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105 Top Finnish Boy Names: With Adorable Meanings

With unusual spellings and melodic pronunciations, there are many Finnish boy names to inspire a great name choice for your new son.

Finnish boy names are a great starting point if you’re looking for unique and exotic names for your son. Although the spellings can seem unfamiliar, many Finnish male names roll off the tongue and have beautiful meanings.

How can you choose just one Finnish name with strong meanings and beautiful characteristics? Fortunately, we’re here to help.

Whether you have a connection to Finland, have traveled throughout the Scandinavian region, love Finnish myths and legends, or just want a unique name, we’ve compiled the top Finnish boy names just for you!

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105 Top Finnish Names for Boys

Finnish boy names can seem a little unfamiliar, but there are some similarities with traditional English names.


Aapo is the Finnish version of Abraham, with the same meaning. If you hope your son has a large, loving family one day, naming him Aapo could be a wonderful choice. Aapo could inspire your son to embrace family and be a “father of multitudes.”

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Father of multitudes
  • Pronunciation: Ah-po


Aaro is a Finnish form of Aaron. It’s a classic name in Finland, also popular in neighboring Estonia. Aaro has a very powerful and spiritual meaning that could inspire your son to strive for spiritual enlightenment with his beliefs and actions.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Exalted and enlightened
  • Pronunciation: Ah-ro
  • Variations: Aro


Aatos is a fun name that simply means “thought or idea.” This could have two potential implications. Firstly, naming your son Aatos could inspire him to be an innovator or great thinker, constantly striving to create new ideas. However, Aatos could also be a more lighthearted name, showcasing that your new son is a little miracle in response to your thoughts of wanting a child.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Thought or idea
  • Pronunciation: Ah-tos
  • Popularity: Aatos ranked 19th in 2020 in Finland.


Ahti is an ancient choice among our Finnish boy names. Ahti or Ahto was the Finnish god of the seas and fishing- often shown as a tough, manly god with a thick beard. Ahti is featured in numerous spells, particularly when asking for a good catch. If you want an old and powerful name for your son, Ahti could be an excellent choice.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Unknown
  • Pronunciation: Ah-tee
  • Variations: Ahto


Aimo was a common name in Finland and Scandinavia in the last 100 years but is considered unique today. Naming your son Aimo could encourage him to always be generous in spirit and actions. It could also be a fun way to wish him to reach a strong, masculine stature in adulthood.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Generous amount
  • Pronunciation: Aimo


While Aki is a female name in Japanese, Aki also has ancient roots in Old Norse. Aki is a diminutive of Jaakkima or Joakim. Naming your son Aki could be a wonderful way to connect him to your spiritual beliefs. However, the Old Norse meaning of “ancestor” could also allow you to pay tribute to the relatives who have come before.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Yahweh establishes
  • Pronunciation: Ah-kee


Akseli is the Finnish form of Axel, with the same meaning. It could inspire your son to be a peacemaker, whether in everyday life, by striving to resolve conflict or brokering peace on a grander scale.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Father of peace
  • Pronunciation: Ahk-seh-lee


While it may be easy to assume that Alvi is the Finnish form of Alvie, the names have separate origins and meanings. Alvie is derived from Alvin and shares the meaning of “noble friend.” However, Alvi also has Latin roots. Whether you have a particular affinity for the color white or want to exemplify the purity of your new son, naming him Alvi could be a winner.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: White
  • Pronunciation: Al-vee


Anton is the Finnish, German and Russian form of Anthony, also known as a key biblical figure. Saint Anthony is a carer of the poor and sick, and he is also the patron saint of lost things. Anton could be the right choice if you want to connect your new son to your beliefs, inspire him to become a caring man, or want a less common form of Anthony.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Worthy of praise
  • Pronunciation: An-tonn
  • Namesakes: Anton Yelchin, an American Star Trek actor.


Armas is a wonderful Finnish male name that allows new parents to express their joy and love for their new son. While it’s a cool name with straightforward pronunciation, the beautiful meaning will envelop your son with love throughout his life.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Beloved
  • Pronunciation: Ahr-mas
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Artur is the Portuguese version of Arthur, best known as a legendary figure throughout history and myths. King Arthur was a daring warrior who battled against monsters and giants while also uniting the people of his land. The strict meaning of Artur is “bear-like,” which is another powerful image. Whichever of these meanings you find appealing, you are sure to inspire your son to grow up strong, independent, and brave.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Bear
  • Pronunciation: Arr-to


While unique in other areas of the world, Arvo is a simple and popular name in Finland. By naming your son Arvo, you could instill in him his value and worth and express how precious your new son is to you.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Value and worth
  • Pronunciation: Arr-vo


Auri is derived from the Latin word Aura and is a popular name in Finland and Greece. With its meaning of “soft wind or breeze,” Auri is a playful name associated with the dawn, which signifies a rebirth in many cultures.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Soft wind
  • Pronunciation: Auh-ree


Eero is the Finnish form of Eric, providing a unique variation compared to the declining popularity of the Old Norse, Eric. By naming your son Eero, you could inspire him to grow into a powerful leader in his area of influence.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Eternal ruler
  • Pronunciation: Ar-ohw


Eetu is the Finnish form of Edward with a similar meaning to “protector” or “guardian.” These are admirable characteristics to inspire your son as a boy and man. While popular in Finland, Eetu is unique in English-speaking countries, providing a less common version of the traditional Edward or Edmund.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Protector
  • Pronunciation: Eh-too


Eilo is an unusual, masculine name derived from a feminine name. Eilo comes from Eila, but both names have a similar meaning. Naming your son Eilo could showcase how he is a new light in your world. You could also inspire him to become a beacon of light to his peers and contemporaries, leading the way through darker times.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Bright, shining light
  • Pronunciation: eye-loh


Eino is derived from the Old Norse word for “one” or “alone.” While this may seem like a strange inspiration for a baby’s name, it could encourage your son to be strong and independent.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: One
  • Pronunciation: eye-noh
  • Namesakes: Eino Leino, a Finnish poet, and journalist, considered one of the pioneers of Finnish poetry.
  • Popularity: Eino ranked 10th in Finland in 2020.


Eiro is a Finnish form of Eirik, and is quite similar to Eero with the same meaning. However, Eiro is to Eirik in the same way that Eero is to Eric. By naming your son Eiro, you could enjoy a unique form of this Old Norse, traditional name.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Eternal ruler
  • Pronunciation: eye-ro


Ensio is a lovely name, ideal for your first son. However, naming your son, Ensio could also encourage him to embrace his competitive side and always strive to be first. This would have a similar meaning to Enzo, which is more common in Italy and Italian-speaking communities.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: First
  • Pronunciation: Ehn-see-oh


Erno is the Finnish form of Ernest, a classic English, and German name. Ernest has fallen out of favor in recent years as it’s viewed as old-fashioned. Erno is a lovely way to inspire your son to be resolute without resorting to the Muppet-like Ernie. Naming your son Erno could also be a cool way to pay tribute to an Ernest or Ernie in your lives.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Serious, resolute
  • Pronunciation: Ern-oh
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Esa is a popular name throughout Finland in other Scandinavian countries, including Norway and Sweden. Some experts believe that Esa is the Finnish form of Isaiah. If you want to connect your son with your religious beliefs or provide him with strong faith, Esa could be a nice name choice.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: God is my Salvation
  • Pronunciation: Ehs-ah
  • Namesakes: Esa Tikkanen, a Finnish professional hockey player.


Esko is derived from the Norse Asketill, which means “Helmet of God.” If you’re a fan of Norse legends and myths but don’t want an overtly Norse name, Esko could be a good compromise. You could imbue your son with the power and strength of Norse legend while giving him a cool Finnish name.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Helmet of God
  • Pronunciation: Ess-koh
  • Namesakes: Esko Aho, a former prime minister of Finland.


Fenno is a Frisian form of names in the Frederick family, including Fritz, Freddie, and Fedde. It’s a unique name that could connect your son to the Finnish language and culture. You can also use the cute Fenn as a nickname.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Finnish tribe and language
  • Pronunciation: Fen-oh
  • Namesakes: Richard Fenno, an American political scientist known for his significant contributions to U.S. Congress.


Similar to Aapo, Hami is related to Abraham and derived from the more formal Aaprahami. By using Hami, you can not only give your son a really cute name but connect him with your religious beliefs. You could also encourage him to have a large family or inspire your son to be a spiritual father figure to many.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Father of multitudes
  • Pronunciation: Ham-ee


Although it may be easy to mistake Hannu with Hannah, Hannu is a gender-neutral name with a slightly different meaning. Hannu has its roots in ancient Norse, so it’s an old, traditional name. Hannu could be a good choice for your little boy if you want to connect him with your religious beliefs.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: God is gracious
  • Pronunciation: hah-noo


Harto is the Finnish form of Harold, which could make it a more modern choice. If you want to pay tribute to a Harold in your family by naming your son after him but don’t particularly like this somewhat old-fashioned name, Harto could be a good compromise.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Army ruler
  • Pronunciation: Har-toh


If you’re keen on strong Finnish boy names, particularly ones with some sharpness, Heikki could be a good choice. While the spelling may look unusual, Heikki is easy to pronounce, and is also related to the name Henry. Whether you want a strong connection to Finland or a unique form of Henry, Heikki could be a keeper.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Ruler of the home
  • Pronunciation: Hay-kee
  • Namesakes: Heikki, or Saint Henrick, the patron saint of Finland.


Henri is a Finnish form of Henry. Henri has Germanic roots and is the name variant used in Germany and France. If you want a less common variant of the traditional Henry, with the same pronunciation, Henri is a good option.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Home ruler
  • Pronunciation: Hen-ree
  • Namesakes: Henri Matisse, a French impressionist painter.


Iiro is a nickname for Isak, which is the Nordic form of Isaac. Isaac is an important biblical figure. So, if you want to connect your son to your spiritual beliefs, but want a less common name, Iiro could be a good choice. Alternatively, with its meaning of “laughter,” naming your son Iiro could inspire him to live a life filled with happiness and joy.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Laughter
  • Pronunciation: Ee-ro
Fun, Biblical


Ismo is the Finnish form of Ishmael with the same meaning of “God will heal.” Ismael is considered a common patriarch of Abrahamic religions. He was the first son of Abraham and is considered a prophet in Islamic tradition. Naming your son Ismo is a great way to connect him to your spiritual beliefs.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: God will heal
  • Pronunciation: Ees-mo
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Isto is a nickname for two popular Finnish names, Israel, the Finnish variant of Israel and Taisto. Isto is the perfect name to prepare your son for the struggles he may face in life. Naming him Isto could inspire your son to be strong-willed and have a fighting spirit.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: He who struggles with God
  • Pronunciation: Is-toh


Jaako is the Finnish form of Jacob. Jacob was not only the father of Jesus’ stepfather Joseph, but also the younger brother of Esau. Although the meaning “supplanter” may appear negative, Jaako could be a good name choice if you want a more unique version of Jacob.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Supplanter
  • Pronunciation: Yah-koh


Jalmari is the Finnish variant of Hjalmar, an Old Norse name with very deep roots. Jalmari carries great significance towards Norse myths, providing protection, anonymity, and invoking fear on battle opponents. By naming your son Jalmari, you can connect him with this deep, rich history and use the cute short form Jari.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Helmet protector
  • Pronunciation: Hal-marr-ee
  • Variations: Jari


Jalo is a beautiful Finnish boy’s name with an inspiring meaning. While being “noble” and “gracious” are not often considered the manliest of traits, they are important for kind, caring, and strong men and boys. Jalo is also easy to pronounce as it simply rolls off the tongue, even if you don’t speak Finnish.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Noble, gracious
  • Pronunciation: Yah-lo


Not to be mistaken for the feminine English name Jane, Janne is a Finnish male name with a different meaning. Naming your son Janne could allow you to express how blessed you feel about becoming his parents. Whether you’ve prayed for a child or he is simply a welcome gift, Janne is a perfect choice.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Gift from God
  • Pronunciation: YAHN-ne
  • Namesakes: Janne Anderson, a Swedish football coach.


While Jarmo is mostly unknown in the US, it’s a popular boy’s name in Finland. Jarmo is a wonderful name to connect your son to your religious beliefs. You could also inspire your son to tackle good works as God appoints him.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Appointed by God
  • Pronunciation: Yahr-mo


Jaska is another Finnish version of Jacob, best known as a biblical figure in the Old Testament. As the younger brother of Esau, Jacob is often referred to as a “supplanter,” which may appear a bad thing. Naming your son Jaska could inspire him to develop a strong and determined spirit.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Supplanter
  • Pronunciation: Yahs-kah
  • Namesakes: Jaska Raatikainen, a Finnish musician .
Spiritual, Biblical


Joa is a Finnish form of Joe or Jo with a similar meaning. Joa could be a great choice if you like these names but want a unique take. Joa can still connect your son with your religious beliefs, but it’s relatively unknown outside Scandinavian countries.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Jehovah increases
  • Pronunciation: ho-ah


Joonas is the Finnish form of Jonah. Jonah is well known in the story of Jonah and the whale, but Jonah also has a simple meaning of “dove.” Doves are symbolic of peace and hope, which could provide wonderful inspiration for your new son’s name.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Dove
  • Pronunciation: Yaw-nas


Jorma is the Finnish form of Jeremiah with similar meaning. By naming your son Jorma, you could connect him with your religious beliefs and inspire him to take on any good deeds with purpose and conviction. Jorma is also easier to roll off the tongue than the more common Jeremiah.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Appointed by God
  • Pronunciation: Yor-mah
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Joulu is a wonderful name choice if your son is due around Christmas or you have a particular affinity with the holiday. There are few male names with a Christmas theme, but Joulu is the Finnish word for Christmas. Joulu is a cute name with an easy pronunciation that is perfect for December babies.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Christmas
  • Pronunciation: You-loo


Juho is the Finnish form of John and a short form of Juhani. John is a significant biblical name, known as one of the apostles, and Jesus’ distant cousin John the Baptist was a celebrated prophet and preacher. However, John is a common name in English-speaking countries. So, if you want a unique take on this traditional name, Juho is a good option.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Graced by God
  • Pronunciation: Yoo-ho


Jussi is a wonderful name to celebrate your joy at becoming parents to your son. With its beautiful meaning of “gift from God,” naming your son, Jussi can not only connect your son with your religious faith but also showcase your appreciation of being his parents.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Gift from God
  • Pronunciation: You-see
  • Namesakes: Jussi Jääskeläinen, a Finnish professional soccer player.


Juuso is the Finnish version of Joseph and is sometimes used as a short form of Juuseppi. Joseph is a well-known name in the Bible- known as the stepfather of Jesus in the New Testament and as the youngest, favorite son of the patriarch, Jacob, in the Old Testament. Naming your son Juuso could not only connect him with your spiritual beliefs but also provide a unique form of the traditional Joseph.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Jehovah increases
  • Pronunciation: Yoo-so


Kaarlo is a form of Karl and a Scandinavian variation of Charles. Charles is a regal name, with numerous kings and princes holding this name throughout European history. However, if you want a unique version with an unusual spelling, Kaarlo is a great choice. Kaarlo is easy to pronounce and easily recognizable in English-speaking countries despite the spelling.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Freeman
  • Pronunciation: Kar-low


Kalani is a popular name in Finland, but it’s also common in Hawaiian. Kalani is a wonderful way to connect your new son or daughter with your spiritual beliefs. Naming your son Kalani is also a lovely way to express your joy at becoming parents.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Heavenly
  • Pronunciation: Kahl-ah-nee


Kalevi is derived from Kaleva, which has the same meaning. The Finns are part of Finnish legends, so naming your son Kalevi could be a wonderful way to express your connection to Finland. While both Kalevi and Kaleva are traditional Finnish boy names, Kalevi is often considered more suitable for non-Finnish boys, as names ending in “A” are often thought of as feminine.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Ancestor of the Finns
  • Pronunciation: Kah-leh-vee


Karo is found in many cultures worldwide, including Japan, Turkey, Bulgaria, and Germany. However, the meanings vary depending on the area. In Finland, Karo means “just,” which is a fantastic characteristic for strong, manly men. By naming your son Karo, you could inspire him always to be fair and just in his dealings with friends, family, and other people.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Just
  • Pronunciation: Kah-ro


Pretty and beautiful are usually limited to girl names, as they tend to be feminine. However, Kauno is derived from Kaunis, the Finnish word for “beautiful.” Naming your son Kauno could allow you to express your wonder at your beautiful little boy. However, you could also inspire him to be a “beautiful” person throughout his life.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Beautiful
  • Pronunciation: kow-no


Kauri is derived from the Finnish word “kauris,” which means “deer.” Kauri is a lovely name if you are akin to the wilderness or want to encourage your son to be a sensitive and agreeable person. Kauri is also found in Maori culture, as the name is derived from a New Zealand North Island native tree.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Deer
  • Pronunciation: Kow-ree
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If you’re looking for a magical name for your new son, Keijo could be a suitable and unique option. This sweet Finnish boy’s name means “elf” or “fairy,” which is a unique way to connect him to myths and legends.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Elf or fairy
  • Pronunciation: Keh-ho


Lars is derived from the Latin Laurentius, the root for names such as Laurence and Lauren. However, Lars has a warm and familiar sound that will not seem inappropriate in English-speaking countries. Lars is a great alternative if you want a name for your son from this family root but feel Laurence is a little formal.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Crowned with laurel
  • Pronunciation: La-hrs
  • Namesakes: Lars Ulrich, a member of the band Metallica.


While it would be easy to mistake it for the English term “lass,” Lasse is a very different name. While lass refers to girls and is commonly used in England and Scotland, Lasse has roots in old Norse. It’s a Finnish form of Laurence, dating back to ancient Roman times. As with Lars, if you want to name your son after a Laurence but want a less formal version, Lasse could be a good choice.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Crowned with laurel
  • Pronunciation: la-sah-uh


Launo is the Finnish form of Klaus, sharing the same meaning. This makes Launo a powerful name that could inspire your son to embrace his competitive spirit and always strive for victory. You could not only provide him with a unique moniker but also encourage him to aim for more than participation trophies.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: People of victory
  • Pronunciation: Lao-now


Although easy to mistake as a Finnish form of Levi, Lavi has a far different meaning. Lavi is part of the leonine group of names, including Leo, Leonard, and Lionel. Lions have many admirable qualities to keep one inspired. These pack animals are brave, courageous, and strong, which are all excellent traits to encourage in your son. Lavi can provide a unique take on more common leonine names.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Lion
  • Pronunciation: Lah-vee


Leevi is the Finnish form of Levi, a popular name in the US. Levi has ancient biblical roots as Levi was one of Jacob and Leah’s 12 sons. Levi was also one of the names of the apostle Saint Matthew. Whether you want to connect your son to your religious beliefs or showcase that he has joined your family and will be forever attached to you, Leevi is a wonderful name choice.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Joined or attached
  • Pronunciation: Lee-vie
Traditional, Biblical


Lemmity is a lovely name suitable for boys or girls. Naming your son Lemmity will allow you to showcase your joy at being his parents and express that he’s surrounded by love. You could also use the cute Mitty as a nickname.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Beloved
  • Pronunciation: Lem-it-ee


Although Lenny is a nickname for Leonard in English, in Finnish, Lenni is a name in its own right. Naming your son Lenni could also inspire him to be brave and confident in facing any challenges he may encounter.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Brave lion
  • Pronunciation: Lee-nee
  • Namesakes: Lenni-Kim, a Canadian singer.


While Manu features in several cultures worldwide, including Maori, it also has different meanings. In Finnish, Manu is derived from Emmanuel, sharing the same meaning of “God is with us.” Manu is a shorter name but still an excellent way to connect your son with your spiritual beliefs. Naming your son Manu could also help surround him with love and grace.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: God is with us
  • Pronunciation: Man-oo


Markus is the Finnish, Scandinavian, and German form of Mark. However, the spelling variation with a “K” is a little cooler than the more popular Marcus spelling. Naming your son Markus doesn’t necessarily mean that he will be a little mercenary, but it could encourage him to be a brave and dependable warrior through any of life’s battles.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Warlike
  • Pronunciation: Marr-kus
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Mathias is another form of Matthew. Mathias is a popular boy’s name throughout the Nordic region from Finland and Denmark to Sweden and Norway. Mathias has a spiritual meaning that could allow you to celebrate him as a gift in your life.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Gift of Yahweh
  • Pronunciation: Math-i-as
  • Popularity: Mathias ranked 11th in Finland in 2020.


Matti is the Finnish form of Matthew, but unlike the nickname Matty, Matti is a name in its own right. If you like Matthew but would like a unique version, Matti could be a good option. Matti is also a good way to connect your new son with your spiritual beliefs or showcase that he was a gift from God and an answer to your prayers for a child.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Gift of God
  • Pronunciation: Mat-ee


Mauri is the Finnish form of Maurice. Mauri provides a more modern take on Maurice, which has fallen out of favor as an old-fashioned name. Both names have Latin roots, but if you want to name your son after a Maurice in your life but are not completely happy with the name, Mauri could be a good alternative

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Dark-skinned
  • Pronunciation: Mow-ree


Mika is the shortened Finnish version of Mikael, a popular variation of Michael in Finland, Germany, and the Netherlands. If you want a more unusual form of Michael, Mika is a cute option. However, you need to be prepared for people pronouncing it like the mineral mica with a long “i” sound.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Who is like God
  • Pronunciation: Mee-ka
  • Variations: Mikko, Miska


Mikael is a Finnish form of Michael used in other European countries. Michael is a significant biblical figure as God’s warrior, who represented God’s providence and led the heavenly host. Naming your son Mikael could provide a unique spelling of a common name and connect your son with your spiritual beliefs.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Who is like God
  • Pronunciation: Mike-al
  • Namesakes: Mikael Gabriel, a Finnish rapper.
  • Popularity: Mikael ranked 4th in Finland in 2020.


Niko is a Finnish variation of Nikolaos or the more common Nicholas, a slightly more worldly form of Nico. Niko can be traced back to ancient Greece, so it has a long, traditional history. Whether you want a unique form of Nick or Nicholas or want to inspire your son to fight for the people, Niko is an excellent choice.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Victory of the people
  • Pronunciation: Nee-koh


Nilo is the Finnish form of Daniel with similar meaning. If Daniel is too popular in your neighborhood or family, Nilo could be a good alternative. Naming your son Nilo could also inspire him to be self-confident and not bow to peer pressure, with the reassurance that only God is his judge.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: God is my judge
  • Pronunciation: Nee-lo


Olaf has risen in popularity in English-speaking countries due to the cute character in Frozen. Olavi is a Finnish form of Olaf, which could allow you to take inspiration from the Disney tale without following the crowd. Olavi is also a very family-friendly name, as it allows you to pay tribute to family members who have come before.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Family descendant
  • Pronunciation: O-lah-vee
  • Popularity: Olavi was rated the 2nd most popular boy’s name in Finland in 2020.


If you’re looking for a fun name that could encourage your son to live a happy life, Onni is a great name choice. While it’s relatively unknown in English-speaking countries, Onni is one of the most popular Finnish boy names. With its uplifting meaning, naming your son, Onni could not only connect him with Finnish culture and heritage but inspire him to pursue a meaningful life.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Happiness, luck
  • Pronunciation: On-nee
  • Popularity: Onni ranked 7th in Finland in 2020.


Not to be confused with the more familiar Cosmo, Osmo is a Finnish boy name with a completely different meaning. However, naming your son Osmo could inspire him to always be young at heart, even later in his life.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Young man
  • Pronunciation: Ahs-mah
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Otso is a great option if you’re looking for a strong, manly name for your son. Its meaning conjures images of being tough and rugged. Bears are also very devoted and protective of their young. While they may attack if riled, bears can also be sensitive and social. All of these are admirable traits to encourage in your son.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Bear
  • Pronunciation: Ot-soh


Paavo is the Finnish form of Paul, with a similar meaning. While a “humble” person may be easy to overlook, those who walk in humility are often brave and strong in their convictions. St Paul is also a significant figure in Christianity as one of the apostles and one of the early church leaders.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Humble
  • Pronunciation: Pa-voh


Pasi is the Finnish form of Basil. While Basil may have fallen out of favor, Pasi carries a strong modern appeal- perhaps a perfect choice for your very own little prince.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Regal
  • Pronunciation: Pah-see


Pekka is the Finnish form of Peter. Although the meaning may seem a little strange, it’s worth considering that a “rock” is someone who provides support and strength- admirable traits to inspire in your son. Peter also has religious significance as one of the apostles of Jesus. Whether you want to connect your son to your religious beliefs or want a solid name, Pekka could be a keeper!

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Rock
  • Pronunciation: Peh-kah


Pentti is the Finnish form of Benedict. Benedict has Latin roots, derived from Benedictus, a less familiar old-fashioned name. By naming your son Pentti, you could not only express your feelings of being “blessed” as his parents but also showcase the love and blessing surrounding your little bundle.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Blessed
  • Pronunciation: Pent-tee


Pertti is the Finnish form of Robert, with similar meaning. If Robert is a little familiar, but you like the meaning, Pertti could be a good compromise. By naming your son Pertti, you could inspire him to be a bright light in the lives of the people around him, creating light and warmth in the darkest times.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Bright flame
  • Pronunciation: Pert-tee


Raimo is the Finnish form of Raymond with the same meaning. If you want a unique variant of the popular Raymond, Raimo could be a good alternative. You can still use the short form Ray as a nickname. By naming your son Raimo, you could inspire him to always seek wise counsel.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Wise protector
  • Pronunciation: Ray-moh


Rami is an international name, as it features in Finnish, Arabic, and Sanskrit with slightly different meanings. Being a “protector” is a wonderful trait to inspire in your son, as he could grow into a loving and protective son, father, and friend.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Protector
  • Pronunciation: Rah-mee
  • Namesakes: Rami Malek, an American-Egyptian actor, best known for his award-winning role as Elliot Alderson in The Robot TV series, and Freddie Mercury in the film Bohemian Rhapsody.


Rasmus is derived from Erasmus, a popular name in Finland and Eastern Europe. Rasmus may have become more familiar in English-speaking countries due to the popularity of the Finnish band, The Rasmus. By naming your son Rasmus, you could not only pay tribute to your favorite musicians but also surround him with love.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Beloved, desired
  • Pronunciation: Raz-muhs
  • Namesakes: The Rasmus, a Finnish rock band.


Rauno is the Finnish form of Ragnar, which may be familiar due to the popularity of the Marvel film Thor Ragnarock. Rauno is a powerful name ideal for any Norse warrior. If you want to inspire your son to be strong, noble, and ready for any challenges in life, Rauno is a great name choice.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Warrior, judgment
  • Pronunciation: Row-no
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Although it would be easy to assume that Reijo is a derivative of Raymond, Reijo is a Finnish form of Gregory. As a strong traditional option among our Finnish names for boys, Reijo could inspire your son to watch over his loved ones, vigilant for any dangers. If you want to pay tribute to a Gregory in your life but want a unique take on the name, Reijo is an attractive option.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Vigilant watchman
  • Pronunciation: Ray-yo


Reino is an unusual Finnish name, which could encourage your son to be a good leader and encourage others. As an aside, Reino is also Spanish for “kingdom,” which could add additional weight to your son’s new name.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Council power
  • Pronunciation: Ray-no


Reko is a Finnish form of Gregor, related to Gregory and Reijo. Reko is a powerful name that could encourage your son to be alert and prepared to watch over his loved ones. You could also use Reko as a tribute if you’re a fan of the Allan Moore graphic novel and 2009 movie.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Watchman
  • Pronunciation: Reh-ko


Risto is the Finnish form of Christopher. If you want a unique take on the name but want to steer away from the equally common Chris, Risto could be a good option. Risto has the same meaning as Christopher, so it can still allow you to connect your son with your spiritual beliefs.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Bearer of Christ
  • Pronunciation: Rees-toh
  • Popularity: Risto is very rare, while it’s counterpart Christopher consistently ranks among the USA’s top 50 boy’s names.


Roope is another Finnish form of Robert. Roope can be used as a first name or surname, depending on the area of Finland. Naming your son Roope could inspire him to be a “bright” light in other’s lives or highlight that he’s a bright spark from the moment you know him.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Bright
  • Pronunciation: Ro-pay


Whether you are literary-minded or simply want to inspire your son to live a rich life, Runo is a lovely choice. Runo could be a way to express your favorite poet’s beautiful sentiments or inspire him to value poetry and literature. The pronunciation may be a little tricky for English speakers who may use an “O” sound rather than an “A,” which is not intuitive in English.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Poem
  • Pronunciation: Ruw-nah


Sakari is the Finnish form of Zachary and is derived from Sakarias. Zachariah often features in the Bible as a high priest, prophet, king, and the father of John the Baptist. If you want a unique take on Zachary or Zach, Sakari is an excellent alternative.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: The Lord has remembered
  • Pronunciation: Sah-kah-ree


Samu is the Finnish form of Samuel, which is also used in Hungarian and Spanish. Samuel is an important biblical figure as a priest, seer, judge, military leader, and prophet. If you want to connect your son to your religious beliefs or simply want a less common form of Samuel, Samu is a good choice.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Told by God
  • Pronunciation: Sah-moo


Sebulon is the Finnish form of Zebulon. Zebulon is a key figure in the Jewish faith. You will lose the “zee” sound from the traditional name, but you can use the popular nickname Seb as a pet name for your son.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Exaltation
  • Pronunciation: Seb-u-lon


Seppo is the Finnish form of Sebastian, with a different origin. In Finnish, “seppa” means “smith.” You could use the Holy Land city connection as inspiration for your son’s name, connecting him to your faith. Alternatively, if you want to encourage him to be a hands-on creator, the alternative word origin for Seppa could make a perfect option.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: From the ancient city of Sebastia
  • Pronunciation: Sehp-po
Spiritual, Ancient
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Severi is the Finnish form of Severin, closely related to Severus. This makes the name an excellent choice for Harry Potter fans, who don’t want to be obvious in paying homage to their favorite Slytherin teacher. You could encourage your son not to be a flighty or whimsical person who doesn’t follow through on plans.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Serious and stern
  • Pronunciation: Seh-veh-ree


Sippo is a Finnish form of Siegfried, with a more accessible and fun nature. Whether you’re a fan of the composer Siegfried Wagner or enjoy the shows of Siegfried and Roy, naming your son, Sippo could be a way to pay tribute in a less obvious way. Sippo also has a powerful meaning that could inspire your son to always strive for peace and reconciliation.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Victorious peace
  • Pronunciation: Sip-po


Tahvo is a Finnish form of Stephen. Stephen was the first Christian martyr and the patron saint of stonemasons and bricklayers. Stephen was well regarded as a deacon in the early Christian church, caring for the poor. Whether you want to connect your son to your Christian faith or would like a unique form of the familiar Stephen or Steven, Tahvo is a fun alternative.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Crown or garland
  • Pronunciation: Tah-vo


Taneli is the Finnish form of Daniel. Daniel has Hebrew origins and is a strong biblical name. By naming your son Taneli, you can have a unique version of Daniel and connect him to your religious beliefs. Daniel could also encourage your son to stand firm and not bow to the pressure and judgment of others.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: God is my judge
  • Pronunciation: Tan-el-ee


Tapio is a cute Finnish boy name with a charming meaning. In Finnish mythology, Tapio was the bear god who reigned over animals, the forest, and hunting. This makes Tapio a powerful name, as you can also take inspiration from bears themselves. Bears are protective, sensitive, and caring, all wonderful characteristics to encourage in your son.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: The bear
  • Pronunciation: Ta-pee-oh
  • Popularity: Tapio ranked 18th in 2020 in Finland.


Tarvo has two possible meanings, as there are two origins for the name. The first meaning comes from the word “tarvo,” derived from the Old Finnish “tarvas,” which means “wild aurochs”- an extinct wild cattle species that are possibly the ancient ancestors of modern-day cattle. Aurochs would roam the plains and remain in herds. The other meaning for Tarvo is from the Estonian “tarv,” which means “energy.”

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Wild aurochs or energy
  • Pronunciation: Tahr-vo


Teemu is derived from the Greek Nicodemus via the Finnish Tiemus. Teemu not only rolls off the tongue, but has a powerful meaning. Naming your son Teemu could inspire him to always work for the good of people, ensuring victory against any oppressors.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Victory of the people
  • Pronunciation: Teh-moo


Tero is a diminutive of Antero, the Finnish form of Andrew. In English-speaking countries, Andrew is a traditional name among Christian communities, as it belonged to an apostle and Scotland’s patron saint. Whether you have ties to Scotland or want to link your son to your beliefs, or are looking for a manly name for your son, Tero is a unique choice.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Strong and manly
  • Pronunciation: Teh-ro


Timo is the Finnish and German form of Timothy. While it’s a popular choice among Finnish male names, it’s far more common in Germany. Timo is an excellent option if you want to honor a Timothy in your life but prefer using an alternative.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Honoring God
  • Pronunciation: Tee-mo
  • Namesakes: Timo Mass, a German DJ .


Tuomo is the Finnish form of Thomas. Thomas was one of the apostles, so the name has religious significance. Tuomo also means “twin.” This makes Tuomo a fantastic name choice if you’re expecting twins but are unsure about both boys’ names. If you want a less common form of Thomas or Tom, Tuomo is an excellent alternative.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Twin
  • Pronunciation: Tu-omo
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Ukko is a deity in Finnish mythology as the god of thunder and the sky. If you love Thor in the Marvel movies or comics, Ukko could be a good alternative name choice. Ukko also means “old man,” which could represent someone worthy of respect.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Old man
  • Pronunciation: Ook-ko


All children are “light” in their parents’ lives, making Valo a wonderful way to express this feeling. Valo is easy to pronounce and could inspire your son to be a shining “light” even in the darkest times.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Light
  • Pronunciation: Val-oh


Veeti is a popular Finnish name derived from Frederik or Ferdinand. Veeti has a lovely meaning of “peace and protection,” which are beautiful concepts to imbue in your new son. A name such as this could encourage him to live a peaceful life, protecting his loved ones.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Peace and protection
  • Pronunciation: Veh-tea


Vilppu is a Finnish form of Philip. Philip has Greek roots and is way more popular worldwide, with various spellings. Whether you’re looking for a unique version of Philip or have a strong connection to horses, Vilppu is an excellent option.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Friend of Horses
  • Pronunciation: Vil-pu


Life is full of challenges, large and small. A name such as Voitto, could encourage your son to strive for success and hope in all the battles he faces.

  • Origin: Finnish
  • Meaning: Victory
  • Pronunciation: Voyt-to
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Lorraine Smithills

Lorraine is a freelance writer and author. She was born and educated in England but relocated to Spain with her husband to fulfill her dream of writing full time. When not discovering unique names and their meanings, Lorraine has her nose in a good book or is in her kitchen performing culinary experiments.