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5 Best Products for Postpartum Hair Loss of 2024

Find the best shampoo, vitamins, oil, and brush for postpartum hair loss.

When my hair started falling out after the birth of my baby, I got a little scared. A quick internet search told me this was normal but didn’t offer a lot of help for fixing the problem.

We’ve spoken to countless moms with this same issue. They want to know what they can do to keep their hair looking gorgeous during the postpartum period.

We’ve researched, tested, and compared prices to bring you the best products for postpartum hair loss to help you deal with it like a pro. We’ll also look at the science behind postpartum hair loss and offer our top beauty tips for thinning hair.

Our Top Picks

We independently research, assess and evaluate all recommended products and services. If you click on the links we provide, we may receive compensation.
Product Comparison Table

Product Image of the Lavender Cypress
Best Oil
Lavender Cypress
  • Antifungal & antioxidant properties
  • Boosts hair follicle cellular regeneration
  • Organic lab formulated
Product Image of the Bestool Boar Bristle
Best Brush
Bestool Boar Bristle
  • Bamboo oval paddle
  • Rubber massage cushion
  • 3-month money-back guarantee
Product Image of the John Frieda
Best Conditioner
John Frieda
  • Deeply penetrates, thickens each strand
  • Safe for colour-treated hair
  • Gentle on hair
Product Image of the Ultrax Labs
Best Shampoo
Ultrax Labs
  • Top Rated shampoo
  • Made in the USA
  • Cruelty-free formula
Product Image of the KeraHealth Women
Best Vitamins
KeraHealth Women
  • Clinically tested ingredients
  • Protects against free radicals
  • Drug-free product

The Best Postpartum Hair Loss Products of 2024

These are our favorite products for dealing with postpartum hair loss.

Lavender Cypress Hair Loss Oil

Best Oil for Postpartum Hair Loss

If you are stressed out, this soothing hair loss oil may be a good way to help your hair while winding you down at the same time. It is made from botanical oils formulated to stimulate hair growth, including lavender and cypress.

Apply the oil for at least twenty minutes before you wash your hair. Just place a few drops along your part, and massage it into your scalp. Then sit back and enjoy the spa effect. After twenty minutes have passed, shampoo and style your hair as usual.

Use this oil two to three times a week for a special treat. We like it because it is easy to incorporate into your routine and will help you relax.

With a new baby, it can be hard to find time to leave the house. This product offers you something you can do to unwind at home while your baby naps, and it benefits you in more ways than one.

Stimulating your scalp through massage also helps with hair growth.

User Experience

I started using this product last week to address my long, dry, and damaged hair that was prone to tangling and fallout. After the first two uses, I didn't notice any new growth, but after a week, I felt a significant amount of new, prickly hair growth. This product has a strong medicinal eucalyptus smell that took some time to get used to and feels tingly on the scalp. Although it required some patience at first, I can now confidently say that it is well worth it, as I can both see and feel the improvement in my hair growth.

Bestool Boar Bristle Hair Brush

Best Brush for Postpartum Hair Loss

We love boar bristle hairbrushes. Boar bristles benefit hair by helping to distribute your hair’s natural oils. When the oil is spread throughout your hair, and not stuck at your scalp, each hair strand is nourished.

This brush features 100% boar bristles with nylon tips and an ergonomically designed bamboo handle. Every time you use this brush, your hair will become smooth and shiny, and you won’t have to fear pulling out your hair.

Another thing we love about this brush is that it works with all hair types.

Personal Perspective

Got this amazing brush and it has been a game changer for my hair! As someone with thinning hair due to health issues, this brush makes my hair look and feel healthier with each use. The combination of boar and plastic bristles works well on both wet and dry hair, and even helps my hair dry faster. The brush is easy to clean with the included cleaning tool, and it even works great on my furry friend, Rusty!

John Frieda Luxurious Volume Conditioner

Best Conditioner for Postpartum Hair Loss

Lift those sad locks with this special conditioner from the experts at John Frieda. You get the nourishment your hair needs without the excess weight. We especially like that caffeine is one of the ingredients, as it improves hair growth.

This conditioner can increase volume up to 40%, making it a good option for moms looking to boost their self-esteem instantly. Because of the lightweight formula, you can use this conditioner whenever you wash your hair.

Community Feedback

I'm impressed with this volumizing conditioner, as it works wonders on my fine, straight hair without weighing it down. The lightweight formula leaves my hair soft, manageable, and full of body that lasts for days. While it may not have the most pleasant smell, the results make up for it.

Ultrax Labs Hair Surge

Best Postpartum Hair Loss Shampoo

The ingredients in Ultrax Labs Hair Surge shampoo have been specifically formulated to prevent and reverse hair loss. One reason we are impressed by this shampoo is the clinical backing for the ingredients used.

At the forefront is caffeine, which stimulates hair growth, elongates hair shafts, and prolongs your hair’s active growth stage when you apply it topically. This shampoo also has saw palmetto and ketoconazole.

To use this shampoo, gently massage and lather it into your scalp, and let sit for 2 to 5 minutes before rinsing. For optimal results, use multiple times a week. Each bottle contains 8 ounces of shampoo.

First-Hand Impression

I'm truly impressed with this hair treatment product after going through a tough time with chemotherapy and hair loss. The formula is thick, so I found it best to lather it a bit in my hands before applying to wet hair. Although it doesn't lather like traditional shampoos, I noticed an improvement in the fullness and texture of my hair after using it for just a week. The only downside is that it can make my hair feel a bit dry, but using a conditioner on the ends helps with that issue.

KeraHealth Women

Best Postpartum Hair Loss Vitamins

This multivitamin supplement uses clinically tested, naturally sourced ingredients, including keratin, biotin, and multiple forms of vitamin B.

Keratin strengthens your hair’s cortex. Scientists are still studying biotin still needs more studies, but it has been found to improve thinning hair. B-vitamins improve the transportation system inside your body, ensuring your scalp gets the oxygen and nutrients it needs (1).

Take KeraHealth Women two times a day with a meal. Each bottle comes with 80 capsules.

This vitamin is a good choice because the vitamins are safe and free of all drugs. This means moms who breastfeed don’t have to worry about what is getting into their breast milk.

User Experience

Excellent results with this hair supplement after trying it for a few months. Initially, I experienced some shedding, but after about six months, the shedding finally stopped, and my hair length became impressively long. I recommend taking these supplements with food and not mixing them with other supplements. Additionally, I noticed that my nails became stronger and healthier too. It's important to be patient with this product, as it may take some time to see noticeable results.

What Causes Postpartum Hair Loss?

Postpartum hair loss is not generally an indicator of a problem or illness. It is simply the result of your body changing as it returns to a normal, non-pregnant state.

As with many other things you experience during pregnancy, hormones are the key culprit in postpartum hair loss.

During pregnancy, you have extra-high levels of estrogen. Estrogen prolongs the growth phase of your hair, which means your hair sheds at a much slower rate while helping your tresses stay thick and strong (2).

Once you give birth, your hormones begin to normalize to pre-pregnancy levels. Not only does this cause your hair to fall out at a more normal rate (about 100 hairs a day), but all of the extra hair on your head brought about by the estrogen starts falling out too.

What does this mean for you? Many women experience more consistent shedding and clumps of hair coming out at once. The good news is the hair changes should be temporary and not cause any significant scalp problems.

Beauty Tips for Thinning Hair

Regaining your healthy hair doesn’t happen overnight. However, months of thinning and breakage can affect a new mom’s self-esteem.

Here are five quick beauty tips to help you put a smile on your face and enjoy your hair while your body gets back to normal.

  • Get a shorter haircut: Shorter cuts can help your hair look full and thick. Depending on your hair type, layers can also add energy and bounce. And shorter hair can be easier to manage while dealing with a new baby’s demands.
  • Be careful with ponytails: Pulling back your hair is a staple for busy moms, but it can damage your tresses. Try a relaxed braid down your back instead. “Pancake” your braid (pull the edges apart) to give your hair a thicker effect.
  • Avoid using heat: Give your hair a much-needed break from styling tools. Heat can further damage hair and lead to breakage.
  • Use makeup: If thinning hair exposes your scalp, consider adding a bit of powder makeup to those areas to help fill it in. Brow liners and eyeshadow are two popular options.
  • Add some texture: Consider using foam rollers, hair volumizing powder, or a sea salt spray to add some texture and curl to your hair. This will add volume and fullness so any thin spots on your scalp won’t be as noticeable.
I like to add some relaxed waves with a curling iron to my hair. It takes just a minute or two and adds tons of volume if you pair it with a salt or texture spray.
Headshot of Mary Sweeney, BSN, RN, CEN

Editor's Note:

Mary Sweeney, BSN, RN, CEN

Your hair is as unique as you are! If you have some time, visit a local stylist to discuss your concerns. They can give you some expert advice on how to style your hair while you experience postpartum hair loss.

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How Long Does Postpartum Hair Loss Last?

How long postpartum hair loss lasts varies from mom to mom. In most cases, your hair will be growing normally again by your baby’s first birthday. If you gave birth over a year ago and you’re still experiencing hair loss, it’s a good idea to talk with your doctor.

Does Breastfeeding Help With Postpartum Hair Loss?

Breastfeeding and postpartum hair loss are unrelated. While breastfeeding can give you and your baby health benefits, it won’t hurt or help postpartum hair loss. Still, we recommend breastfeeding in most cases.

Does Coconut Oil Help Postpartum Hair Loss?

While coconut oil is very healthy for your hair, it won’t be able to help stop postpartum hair loss. This type of hair loss is caused by changes in your hormones after giving birth. Topical treatments can’t help with falling estrogen levels.

Does Biotin Help With Postpartum Hair Loss?

Biotin can fall in the same category as coconut oil. While biotin is good for your hair, it’s not going to do much for postpartum hair loss. Your body’s response to lower levels of estrogen is unlikely to be affected by biotin.

What Not to Do During Postpartum Hair Loss?

There isn’t anything you can do to make postpartum hair loss better or worse. We know it’s frustrating, but recovery from postpartum hair loss is a waiting game. Over time, your estrogen levels will even out, and your hair will grow normally again.

Why Is My Postpartum Hair Loss So Bad?

Some moms experience postpartum hair loss more extreme than others. The good news is that even in cases where postpartum hair loss is severe, your hair should still grow normally again within a year.

Experiences With Postpartum Hair Loss

Postpartum hair loss can be scary, but it is a common condition that affects many women. Your experience with postpartum hair loss is caused by hormonal changes, so it should be temporary. A few adjustments to your hair care routines can help get you back on the right track as your hormones stabilize and your body recovers from giving birth.

However, that doesn’t lessen the embarrassment many women feel, so we hope some of the tips we’ve mentioned help you feel better about yourself and your journey in motherhood.

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Headshot of Mary Sweeney, BSN, RN, CEN

Reviewed by

Mary Sweeney, BSN, RN, CEN

Mary Sweeney, BSN, RN, CEN is an oncology nurse navigator and freelance medical writer. Mary has 4 years of experience as an officer in the Navy Nurse Corps. including emergency/trauma, post-anesthesia, and deployment medicine.