happens, but if it continues and is left untreated, it can cause problems. If you suspect your baby has constipation, call your pediatrician. For older babies or toddlers, the doctor may suggest high-fiber foods, like prunes, or more liquids to ensure they’re hydrated.

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2. Reflux

If your baby seems fussy and gassy, and is also spitting up often and seems generally uncomfortable all the time, it could be GERD. Most babies grow out of GERD by age one as their digestive system matures. In the meantime, your baby’s doctor may prescribe medication to make your baby more comfortable.

3. Colic

Despite being infamous in the parental community, medical experts still don’t know a whole lot about colic. There is no way to test for the condition, except that your child will typically be very fussy for long periods.

Usually, doctors will diagnose a child with colic if they cry for three hours or more a day, at least three days of the week, for a minimum of three weeks.

Although doctors aren’t 100 percent sure what causes colic, gas may be part of the problem. Passing gas is one symptom, and some believe it may also be the source of the discomfort associated with colic (10).

There are a few methods you can use to calm your baby. Most babies react well to tummy rubs and being carried or rocked. If you call your doctor, they might also be able to advise some over-the-counter remedies.

4. Lactose Intolerance

Children who are lactose intolerant don’t have enough of the lactase enzyme to break down the lactose — a sugar in milk and dairy foods (11).

When you start to wean your baby, their digestive system has to adjust from a “milk only” diet to new foods. This triggers the body to slow down production of lactase, so baby can’t process as much lactose (12).

If your child is lactose intolerant, you’ll notice signs soon after they consume products that contain this sugar. There will be gas. However, there will also be cramping, bloating, and possibly diarrhea.

Symptoms can also develop later on in childhood. If your child has always done well with lactose products, then suddenly appears to have issues, it’s possible they’ve developed an intolerance.

5. Celiac Disease

Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder that causes your body to attack itself when you eat food containing gluten (13). It tends to be genetic, so if you have it in your family, you may want to monitor your child for symptoms.

After eating gluten, your child may become irritable and have gas, severe bloating, vomiting, or diarrhea. Long term, it may cause severe problems, like malnourishment, or growth problems.

If you suspect gluten is causing problems for your child, you should discuss your concerns with your pediatrician. Although there is currently no known cure for this condition, switching to a gluten-free diet can help relieve these symptoms in your child.

Gassy Baby FAQs

How Can I Relieve My Baby’s Gas At Night?

To relieve your baby’s gas at night, try gentle belly massages, moving their legs in a bicycling motion, or adjusting their feeding technique to reduce air intake.

Ensuring a proper latch during breastfeeding or using anti-colic bottles can also help. Keeping your baby upright for a period after feeding may aid in digestion and gas release.

Does Swaddle Help With Gas?

Swaddling doesn’t directly help with gas, but it can soothe some babies, making them feel more secure and potentially lessening their crying, which can, in turn, reduce air swallowing.

If your baby seems uncomfortable and gassy, focus on gas relief techniques in addition to swaddling for comfort.

Does My Baby Have Colic or Gas?

If your baby has extended periods of intense, unexplained fussing or crying, especially in the evening, they may have colic. Gas is often a symptom of colic but can also occur on its own.

If your baby seems to have persistent discomfort, excessive gas, or cries for more than three hours a day, more than three days a week, for more than three weeks, they might have colic.

Is It Better to Give Gas Drops Before or After Feeding?

As mentioned earlier, gas drops can be effective both before and after feeding. Before feeding, it can help prevent gas buildup. After feeding, it might help relieve any gas that’s accumulated. Experiment to see what timing seems to provide the most relief for your baby.

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Medically Reviewed by

Michelle Roth, BA, IBCLC

Michelle Roth, BA, IBCLC is a writer, editor, and board-certified lactation consultant for two busy pediatric practices. She is a former La Leche League Leader, Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educator, and Certified Infant Massage Instructor.