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25 Farm Animal Coloring Pages: Printable Sheets for Kids

Add some barnyard fun with free farm animal-themed coloring sheets.

Experience life on the farm with our farm animal coloring pages. Whether it’s a cute piglet, a grazing cow, or a fluffy sheep, these printables offer fun for all ages. Print your favorite designs and start your farm animal coloring adventure now.

Cow Grazing in a Field

A single cow peacefully eating grass in an open field with a simple fence in the background.
Cow Grazing in a Field Farm Animal Coloring Page - A single cow peacefully eating grass in an open field with a simple fence in the background.

Horse Galloping by a Fence

A majestic horse galloping along a wooden fence line in a field.
Horse Galloping by a Fence Farm Animal Coloring Page - A majestic horse galloping along a wooden fence line in a field.

Sheep Resting Under a Tree

A fluffy sheep lying down under a leafy tree for shade.
Sheep Resting Under a Tree Farm Animal Coloring Page - A fluffy sheep lying down under a leafy tree for shade.

Goat Climbing a Small Hill

A spirited goat climbs a gentle hill with a few rocks and sparse grass.
Goat Climbing a Small Hill Farm Animal Coloring Page - A spirited goat climbs a gentle hill with a few rocks and sparse grass.

Pig Rolling in Mud

A happy pig rolling around in a giant mud puddle with a satisfied expression.
Pig Rolling in Mud Farm Animal Coloring Page - A happy pig rolling around in a giant mud puddle with a satisfied expression.

Chicken Pecking at the Ground

A chicken is pecking at seeds scattered on the ground near a simple wooden coop.
Chicken Pecking at the Ground Farm Animal Coloring Page - A chicken is pecking at seeds scattered on the ground near a simple wooden coop.

Duck Swimming in a Pond

A duck gliding across a pond with ripples trailing behind.
Duck Swimming in a Pond Farm Animal Coloring Page - A duck gliding across a pond with ripples trailing behind.

Cattle Standing Together

A group of cattle standing together in a field, showing the unity of the herd.
Cattle Standing Together Farm Animal Coloring Page - A group of cattle standing together in a field, showing the unity of the herd.

Alpaca Looking Curiously

An alpaca with a curious expression is standing in a field with its head raised.
Alpaca Looking Curiously Farm Animal Coloring Page - An alpaca with a curious expression is standing in a field with its head raised.

Goose Flapping Wings

A goose flapping its wings as if preparing to take off from a grassy area.
Goose Flapping Wings Farm Animal Coloring Page - A goose flapping its wings as if preparing to take off from a grassy area.
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Sheep Grazing with Herd

A peaceful scene of a sheep grazing in a field with the rest of the herd in the background.
Sheep Grazing with Herd Farm Animal Coloring Page - A peaceful scene of a sheep grazing in a field with the rest of the herd in the background.

Farm House Surrounded by Fields

A cozy farmhouse with a large field in the foreground, simple and welcoming.
Farm House Surrounded by Fields Animal Coloring Page - A cozy farmhouse with a large field in the foreground, simple and welcoming.

Pig Snouting for Truffles

A pig in the dirt, searching for truffles among a few fallen leaves.
Pig Snouting for Truffles Farm Animal Coloring Page - A pig in the dirt, searching for truffles among a few fallen leaves.

Horse Neighing Near a Barn

A horse is standing near a barn, neighing loudly.
Horse Neighing Near a Barn Farm Animal Coloring Page - A horse is standing near a barn, neighing loudly.

Goat Butting Heads

Two goats in a friendly head-butting moment in a fenced enclosure.
Goat Butting Heads Farm Animal Coloring Page - Two goats in a friendly head-butting moment in a fenced enclosure.

Bull Resting in a Meadow

A bull lying down in a meadow with wildflowers, looking relaxed.
Bull Resting in a Meadow Farm Animal Coloring Page - A bull lying down in a meadow with wildflowers, looking relaxed.

Cow Drinking from a Pond

A cow bending down to drink water from a clear pond.
Cow Drinking from a Pond Farm Animal Coloring Page - A cow bending down to drink water from a clear pond.

Alpaca Chewing Grass

An alpaca is standing still, chewing on a mouthful of fresh grass.
Alpaca Chewing Grass Farm Animal Coloring Page - An alpaca is standing still, chewing on a mouthful of fresh grass.

Goose Honking Loudly

A goose with its beak open, honking loudly to alert its flock.
Goose Honking Loudly Farm Animal Coloring Page - A goose with its beak open, honking loudly to alert its flock.

Piglet Playing with a Ball

A cute piglet playing with a small ball in the yard.
Piglet Playing with a Ball Farm Animal Coloring Page - A cute piglet playing with a small ball in the yard.
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Bull with a Bell Around Its Neck

Standing in a pasture, a proud bull with a large bell hanging from its neck.
Bull with a Bell Around Its Neck Farm Animal Coloring Page - Standing in a pasture, a proud bull with a large bell hanging from its neck.

Chicken Looking Out from Behind a Fence

A curious chicken peeking out from behind a wooden fence.
Chicken Looking Out from Behind a Fence Farm Animal Coloring Page - A curious chicken peeking out from behind a wooden fence.

Pig Sniffing Around a Barn

A pig with its nose to the ground, sniffing around the outside of a barn.
Pig Sniffing Around a Barn Farm Animal Coloring Page - A pig with its nose to the ground, sniffing around the outside of a barn.

Alpaca with a Funny Haircut

An alpaca with a humorous haircut looking slightly bemused.
Alpaca with a Funny Haircut Farm Animal Coloring Page - An alpaca with a humorous haircut looking slightly bemused.

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