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240 Zesty Last Names That Start With Z: With Meanings

Get schooled by exotic and captivating last names, starting with Z.

At some point, we all wish we had one of the many cool last names that start with Z! Whether German, Arabic, or Slavic, many Z surnames have a tale to tell. How can you best wrangle this vibrant selection of last names to understand them better?

We’ve done the wrangling for you to produce a name list filled with over 200 last names starting with Z. You’ll learn important aspects of each name, from meaning to usage. End up an expert in all things Z regarding these fascinating surnames.

80 Popular Last Names That Start With Z

Dig into the meanings behind these well-known last names, starting with Z.

  1. Zaal – means “light” in Arabic; a 4-letter name of an Iranian warrior king.
  2. Zaborski – for those from Zaborze in Poland; composed of “za,” meaning “beyond,” and “bór,” meaning “forest.”
  3. Zachary – originated with the Hebrew Zechariah, which means “God remembers” in the Bible.
  4. Zahariev – among patronymic Russian last names that start with Z, which means “son of Zahari.”
  5. Zahn – a nickname for someone with an oversized tooth, from the German “zan(t),” meaning “tooth.”
  6. Zajac – means “hare” as a Slavic nickname for a fast runner; also appears as Zajec and Zajić.
  7. Zak – means “schoolboy” in Polish, Czech, and Slovak; a 3-letter nickname for a studious person.
  8. Zakrzewski – for those from Zakrzewo or Zakrzów in Poland or anyone who lived “beyond the bush.”
  9. Zaleski – among 7-letter Polish Z last names, meaning “other side of the forest.”
  10. Zamarripa – made up of the Basque “zama,” meaning “gorge” and “erripa,” meaning “slope.”
  11. Zambrano – a Spanish nickname based on the Arabic “zambra,” referring to a “gypsy festivity (with dancing).”
  12. Zammit – a Maltese and Sicilian nickname from the Arabic “zamīt,” meaning “of a serious disposition.”
  13. Zamora – one of many last names starting with Z named after a town, in northwestern Spain.
  14. Zamudio – made up of the Spanish “zame,” meaning “ravine,” and “dio,” meaning “terrain with water.”
  15. Zane – an alternate spelling of the German Zahn; also associated with the Arabic Zain, meaning “handsome.”
  16. Zanetti – a plural Italian form of Zanetto based on the first name Zane or Zani.
  17. Zangari – a plural variation of the Italian “zangaro,” an occupational name for a bootmaker.
  18. Zapata – an occupational name for a cobbler or shoemaker, from the Spanish “zapato,” meaning “half boot.”
  19. Zapatero – a unique form of the Spanish Zapato, an occupational name given to a shoemaker.
  20. Zappa – an Italian occupational name given to a “farmer,” or means “hoe” in Italian.
  21. Zaragoza – refers to Zaragoza in northeast Spain and also appears as Saragosa.
  22. Zarate – a Basque place name in Spain taken from the Spanish “zara,” meaning “thicket.”
  23. Zaremba – derived from the Polish “zajebać,” meaning “to chop,” as an occupational name for a woodcutter.
  24. Zavala – means “fortress” in Basque Spanish and also appears as Zabala.
  25. Zawacki – among Polish surnames beginning with Z, based on the first name Zawad, meaning “gift.”
  26. Zawisza – a Polish given name taken from “zawist,” meaning “jealousy” and “envy.”
  27. Zayas – comes from the Basque “zai,” an occupational name for a “watchman” or “guard.”
  28. Zdunowski – given to someone from Zduny in Poland; also an occupational name for a potter.
  29. Zeelan – a Dutch variation of Van Zeeland for those from Zeeland, a Kurdish surname meaning “sky.”
  30. Zegarowski – has an unknown meaning, but also appears as Zygarwoski or Zegarski in Polish.
  31. Zegers – consists of the German “sigi,” meaning “victory,” and “her,” meaning “lord.”
  32. Zeh – is a German nickname for someone with unusual toes based on “zehe,” meaning “toe” or “claw.”
  33. Zehntner – given to someone from Zehetmair in German Bavaria; also means “mayor.”
  34. Zeigler – another spelling of the German Ziegler, an occupational name for a “tiler” or “brickmaker.”
  35. Zelaya – based on Zelaia, the name of a Basque town in Spain; from “zelai,” meaning “field.”
  36. Zelenka – a Slavic derivative of “zelený,” meaning “green,” for an inexperienced person.
  37. Zelensky – a Ukrainian and Belorussian surname meaning “green,” which also appears as Zelenski.
  38. Zeller – for those from Zelle in Germany; from “zelle,” meaning “cell” or “small room.”
  39. Zellers – originated in German Bavaria and refers to a town called Zelle.
  40. Zellmer – for a “dweller in a small house” and a short form of the German Zellmeier.
  41. Zellweger – for someone from Appenzell in Switzerland, from the Latin “abbatis cella,” meaning “abbot’s estate.”
  42. Zeman – a Czech-Slovak occupational name for a farmer or small landowner, from “zem,” meaning “land.”
  43. Zendejas – a beautiful 8-letter Hispanic version of the Spanish Cendejas, based on a place name.
  44. Zeng – means “high” or “add” in Chinese and is currently ranked 32nd among mainland China surnames.
  45. Zepeda – taken from the Spanish “cabecero,” meaning “grass head” to describe a place.
  46. Zezza – an Italian spelling variation of Zizza, from “zizu,” meaning “elegant youth.”
  47. Zhang – means “to draw a bow” in Chinese and ranked 3rd among Chinese and Taiwanese surnames.
  48. Zhao – a Mandarin surname variant meaning “beckon,” “gesture,” or “attract (bad things)” in Chinese.
  49. Zheng – a Mandarin last name meaning “upright” or just” in Chinese.
  50. Zhong – means “middle,” “loyalty,” or “center” in Chinese and also appears as Chóng.
  51. Zhou – means “surrounding” in Chinese; originally the name of an ancient fief (land estate) in the Shaanxi Province.
  52. Zhu – means “wizard prayers” in Chinese; an occupational name for someone who chanted prayers during worship.
  53. Ziegler – the most common spelling of a German and Jewish occupational name for a tiler.
  54. Zigler – an Americanized spelling of the German and Jewish Ziegler, meaning “tiler” or “brickmaker.”
  55. Zielinski – a unique spelling of the Polish Zelinski derived from “zieleń,” meaning “green” or “youthful.”
  56. Zimmer – means “room” or “chamber” in German as part of the occupational name for a carpenter.
  57. Zimmerman – originally appeared as the German Zimmermann, as given to a “carpenter.”
  58. Zingle – means “slim” or “slender” in German; also appears as Zinkle and Zingale.
  59. Zini – an Italian plural form of Zino, a patronymic surname for a “son of Zino.”
  60. Zink – from the Middle German “zinke,” meaning “peak,” denoting someone living near a crag of land.
  61. Zinn – a German and Jewish occupational name for a “pewter worker,” from the Middle German “zin.”
  62. Zino – an Italian name based on the Greek Zenobios, meaning “gift of Zeus.”
  63. Zipp – a variation of the German Zipf, from Sippo, a form of Siegfried, meaning “victorious peace.”
  64. Zivaljevic – or Zivaljevich, among Serbo-Croatian surnames starting with Z, which has an unclear meaning.
  65. Živković – taken from the Serbo-Croatian first name Živko, from “živ,” meaning “alive.”
  66. Zlatkov – a Bulgarian patronymic surname meaning “son of Zlatko,” meaning “gold.”
  67. Zobel – a German occupational name for a fur trader; also means “to tease or fight.”
  68. Zoeller – taken from the Old German “zeller,” a form of “zell,” meaning “cell.”
  69. Zola – means “lump or mound of earth” in Italian and “calm” or “peaceful” in Zulu.
  70. Zoltánfi – means “son of Zoltan” in Hungarian, from “zoltan,” meaning “sultan,” “authority,” and “power.”
  71. Zook – an American spelling of the German Zug, also appearing as Sook.
  72. Zorić – a 5-letter Serbo-Croatian surname from “zora,” meaning “dawn.”
  73. Zornes – a plural form of the German Zorn, meaning “wrath,” common in Bavaria and Thüringen.
  74. Zou – ranked 67th among Chinese surnames; refers to the ancient state of Zou.
  75. Zubizarreta – is made up of the Spanish-Basque “zubia,” meaning “bridge” and “zahar,” meaning “old.”
  76. Zuiderduin – means “southern dune” in Dutch and also appears as Zuiderduyn.
  77. Zundel – a diminutive of Zunder, meaning “tinder” as an occupational name for a kindling wood seller.
  78. Zuñiga – a Basque place name composed of “zuin,” meaning “cultivated field” and “iga,” meaning “incline.”
  79. Zupan – based on the Croatian and Slovenian “župan,” meaning “village headman,” from “župa,” meaning “district.”
  80. Zvirbulis – is a Latvian surname meaning “sparrow” that also appears as Swirbulis.

80 Unique Last Names Starting With Z

You might be surprised how the meanings for these surnames starting with Z first originated.

  1. Zabala – named after towns in Basque Country; taken from “zabal,” meaning “large” and “broad.”
  2. Zabel – a North German variant of Zobel based on “zabel,” meaning “board game.”
  3. Zaborowski – “from Zaborów” in Poland, for someone living “on the other side of the forest.”
  4. Zacarias – means “God remembers” as a Spanish and Portuguese version of the biblical Zachariah.
  5. Zacher – dates back to the 13th-century German Rhineland, a male variation of the Hebrew Zacharias.
  6. Zafar – also a male name meaning “victory” among Arabic last names that start with Z.
  7. Zager – for those from Zager, in Germany; an American spelling of the Croatian-Slovenian Žagar, meaning “sawyer.”
  8. Zagorski – is composed of the Polish “za,” meaning “beyond the other side of,” and “góra,” meaning “hill.”
  9. Zaidi – describes someone associated with Zaid, named after Zain ul-ʿĀbidīn of the Shite Muslim imams.
  10. Zaki – means “pure,” “chaste,” and “sinless” in Arabic; also appears as Zaky.
  11. Zalewski – from the Polish “zale,” meaning “baton,” as given to a “descendant of Zal.”
  12. Zaman – means “time” and “age” in Arabic as in “nūr uz-zamān,” meaning “light of the era.”
  13. Zamarron – a Spanish place name in Granada and a nickname taken from “zamarra,” meaning fur jacket.”
  14. Zambrana – a Spanish nickname based on the Arabic ”zambra,” given to a specific gypsy festivity.
  15. Zamorano – a surname used for someone “from Zamora,” in northwestern Spain.
  16. Zander – a German occupational name for a barber-surgeon taken from “zan(t),” meaning “tooth.”
  17. Zanders – a German variation of Sander or Zander, meaning “pike-perch” in German.
  18. Zapien – a Mexican form of the Basque Zapiain, located in the Gipuzkoa province of Spain.
  19. Zarco – a Spanish and Portuguese nickname given to someone with “light blue eyes.”
  20. Zartman – an American spelling of the German Zartmann, composed of “zart,” meaning “darling” and “man.”
  21. Zastrow – a Slavic-German place name located in western Pomerania, Germany.
  22. Zatarain – means “over the vantage point” or “place where elder trees grew” in Basque Spanish.
  23. Zavaleta – also appears as Zabaleta, from the Spanish “zabal,” denoting a “small, square courtyard.”
  24. Zawadski – for those from Zawada or Zawady in Poland; based on “zawada,” meaning “obstacle” in Polish.
  25. Zazueta – a Hispanic variation of a Basque surname describing a “group of” people from a region.
  26. Zea – a Galician-Spanish form of Cea, based on various places throughout Spain.
  27. Zebrowski – among geographical Polish last names starting with Z, meaning “from Żebro” in Poland.
  28. Zech – from the Middle German “zech(e),” describing an “activity carried out in a certain order.”
  29. Zehner – a German occupational name for a collector of tithes for the lord of the manor.
  30. Zeitler – for someone who works as a clockmaker or watchmaker, from the German “zeit,” meaning “time.”
  31. Zeledon – an alternate spelling of the Spanish Celedón, from the Greek Chelidonios,” meaning “like a swallow.”
  32. Zelinski – comes from the Polish “zieleń,” meaning “green” and “youthful.”
  33. Zell – a simplified variation of the Middle German “zelle,” meaning “small room” or “cell.”
  34. Zellner – a German and Jewish occupational name for a tax collector that also appears as Zolner.
  35. Zemke – a short form of the Germanic-Slavic Zemislav, from “zemlja,” meaning “earth” and “land.”
  36. Zeno – dates back to Greece, meaning “gift of Zeus,” and also appears as Zenon.
  37. Zenon – a derivative of Zeus, the Greek god of the sky symbolized by a lightning bolt.
  38. Zepp – a variation of the German Zapp, from the Yiddish Zippel or the German Sifrid.
  39. Zerbe – for those from German place names like Zerbau or Zerben; appears as Zerby in Poland.
  40. Zeringue – an unusual French nickname, associated with the German Zehringer, for those from Gehring.
  41. Zermeno – a Spanish spelling variation for Cermeño, a nickname meaning “fool,” “lout,” and “slob.”
  42. Zertuche – thought to be a Basue name originating in Vizcaya, Spain with an unknown meaning.
  43. Zetina – a Mexican version of the Spanish Cetina, for those from Cetina in Aragon.
  44. Zetterberg – made up of the Swedish “zetter,” meaning “outlying meadow,” and “berg,” meaning “mountain.”
  45. Zevallos – another form of the Spanish Ceballos, from “ceballo,” meaning “horse.”
  46. Zhen – means “precious,” “rare,” or “treasure” in Chinese and is also a girl’s name.
  47. Zick – an American spelling of the German Zich, meaning “touch,” “light push,” or “pressure.”
  48. Ziebell – a German occupational name for a grower of onions taken from the Latin “cepulla.”
  49. Zielke – based on the German first name Selko and used with the suffix “-ke.”
  50. Ziemba – means “builder” in Polish as an occupational name for a craftsman.
  51. Ziemer – a North German variant of Siemer, which comes from Siegmar, meaning “famous victory.”
  52. Zimameans “winter” and “cold” in various Slavic cultures, as a nickname for a cold person.
  53. Zion – is one of the 70 names for Jerusalem in Hebrew and appears as Sion and Tsiyyon.
  54. Zirkle – means “circle” in German as an occupational name for a watchman or maker of compasses.
  55. Zito – from the Italian “zitu,” which denotes a “bachelor” and was first a medieval given name.
  56. Zohller – relates to Zoeller and dates back to the 14th-century; describes a “cell master.”
  57. Zoll – a German occupational name for a “customs officer,” means “toll” or “duty” in German.
  58. Zollinger – given to those from Zollingen, Germany; also means “customs post.”
  59. Zona – a feminine Italian nickname which refers to a “zone” or “area.”
  60. Zorn – means “wrath” and “anger” in German as a nickname for a short-tempered person.
  61. Zorns – one of many variations of Zorn, a German pet name for someone angry or wrathful.
  62. Zorrilla – a Spanish diminutive for “zorra,” meaning “vixen,” or “zorro,” meaning “fox.”
  63. Zuber – a German occupational name given to a cooper or tubmaker.
  64. Zucker – a German and Jewish surname meaning “sugar,” also used for a thief.
  65. Zuckerman – based on the German and Yiddish “zucker,” meaning “sugar man.”
  66. Zuercher – a version of the Swiss-German Zürcher; a name given to someone from Zurich.
  67. Zuk – means “bee,” a Slavic occupational name for a beekeeper.
  68. Zukowski – for those from Żuki, Żukowo, or Żuków in Poland; from “żuk,” meaning “beetle.”
  69. Zullo – a short form of longer Italian personal names like Marzullo or Vincenzullo.
  70. Zuluaga – made up of the Spanish-Basque “zul,” meaning “black,” and “uga,” meaning “hill.”
  71. Zumwalt – another form of the Swiss-German Zumwald, used for someone who lived “by the forest.”
  72. Zupancic – means “village headman,” a Slovenian and Croatian surname for those “from Zupan.”
  73. Zurawski – given to those hailing from Żuraw, Żurawka or Żurawice in Poland; from “żuraw,” meaning “crane.”
  74. Zurek – a Slavic surname meaning “sour soup,” a nickname for someone who liked eating sour soup.
  75. Zurita – a Spanish nickname meaning “dove,” derived from the Basque “zuri,” meaning “white.”
  76. Zwart – a Dutch nickname for someone with black hair; also appears as De Zwart.
  77. Zweifel – a German nickname for an indecisive person, from the Middle German “zwīvel,” meaning “equivocation.”
  78. Zwick – composed of the German “zwic,” meaning “nail,” as an occupational name for a shoemaker.
  79. Zych – a Polish nickname for Zygmunt and a form of Sigmund, meaning “conjuring protection.”
  80. Zylstra – an Americanized spelling of the Dutch Zijlstra, meaning “inhabitant of a sluice (sliding gate).”

80 Rare Surnames Starting With Z

Explore the rarest last names that start with Z with uncommon and unusual definitions.

  1. Zabriskie – an Anglo form of the Polish Zabrzyski, given to someone living “beyond the birch trees.”
  2. Zachow – means “from Zachow,” located in Brandenburg and Mecklenburg-West Pomerania, Germany.
  3. Zahid – used as a boy’s name meaning “altruistic,” “self-disciplined,” and “pious.”
  4. Zähler – an occupational name for a clerk; derived from the German “zahlen,” meaning “to count.”
  5. Zajicek – refers to a “hare” or “rabbit” in Czech as a diminutive for Zajíc.
  6. Zaldivar – originally appeared as the Basque Zaldibar and means “valley of horses.”
  7. Zales – a Polish variation of Zalas, derived from the Slavic “zalew,” meaning “bay” or “flooded area.”
  8. Zalkin – first appeared as the Yiddish given name Zalkind, a form of Solomon, meaning “peace.”
  9. Zall – based on the German “zagel,” meaning “tail,” used to describe a “narrow piece of land.”
  10. Zambito – related to the Italian Zammito, a nickname from the Arabic “zamīt,” meaning “of serious disposition.”
  11. Zandstra – among Dutch surnames starting with Z as given to someone living in sandy soil.
  12. Zang – means “good” and “right” in Mandarin Chinese, the name of an 8th-century B.C.E. fief (land estate).
  13. Zanghi – an Italian nickname from the Greek “tsangos,” meaning “rancid,” an occupational name for a bootmaker.
  14. Zangrilli – an Italian plural form of Zangrillo, whose meaning is unclear.
  15. Zapf – from the Middle German “zapfe,” meaning “bung” or “stopper,” an occupational name for a taverner.
  16. Zappia – an Italian occupational name for a laborer, from “zappa,” meaning “mattock” and “hoe.”
  17. Zarazua – consists of the Spanish-Basque “sarats,” meaning “willow” and the suffix “-tsu.”
  18. Zaretsky – among Ukrainian geographical last names that start with Z, which means “beyond the river.”
  19. Zarzecki – a Polish surname for someone who lived “on the other side of the river.”
  20. Zaske – a German variation of Zaschke, given to those “from Zatzschke” in Saxony.
  21. Zaugg – based on the German first name Zougo, yet also related to “ziehen,” meaning “to pull.”
  22. Zbinden – a Swiss-German form of the phrase, “ze bünden,” meaning “at the enclosure.”
  23. Zeeb – an occupational name for a birdkeeper, meaning “bird” in German.
  24. Zeidan – an Arabic variant of the male first name Zaidan, meaning “growth” and “increase.”
  25. Zeitz – the name of two locations in Germany; relates to the Slovenian Zajec, meaning “hare.”
  26. Zembower – an Anglo spelling of the German Zehentbauer, an occupational name for a farmer.
  27. Zenner – a German nickname for a surly person, from the Middle German “zannen,” meaning “to growl.”
  28. Zenteno – a Hispanic variation of the Spanish Centeno, meaning “rye.”
  29. Zentz – another version of the German Zent, which refers to both a “center” and “point.”
  30. Zeppieri – a form of the Italian Sampieri, a place name found in San Piero, Italy.
  31. Zero – an Italian surname based on the Greek Xeros, meaning “dry” and “bare.”
  32. Zerr – an Italian form of the Greek Xeros, meaning “dry” and “bare.”
  33. Zevenbergen – means “seven hills” in Dutch and refers to locations in the Netherlands and Belgium.
  34. Zibanejad – made up of the Persian “ziba,” meaning “beauty,” and “nejad,” meaning “rescue” or “lineage.”
  35. Zickefoose – a variation of the 15th-century German Ziegenfuss, meaning “goat foot.”
  36. Ziebarth – a German occupational surname for a carriage driver, from “zichen,” meaning “to pull.”
  37. Ziegenhorn – a German surname for someone living on land where goats graze.
  38. Ziemann – a spelling variation of the German Siemann, a form of Simon, meaning “he has heard.”
  39. Zigmont – the Jewish equivalent of the German Siegmund, meaning “victorious hand.”
  40. Zilberschlag – among German occupational last names starting with Z and used for a silversmith.
  41. Zilberstein – means “silver stone” in Yiddish and often appears as Silverstein.
  42. Žilinskas – means “of red color” or “daredevil” in Lithuanian; its feminine equivalent is Žilinskienė.
  43. Zingg – a Swiss-German nickname for a “boisterous,” “lively,” or “cheerful” person.
  44. Zinke – means “spike” or “pointed tool” in German and also appears as Zink.
  45. Zinnel – a 6-letter German occupational name for someone working with pewter; also appears as Zinn.
  46. Ziolkowski – for those “from Ziółkowo” in Poland; also relates to the first name Ziółko, meaning “herb.”
  47. Zipperer – a German and Jewish short form of the biblical female name Zipporah, meaning ‘bird.”
  48. Zirbel – among rare German surnames starting with Z; a nickname for Zervas, meaning “slender.”
  49. Zirkelbach – taken from the German Zirkenbach, originating from the 12th-century Cirkumbach.
  50. Zitzmann – a German variation of Zizo, a nickname for Siegfried, meaning “victory and peace.”
  51. Zmijewski – given to those from Żmijewo, Poland, and associated with “żmija,” meaning “viper.”
  52. Zmuda – a Polish nickname for a hard-working person, based on “zmudny,” meaning “toilsome.”
  53. Zodrow – its meaning is unknown, but Zodrow is thought to refer to an East German location.
  54. Zogg – a Swiss German nickname for a crude person, from the Middle German “zoche,” meaning “cudgel.”
  55. Zohn – a Jewish variant of Sohn, taken from the Yiddish “tson,” meaning “tooth.”
  56. Zollicoffer – an American spelling of the Swiss-German Zollikofer, for those from Zollikofen, in Bern.
  57. Zollner – an unusual spelling of the German Zoller, an occupational name for a customs officer.
  58. Zorger – a Jewish-Yiddish variation of the Middle German “sorge,” meaning “care,” “concern,” or “worry.”
  59. Zorzi – an Italian patronymic surname denoting a “son of Zorzo,” a form of Giorgio or George.
  60. Zubia – a place name in the Spanish Granada province, which also means “rich in water.”
  61. Zubiate – a Basque location in Biscay, Spain; composed of “zubi,” meaning “bridge” and “ate,” meaning “gorge.”
  62. Zucca – an Italian occupational name for a grower of squashes, from “zucca,” meaning “gourd.”
  63. Zuccaro – means “sugar” in Italian; a nickname for a “sweet” person or someone who sells sugar.
  64. Zuck – a form of the German Zuch and Zug, both occupational names for a hog farmer.
  65. Zuehlke – relates to the Slavic first name Sulislav or Sulimir, from “sul,” meaning “good” and “better.”
  66. Zuercher – a Swiss-German surname for someone who comes from Zurich, Switzerland.
  67. Zufelt – made up of the German “zu,” meaning “at” and “fel(d)t,” meaning “open country.”
  68. Zuidema – a lesser-known Dutch patronymic surname for a “descendent of Sudhari.”
  69. Zukauskas – a Lithuanian variation of the Polish Żukowski, based on “zhuk,” meaning “bug.”
  70. Zumstein – a German topographical surname for someone living “at the rock” or “at the castle.”
  71. Zuno – a Hispanic form of an unknown Spanish surname whose meaning is unclear.
  72. Zurfluh – originally made up of the Swiss-German “vluo,” meaning “cliff,” and “zur,” meaning “at the.”
  73. Zussman – a Jewish variant of the German Sussman, meaning “sweet man.”
  74. Zwald – a Swiss-German form of Zumwalt, meaning “by the woods or forest.”
  75. Zwiefelhofer – a German Bavarian version of Zwiebelhofer, originally the name for an “onion farm.”
  76. Zwiener – a German surname given to someone from Schweine in Pomerania or Schwiena in Brandenburg.
  77. Zwilling – a German and Jewish surname referring to a “twin,” from the Middle German “zwillinc.”
  78. Zychowski – for someone from Zychy, Poland; linked to the first name Zych, a nickname for Zigmund.
  79. Zygmont – a Polish form of the German Zygmunt, from Ziegmund, meaning “conquering protection.”
  80. Zywicki – a Polish nickname taken from “żywy,” meaning “alive” and “vivid,” or “żywica,” meaning “resin.”
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About the Author

Maryana Vestic

Maryana Vestic is a Brooklyn-based writer, editor, and food photographer with a background in entertainment Business Affairs. She studied film at NYU, Irish Theatre Studies at Trinity College Dublin, and has an MFA in Creative Writing Nonfiction from The New School. She loves cooking, baking, hiking, and horror films, as well as running a local baking business in Brooklyn with her boyfriend.