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150+ Sappy Nicknames for Boyfriends: From Sexy to Sweet

These adorable nicknames for boyfriends will sweep you off your feet.

Are you looking for the cutest nicknames for boyfriends? You’ll really enjoy browsing through this comprehensive list of boyfriend nicknames. Love is universal, so we’ve included picks from all over the world.

You’ll discover sexy, sassy, smart, or sweet pet names to call your boyfriend. We’ve even included a little background on each nickname. With this many options, you will surely find your man’s ideal nickname. Grab a seat and kick back; the greatest nicknames for guys are coming right up.

44 Delicious Nicknames for Boyfriends

These 44 yummy nicknames for boyfriends will leave you wanting more.

  1. Babelicious – an adorable take on babe inspired by the nostalgic Bubblicious gum.
  2. Baby Cakes – a play on the popular king cake, famous in New Orleans.
  3. Bonbon – of French origin referring to a rich chocolate truffle, ideal for your dark, decadent lover.
  4. Bun – short for honey bun, a delicious, sweet treat popular in the United States.
  5. Cherry Pie – an All-American dessert or a hit song by Warrant that sparked a nickname revolution.
  6. Cookie – short for Cookie Monster, a lovable Sesame Street character with a penchant for sweets.
  7. Cupcake – one of many sweet nicknames for boyfriends, fitting for the soft and kind guy.
  8. Donut – a breakfast pastry often topped with icing that dates back to the Pilgrims.
  9. Dumplin’ – among Southern boyfriend nicknames made famous by the namesake book and Netflix movie.
  10. Fine Wine – a unique pick that often pertains to an older man.
  11. Honey – originated in the Middle Ages when honey was highly valuable, fitting for your priceless man.
  12. Honey Bunch – a sappy option inspired by Honey Bunches of Oats cereal.
  13. Hot Tamale – comes from a U.S. candy flavored like cinnamon, perfect for the red-hot love.
  14. Jelly – a popular condiment in America, can also refer to a jealous lover.
  15. Jellybean – made popular in the early 1900s, referring to a stylish young man.
  16. Love Muffin – of English origin, a sappy pick that falls on the rare side.
  17. Lucky Charm – a sugary cereal featuring a leprechaun, perfect for your good luck charm.
  18. Marshmallow – comes from the mallow plant, a cute nickname for the summer romantic.
  19. Meatball – a great pick for the boy who is the meatballs to your spaghetti!
  20. Muffin – derives from “muffe,” meaning “small cake,” perfect for your petite prince.
  21. Nutter Butter – a peanut butter-filled cookie or a great nickname for your crazy cutie.
  22. Peach – an American slang option referring to a pleasant person.
  23. Peanut – a flirty English reference to someone of small stature.
  24. Puddin’ – of English origin used by villainess Harley Quinn to her classic gentleman.
  25. Pumpkin – a sweet nickname perfect for the boy you met in autumn.
  26. Short Stack – of English origin, referring to a short guy, inspired by pancakes.
  27. Shug – a cool alternative to Sugar, perfect for your sticky-sweet boyfriend.
  28. Skippy – of English origin, the captain of your heart or a brand of peanut butter.
  29. Smarty Pants – originated in the 1800s, meaning “someone too smart for their own good.”
  30. Sprinkles – a colorful garnish for dessert, perfect for the boy who completes you.
  31. Stud Muffin – a combination of Sexy and Sweet, sure to bring a smile to your boyfriend’s face.
  32. Sugar – of English origin, initially used for partners with sweet personalities.
  33. Sugar Baby – a modern pick for the man supported by his girlfriend, ideal for the spoiled boyfriend.
  34. Sugar Lips – a saucy option letting your man know what you love about him.
  35. Sweet Cheeks – originated as a nickname for someone with chubby cheeks.
  36. Sweet Pea – a delicious vegetable or flower symbolizing gratitude and pleasure.
  37. Sweet Thing – of English origin, pointing to the partner with a charming, sanguine personality.
  38. Sweetie – short for sweetheart, one of the most classic names to call your boyfriend.
  39. Sweetie Pie – a derivative of the phrase “sweet as pie,” an adorable tribute to your favorite contact!
  40. Sweetkins – a variant of “soetken,” the Dutch word for “sweetheart.”
  41. Sweetness – an intelligent alternative to Sweetie, perfect for your ultra-lovable Beau.
  42. Sweetums – a sappy term of endearment for partners, may be better used privately.
  43. Tootsie – a playful pet name or a famous chocolate candy beloved in America.
  44. Yummy – short, sweet, and to the point, a fabulous pick for your hottie.

47 Classic Nicknames for Boyfriends

These 47 timeless nicknames for boyfriends will never go out of style.

  1. Angel Eyes – for your boyfriend with sparkling eyes or a namesake song by Love and Theft.
  2. Babe – short for Baby, first recorded in the 16th-century, initially used for men.
  3. Beau – of French origin, meaning “beautiful,” is among the most romantic nicknames for guys.
  4. Beautiful – an English pick for the good-looking guy who dazzles everyone he encounters.
  5. Beloved – of English origin meaning “a loved person” or “dearly loved.”
  6. Blue Eyes – an adorable tribute to your man with ocean eyes that you could get lost in.
  7. Boyfriend – a blunt nickname letting your beloved know exactly who he is.
  8. Brown Eyes – the eye color that’s inspired many songs is a fabulous pet name for your lovey.
  9. Buddy – of English origin meaning “friend” or German origin meaning “old man,” appropriate for your guy.
  10. Champ – short for champion, a good option for your sports buff who loves winning.
  11. Charming – often associated with Prince Charming, meaning you get to be Cinderella.
  12. Cherished – a derivative of “cherir,” a French title meaning “to treasure” or “to hold dear.”
  13. Chief – stems from chef, referring to the leader of a group, ideal for the alpha male.
  14. Darling – a derivative of “derling,” an Old English pet name meaning “beloved one.”
  15. Dear – a classic alternative to Beloved, often used in love letters.
  16. Dimples – are among the cutest features a boy can have, perfect for your cherubic stud.
  17. Doll – a beloved children’s toy or person with attractive features.
  18. Dollface – a fun way to spotlight your boyfriend’s handsome face that’s too good to be true.
  19. Dude – originated in the 18th century as a moniker for Doodle, a man with excellent style.
  20. Foxy – another way to describe a beautiful person, often associated with the Snapchat filter.
  21. Freckles – of Scandinavian origin, meaning “scattering,” fitting for the boy dotted with adorable freckles.
  22. Gorgeous – means “beautiful” or “delightful,” currently popular due to Taylor Swift’s namesake song.
  23. Green Eyes – the rarest eye color, perfect for your treasure of a boyfriend.
  24. Handsome – a classic term of endearment that will make any guy feel like a star.
  25. Hotshot – first recorded in the early 1920s, referring to a brash, successful male.
  26. Hun – short for honey, a valuable sweetener in the Middle Ages, perfect for your lovable sweetie.
  27. King – a royal pet name fitting for the man who rules your heart with love and grace.
  28. Knight – short for knight in shining armor, a classic for the boy who saved your life.
  29. Love – among the simplest boyfriend nicknames reminding the world how blessed you are.
  30. Love Bug – a cute alternative to Love, fitting for a playful relationship.
  31. Love of My Life – of English origin- the greatest friendship you’ll ever experience.
  32. Lover – a derivative of “lovere” meaning “sweetheart,” or a hit song by Taylor Swift.
  33. Macho Man – a funny way to draw attention to your boyfriend’s enviable muscles.
  34. My Hero – perfect for the boy admirer, sure to make any man swell with pride.
  35. My Man – simply reminding your man how proud you are to have him by your side.
  36. Partner in Crime – a playful option for couples who love getting in trouble together.
  37. Perfect – of English origin meaning “spotless” and “pure,” ideal for the heaven-sent man.
  38. Poppet – hails from the U.K., referring to a petite person or someone used in sorcery.
  39. Romeo – is of Italian origin, meaning “pilgrimage to Rome,” borne by the Shakespearean partner of Juliet.
  40. Sexy – first recorded in the early 1900s, meaning “sexually attractive,” ideal for the red-hot love story.
  41. Smoke Show – a vintage term of endearment referring to the smoking hot man.
  42. Snookums – first appeared in The Newlyweds, an American comic strip published in the 1900s.
  43. Soul Mate – a term of endearment for the boy whose soul is connected to yours.
  44. Sport – of English origin referring to a Jock, perfect for the boy with a game.
  45. Sweetheart – a Middle English pet name equivalent to Darling or Dear One.
  46. Tiger – a feisty option borne by famous golfer Tiger Woods.
  47. Valentine – a derivative of Valens, a Latin title meaning “strong,” perfect for the winter romance.

26 Exotic Nicknames for Boyfriends

These 26 foreign names for boyfriends are très chic.

  1. Ai – is of Japanese and Chinese origin, meaning “love,” “life,” or “indigo.”
  2. Aiko – a Japanese pick meaning “loved child” or “beloved,” a cute change-of-pace.
  3. Aimi – a derivative of “aime,” meaning “beloved” in French.
  4. Akira – hails from Japan, where it’s a famous unisex name or pet name meaning “sunshine.”
  5. Amore Mio – the Latin equivalent of my love, popular among European couples.
  6. Amorzinho – of Brazilian origin, meaning “aww, how cute.”
  7. Azucar – of Spanish origin, meaning “sugar,” perfect for your sweetie.
  8. Bebe – a French pick meaning “baby,” a classic pet name for your love.
  9. Bebetom – of Turkish origin meaning “my baby,” an adorable way to claim what’s yours.
  10. Bombon – of Spanish origin, meaning “candy,” similar to Bonbon, a French pet name.
  11. Carino – means “beloved” or “dear” in Italian or “friend” in Irish.
  12. Dulce – a Latin girl’s name meaning “sweet,” also used as a term of endearment.
  13. Gioia Mia – of Italian origin meaning “my joy,” perfect for the boy who lights up your life.
  14. Ke Aloha – of Hawaiian origin, meaning “the love,” perfect for the man you can’t live without.
  15. Liebling – the German version of Darling used for lovers or children.
  16. Mi Amor – a Spanish pick meaning “my love,” one of the most popular exotic terms of endearment.
  17. Mi Cherie – of French origin meaning, “my darling.”
  18. Mi Cielo – a Spanish option meaning “my heaven,” perfect for your ethereal cutie.
  19. Mi Rey – a handsome pick famous in Mexico, meaning “my king.”
  20. Mi Vida – of Spanish origin meaning “my life,” perfect for the man who is your everything.
  21. Mon Ange – a classy French pick referring to your angel sent from above.
  22. Mon Vilain – a spicy option meaning “my villain” in French.
  23. Osito – of Spanish origin meaning “little bear,” perfect for your human teddy bear.
  24. Pulcino – an Italian pick referring to a baby chicken, a cute title for the spring romance.
  25. Ragazzo – of Latin origin meaning “boyfriend” or “boy.”
  26. Señor – a Spanish option meaning “mister,” a sassy pick for your strong guy.

53 Cute Nicknames for Boyfriends

These 53 adorable nicknames for boyfriends will leave you breathless.

  1. Adorable – of Latin origin, meaning “worthy of adoration” or “divine.”
  2. Angel – taken from Angele, meaning “messenger” in Latin.
  3. Baby – of English origin, a popular term of endearment from the early 1900s.
  4. Baby Boy – a sappy homage to the boy you love spoiling.
  5. Baby Love – among musical pet names for boyfriends, inspired by Baby Love by The Supremes (1964).
  6. Bae – short for Baby, can also be an acronym for “before anyone else.”
  7. Boo – a variation of Beau that became widespread by 2003, propelled to fame by rap songs.
  8. Boo Thang – means “unofficial lover” in slang, though it can be used in committed relationships, too.
  9. Boss – of English origin, perfect for the boy who leads the way.
  10. Boy Toy – a flirty pick for your younger boyfriend, typically used in informal relationships.
  11. Bright Eyes – of English origin, became popular after the release of Planet of the Apes.
  12. Bubbles – can refer to someone with a bright, confident personality, perfect for your optimistic dear.
  13. Bug – derived from Boog, meaning “devilish” in Welsh or a nickname for a petite man.
  14. Buttercup – a flower found in the U.S. symbolizing joy and attraction.
  15. Chipmunk – one of many animal names to call your boyfriend, referring to the cute yard pest.
  16. Cuddle Bunny – of English origin, became popular in the 1940s, pointing to men who like to cuddle.
  17. Cuddles – an adorable tribute to the boy who values physical affection.
  18. Cutie – an Arabian surname or a sassy variation of Cute.
  19. Cutie Pie – a combination of Cute and Sweetie Pie, prevalent in America and across the pond.
  20. Dreamboat – of English origin, pointing to the one who makes your dreams come true.
  21. Dreamy – a shortened variation of Dreamboat, perfect for the boy who carries the relationship.
  22. Gem – short for Gemstone, meaning “jewel,” perfect for your prized guy.
  23. Good Lookin’ – a redneck option based on a popular Hank Williams tune.
  24. Handyman – of English origin, ideal for the boy who can fix anything, including your heart.
  25. Heartthrob – first appeared in the 1800s, meaning “beat of my heart” and “passion.”
  26. Hercules – a mythical titan known for his strength, ideal for the boy with muscles for days.
  27. Hottie – a term of endearment that became popular in the 1990s, meaning “hot one.”
  28. Hubby – short for husband, a serious title for your future life partner.
  29. Hunk – originated as an Australian slang word in the 1990s, referring to a handsome man.
  30. Kiddo – a playful twist on Baby made popular in the late 1800s.
  31. Lover Boy – a steamy term of endearment for your lover or a hit band from the 80s.
  32. Lovey – an information variation of Love found in America and Europe.
  33. Main Squeeze – of English origin, first seen in the 1970s, giving your relationship vintage vibes.
  34. McDreamy – a pop-culture reference borne by the fictional Derek Shepherd from Grey’s Anatomy.
  35. Mr. Big – points to Sex and the City’s leading man, claimed by Carrie Bradshaw.
  36. Muscles – a simple pick letting your man know what you most appreciate about him.
  37. Old Man – a funny way to say “my husband” can also refer to someone’s father.
  38. Other Half – from the concept that a soul consists of two, a name popular for Hindi boys.
  39. Papa Bear – a key fairy tale character or a great moniker for your possessive grizzly.
  40. Pookie – of English origin, can be used for children or sappy boyfriends.
  41. Precious – a Latin pick meaning “of great worth,” reminding your man just how special he is.
  42. Rainbow – of English origin, symbolizing beauty and color after a trying time.
  43. Short Stuff – a hilarious option for your boyfriend of short stature.
  44. Shorty – also spelled Shawty, most prevalent in the early 2000s.
  45. Smiley – an optimistic pick for the boy who keeps you on your toes.
  46. Smoochy – among the mushiest nicknames for guys, best used in private.
  47. Snuggle Bug – of English origin, associated with the phrase “snug as a bug in a rug.”
  48. Squishy – initially appeared in Finding Nemo, also means “cute” in Japanese.
  49. Stud – of English origin, referring to a male horse or highly physical man.
  50. Sunshine – a cheery pick for the boy who brightens your darkest moments.
  51. Toots – short for Tootsie, a cute, vintage-inspired option for your best friend.
  52. Twin Flame – from the Hindu concept of two souls inhabiting one body, among the most spiritual picks.
  53. Wonder Boy – a minor superhero or the boy who blows your mind.

Nicknames for Boyfriends FAQs

What Do Guys Like to Be Called?

If you’re looking for nicknames that guys will like, you can’t go wrong with flattering titles like Stud or Muscles. Handsome, Beautiful, and Gorgeous are bound to be winners. Every guy is different, but classic pet names for boyfriends are also a great option. For example, Baby, Sweetheart, Sexy, Hun, and Darling have an excellent reputation.

What Do You Call a Guy Besides Handsome?

There are many other names to call a guy besides Handsome, including Pretty Boy, Gorgeous, Dollface, and Adorable. If you want fiesty options, you can call your guy Stud, Sexy, Charming, Hot Shot, or Foxy. Delicious options to make your man smile include Babelicious, Stud Muffin, Yummy, and Sprinkles.

How Do You Say a Guy is Hot?

If your man has you tongue-tied, no worries! There are plenty of ways to say a guy is hot. You could call him a Hottie, Sexy, Gorgeous, Handsome, Fine Wine, or Heartthrob. Other ways to compliment his appearance include honing in on one feature, like his freckles, dimples, or eye color.

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About the Author

Cate Hoepner

Cate Hoepner is a professional blogger and freelance writer of seven years. Before transitioning into a writing role, she worked in finance and customer service. Cate enjoys DIY projects, old movies, music, and a good cup of coffee. In her free time, you'll find her homeschooling her three kids, crafting her dream homestead, and reading anything she can get her hands on.