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Breastfeeding with Implants: Safety, Milk Production & More

Medically Reviewed by Michelle Roth, BA, IBCLC
Think you can't breastfeed after implants? Think again.

Have you had your breasts augmented? Are you now wondering whether breastfeeding with implants is possible? It’s a question raised by many new moms and moms-to-be, so you’re not alone on this one.

Let’s take a look at how breast implants can affect breastfeeding. We’ll examine the types of surgery involved in augmentation and the different effects they can have. We’ll also determine whether breastfeeding with implants is possible. You might be surprised by the answer.

Key Takeaways

  • Breastfeeding with implants is possible, but factors like implant size, incision location, and scar tissue can affect milk production.
  • Surgical techniques like inframammary and trans-axillary have less impact on breastfeeding, while periareolar and transumbilical techniques may cause more difficulties.
  • Consulting a lactation specialist can help with increasing milk supply and managing any pain or discomfort from breastfeeding with implants.
  • Breastfeeding with implants is considered safe, as silicone levels in breast milk are not elevated and there is no increased risk of birth defects.

How Breast Implants Affect Milk Production

There are several factors that can affect the amount of milk you produce when you have breast implants. These include:

1. Where the Implant Incision Was Made

The location of the cut to insert an implant can indicate the amount of damage caused to nerves, blood vessels, milk ducts, and glands. If the nipple or areolas were cut, then it’s likely nerves were cut, which can make breastfeeding more difficult (1).

The nerves located in the nipple and areolas play a part in the hormone signals you need to make and release breast milk. When a baby suckles, the sensation increases the levels of prolactin and oxytocin. These two hormones are essential to milk production (2).

Prolactin triggers milk production in the breast, and oxytocin triggers the flow, or “let-down,” of the milk. When these nerves are damaged, you might not have enough sensation in this area to signal the brain to deliver these hormones.

This area is also the outlet for the milk ducts in the breasts. If the area has been cut for an implant, the amount of milk your baby receives might be reduced, or the milk may be unable to get through at all due to scarring.

2. Bigger Might Not Be Better

The size and positioning of the implant will affect the pressure within the breasts. The glandular tissue in the breast that produces milk is located above a layer of muscle. The larger the implant, the more impact it might have.

An implant placed between the muscle layer and glandular tissue can exert more pressure on the milk-producing glands. This can lead to a decrease in milk production and the ease with which it can flow.

An implant placed below the muscle layer is thought to have less impact on these glands and the production of breast milk.

3. The Effects of Scar Tissue

Following breast implantation, scar tissue can form, causing the breasts to become firm (3). This could lead to improper milk drainage.

If milk is allowed to build up in the breasts, it can lead to excessive engorgement, plugged ducts, or even a painful breast infection called mastitis. Women with implants might be more prone to these issues (4).

4. Lack of Functional Breast Tissue

Many women have implants for cosmetic reasons, sometimes because their breasts don’t develop normally. They may refer to their pre-surgery breasts as “tubular,” widely spaced (have a gap of more than 1.5 inches between them), or asymmetrical (5).

It’s possible that these types of breasts can have less glandular tissue, which will cause a low milk supply. Implants can reduce the efficiency of this tissue even more (6).

5. Feeling and Sensitivity

Following surgery for breast implants, some women experience painful and extremely sensitive breasts. This can make breastfeeding difficult and uncomfortable.

There’s also the possibility of chronic numbness in the nipple area. A loss of feeling in your nipples could interfere with the signaling to the brain to release milk-inducing hormones (7).

6. Milk Production When Not Breastfeeding

There are occasions following the insertion of implants when milk production can happen spontaneously.

A milk-filled cyst (called a “galactocele”) could form, or a milky discharge from the breast (called “galactorrhea”) can happen (8). In either case, the implants may have to be removed (9).

How Surgical Implant Techniques Affect Breastfeeding

There are different surgical techniques used to insert implants. Let’s examine some of them and how they might affect your breastfeeding ability.

1. Inframammary Technique

This is one of the most popular techniques to enlarge your breast size. It involves making an incision under the breast. The implant is placed either under the breast tissue or the muscle.

The scarring from this surgery might not be visible as it sits where the breast joins the chest wall.

The impact on breastfeeding from this type of surgery is less as it doesn’t interfere with the nerves or glandular tissue. However, milk supply could be reduced depending on where the implant is placed.

2. Trans-Axillary Technique

The incision for this procedure is made in the armpit. A specialized camera and instruments are then used to maneuver the implant into the best position. The scar left is small and does not affect the breast itself as the implant is placed under the muscle.

This method gives a good prognosis for breastfeeding as it doesn’t interfere with the nerves or glands of the breast.

3. Periareolar Technique

This involves the surgeon making an incision around the outside edge of the areola. It’s a technique used more often if a mild-to-moderate breast lift is being done simultaneously. The implant is then inserted through this deep incision and moved into place.

On the upside, the scarring with this technique is generally hidden by the darker pigmentation of the areola. The downside is this method can be associated with reduced feeling in the nipples and can cause the most difficulties with breastfeeding.

In fact, one study has shown that women who have had this type of implant surgery are five times more likely to have problems breastfeeding. This could be due to damage to the glandular tissue and milk ducts (10).

4. Transumbilical Technique

With this technique, they enter through the belly button, and the implant is then moved into place on top of the muscle in the breast.

This leaves one primary scar, which is not on the breast, but tissue damage can occur as the implant is maneuvered into place. This could also cause reduced breast milk supply.

Can Damage to Breast Tissue Be Repaired?

If your breast tissue has been damaged, all is not lost. Our bodies are remarkable machines, and our nerves, ducts, and glands have the potential to repair over time following breast implant surgery.

Also, when we’re pregnant, the hormones released in the body prepare the breasts for feeding a baby. The glandular tissue develops and increases, which could result in sufficient function for breastfeeding (11).

The tissue you still have may compensate for any damaged tissue, but your milk supply might be lower. It’s possible that the glandular tissue will grow sufficiently with subsequent pregnancies for an improved amount of milk.

It’s also possible to use medications to encourage milk supply (12). Aside from that, “breast compression” during pumping and breastfeeding can encourage better flow due to the pressure on the areas with hard tissue buildup.

Can I Breastfeed with Implants?

Now we return to this burning question.  The answer is “yes.” In most cases, you can breastfeed with implants.

There are factors that can affect the amount of milk you will produce. These include the type of surgery, if you have any scarring, and how much glandular breast tissue you have.

However, there are always other things that can affect successful breastfeeding. These include how well your baby latches on and the use of correct positioning.

You can do things to increase the amount of breast milk you produce. A lactation specialist can advise you, so it’s a good idea to consult one. Be sure to inform them about your surgery and concerns about milk supply.

They can guide you on how to support and increase your milk supply from the time your baby arrives and help you manage any pain. The scar tissue from your implant surgery might make breastfeeding uncomfortable at first.

Breastfeeding frequently during the first few weeks is very important. It all comes down to supply and demand. The more milk your baby demands, the more milk your breasts should produce.

One way to do this is to massage and express your milk or use an electric breast pump. If you empty your breasts with either of these methods after nursing, you could increase the amount of milk being produced.

Another way you might increase your breast milk is by using herbs known as “galactagogues.” These include fennel, fenugreek, and milk thistle, among others. Certain foods are also thought to have “lactogenic” properties, including oatmeal, almonds, dried apricots, and more.

While some moms have found these foods and herbs effective, there’s a lack of scientific evidence to back it up (13). As always, if you’re pregnant, check with your doctor before taking any herbs, as not all are suitable pre-birth.

Even if you have a reduced amount of breastmilk, you can still breastfeed. You might need to supplement with formula from bottles or use an at-breast supplementing method. This could be necessary to ensure your baby gets all the food they need to grow and thrive. Keep in close contact with your baby’s pediatrician and your lactation consultant to ensure all is going well.

Is It Safe to Breastfeed with Implants?

Before we answer this question, let’s examine what implants are made of. There are two types of implants, both of which have a silicone outer shell. These are then filled with either saline (sterile salt water) or silicone gel (14).

Silicone is a synthetic material made of silicon combined with other elements, like oxygen, carbon, and hydrogen. It’s low in toxicity and used in many household and medical items. You’ll find it in catheters, bandages, contact lenses, shampoos, kitchenware, and even bottle teats.

You might be concerned about whether silicon from your implants can pass to your baby in your breast milk. Although accurate levels can’t be measured, a study indicates that levels of silicon in milk are not elevated in moms with implants. In fact, more silicon was found in formula and cow’s milk than in breast milk from women with implants (15).

Another concern might be whether your implants can contribute to birth defects in your baby. The FDA has found that two studies on babies born to moms with breast implants show there is no increased risk.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) state that there have not been any clinical reports in recent years that indicate issues from silicon in implants and breastfeeding. However, they point out that the research is limited (16).


Do Implants Sag After Breastfeeding?

Breast implants themselves don’t sag, but the breast tissue around them might change due to the natural effects of pregnancy and breastfeeding. Factors like the type of implant, placement, and individual skin elasticity will influence changes in breast appearance.

Do Implants Make Nipples Less Sensitive?

Breast surgery can sometimes affect nipple sensitivity due to nerve disruption. While many women experience temporary changes in nipple sensation following surgery, most see a return to normal sensitivity over time. However, permanent changes are possible.

Can Breast Implants Cause Mastitis?

Breast implants do not directly cause mastitis. However, any breast surgery can potentially affect breastfeeding and milk flow, which in turn might contribute to milk stasis and infection.

It’s important to monitor breast health and consult a healthcare provider if you’re worried about breastfeeding with implants.

How Long Do Breast Implants Last?

Breast implants are not lifetime devices but can last many years. On average, implants might last 10-20 years without complications.

However, they can sometimes require replacement or removal due to issues like rupture, capsular contracture, or cosmetic concerns over time.

Can You Get Implants Removed While Pregnant?

Generally, elective breast implant removal would not be performed during pregnancy.

If there are urgent health concerns related to the implants, your healthcare provider will discuss the safest options for you and your baby. Typically, removal or revision would be planned for after childbirth and breastfeeding.

Weighing It Up

Breast augmentation is the most popular type of cosmetic surgery in the USA. The chances are if you don’t have them yourself, you know someone who does.

Breastfeeding with implants is possible, but some factors could affect the amount of breast milk you produce. The good news is that you can often increase this with good breastfeeding management. Consulting a lactation specialist is also a good idea, as they have the knowledge to help and advise you.

It’s also worth noting that even if your milk supply is less than you would like, even small amounts are a gift for your baby. Most importantly, it can help build their immune system.

If you discover that you can’t breastfeed, be comforted in knowing formula will give your baby all the nutrients they need. You can still feel the closeness and bonding by feeding skin-on-skin and having lots of cuddles.

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Medically Reviewed by

Michelle Roth, BA, IBCLC

Michelle Roth, BA, IBCLC is a writer, editor, and board-certified lactation consultant for two busy pediatric practices. She is a former La Leche League Leader, Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educator, and Certified Infant Massage Instructor.