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50 Baby Trivia Questions: Interesting Newborn Facts

Discover the most interesting facts and statistics about newborn babies.

Whether you’re having a quiz at your baby shower or you just need a random topic for your pub quiz night, baby trivia is always interesting.

Explore 50 baby and newborn facts across various topics, including funny facts and pop culture baby trivia. We’ll also share top tips for throwing a fun baby shower as well as answering a few intriguing, frequently asked questions.

50 Baby Trivia Questions and Answers

Whether you’re curious about newborn facts or want to test your friend’s knowledge of babies, below are 50 fun baby trivia questions with answers.

Interesting Baby Trivia

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Let’s start with the most interesting baby trivia and newborn facts. Can you get these 15 questions about babies right?

What are some moms naturally addicted to regarding their baby?

Answer: Their smell.

Fun Fact: This addiction is due to a chemical released in a mother’s brain called oxytocin, often referred to as the “love hormone,” which strengthens the bond between mother and child.

What body parts are babies born without?

Answer: Kneecaps (they have the cartilage, just not the bones).

Fun Fact: The cartilaginous structure of a baby’s “kneecaps” eventually ossifies and turns into bone by the age of 3 to 5.

During what week of pregnancy do babies start developing hearing?

Answer: 18 weeks.

Fun Fact: Babies in utero can respond to external noises as early as 24 weeks, and studies suggest they develop a preference for their mother’s voice before birth.

What month of the year are babies born heaviest?

Answer: May.

Fun Fact: This phenomenon could be linked to seasonal changes in maternal diet or physical activity, influencing the baby’s in-utero development.

What color is an infant’s first poop?

Answer: Black.

Fun Fact: This first stool, called meconium, is composed of materials ingested during the infant’s time in the uterus: intestinal epithelial cells, lanugo, mucus, amniotic fluid, bile, and water.

How many bones does a newborn have?

Answer: 300.

Fun Fact: As babies grow, some of their bones fuse. By adulthood, the average number of bones decreases to 206.

How many hours does a newborn baby sleep?

Answer: On average, 12 to 16.

Fun Fact: Newborns don’t sleep through the night because their small stomachs need frequent feedings. Their sleep cycle is much shorter than adults, cycling every 50 minutes.

When do birthmarks form?

Answer: During labor or during the first few years of life.

Fun Fact: Birthmarks come in various types and are caused by different factors, ranging from extra pigmentation to blood vessels clustering in one area. Most are harmless and can fade over time.

What do newborn babies not do when they cry?

Answer: Produce tears.

Fun Fact: While newborns are capable of crying at birth, they don’t produce real tears until they are about one to three months old due to the immaturity of their tear ducts.

What is the average number of diapers a newborn goes through daily?

Answer: Eight to 12.

Fun Fact: During the first few years of life, a baby might use up to 7,000 diapers. The number and frequency of diaper changes are crucial indicators of a baby’s health.

What is the soft spot on a baby’s head called?

Answer: Fontanelle.

Fun Fact: The fontanelle allows the baby’s brain to grow rapidly in the first year of life and typically closes by the age of 18 to 24 months.

On average, how many total nights of sleep do most parents lose during the first year of their child’s life?

Answer: 133 nights (1).

Fun Fact: This loss of sleep often results in new parents experiencing “baby brain,” characterized by forgetfulness and lack of attention, due to the mental and physical exhaustion of caring for a newborn.

How far can a newborn baby see clearly?

Answer: Eight to 12 inches.

Fun Fact: This distance is roughly equivalent to the distance between a mother’s face and her baby while nursing, facilitating an early bond between mother and child through visual connection.

What is the average weight of a full-term male baby?

Answer: Seven pounds and six ounces (2).

Fun Fact: Baby boys are, on average, slightly heavier at birth than baby girls. This difference in birth weight is believed to be caused by biological factors related to sex chromosomes.

What percentage of babies are born on their due date?

Answer: Five percent (3).

Fun Fact: The due date is an estimate, as only about 30% of babies are born within ten days of their estimated due date. Various factors, including the mother’s health and the baby’s growth, can influence the timing of birth.

Funny Baby Trivia

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Need a laugh? Every baby shower needs a round of giggles, and these 10 funny baby trivia questions are bound to make you chuckle.

What natural artistic sense are babies born with?

Answer: A sense of rhythm.

Fun Fact: Studies have shown that even newborns can detect the beat in music, suggesting that our sense of rhythm may be innate rather than learned.

In what direction of the body do babies develop?

Answer: From head to foot.

Fun Fact: This developmental pattern is known as the cephalocaudal trend, meaning babies gain control over their head and upper body before their lower body.

What manly features do most fetuses have in the womb?

Answer: A mustache.

Fun Fact: The fetal mustache, which eventually spreads to cover the entire body, is known as lanugo. It’s usually shed before birth and is replaced by vellus hair.

At what age can babies start to taste salt?

Answer: From three months.

Fun Fact: Before this age, babies’ kidneys are not mature enough to process salt, which is why it’s absent from their diet in the early months.

What celebrity named their child Stormi?

Answer: Kylie Jenner.

Fun Fact: The trend of unique and unconventional baby names among celebrities has been growing, often reflecting their creativity and individuality.

From what week can a baby start to taste the food the mother eats?

Answer: From 32 weeks.

Fun Fact: The flavors of what a mother eats can pass into the amniotic fluid, which the baby swallows, potentially influencing their taste preferences after birth.

What is the weight of the heaviest baby ever born?

Answer: 22 pounds.

Fun Fact: This record-setting birth occurred in 1879, and the baby, born to Canadian Anna Bates, measured an astonishing 28 inches in length.

Usually, from what age do babies start crawling?

Answer: Seven months.

Fun Fact: Crawling styles can vary widely among babies, with some scooting, rolling, or even “commando crawling” on their stomachs before learning the classic crawl.

What is the fine hair that covers a newborn’s body called?

Answer: Lanugo.

Fun Fact: Lanugo is thought to help hold the vernix caseosa, a waxy substance that protects the fetus’s skin.

What color (besides black, white, and gray) do babies first recognize?

Answer: Red.

Fun Fact: This early recognition of red is thought to be because it has the longest wavelength of all colors, making it easier for babies to see.

Pop Culture Baby Trivia

Pop Culture Baby Trivia Icon

Whether you’re looking for trending facts or trivia about celebrities’ babies, here are 10 weird and wonderful pop culture baby trivia to entertain you!

Who named their kids Blue Ivy, Rumi, and Sir?

Answer: Beyonce and Jay-Z.

Fun Fact: The unique naming of celebrity children often reflects a desire for originality and may influence baby naming trends going forward.

Which famous George named his five sons George?

Answer: George Foreman (George Jr., George III, George IV, George V, and George VI).

Fun Fact: George Foreman explained that he named all his sons George so they would always have something in common and offer them a strong sense of identity and continuity.

What’s the name of Kim Kardashian and Kanye West’s first child?

Answer: North West.

Fun Fact: The name “North West” is a play on words, often considered a directional pun, and reflects a trend among celebrities for choosing unconventional and unique names for their children.

What is the name of Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin’s daughter?

Answer: Apple.

Fun Fact: Gwyneth Paltrow chose the name Apple because it sounded sweet and wholesome, and she found it unconventional yet appealing.

Who is the mother of Audio Science?

Answer: Shannyn Sossamon.

Fun Fact: Shannyn Sossamon, a trendsetter in unique baby names, chose Audio Science as she wanted a word, not a name, and was inspired by the power and creativity of words.

What is the baby’s name in the movie “The Incredibles”?

Answer: Jack-Jack.

Fun Fact: Jack-Jack is a playful and endearing nickname, fitting the character’s innocent and multiple superpowered nature in the movie.

What is the name of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt’s first biological child?

Answer: Shiloh.

Fun Fact: Shiloh, a name of Hebrew origin, was chosen for its beautiful sound and meaning, which is “peaceful,” reflecting the parents’ hopes for their child.

What is the name of Ed Sheeran’s first daughter?

Answer: Lyra Antarctica.

Fun Fact: Ed Sheeran chose Lyra Antarctica inspired by his love for the “His Dark Materials” series by Philip Pullman, in which Lyra is the main character.

What is the name of Kate Middleton and Prince William’s third child?

Answer: Louis.

Fun Fact: Prince Louis’ name is a nod to royal tradition and history, as it honors Louis Mountbatten, the beloved uncle of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, and mentor to Prince Charles.

What is the name of Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban’s daughter, born via a surrogate mother?

Answer: Faith Margaret.

Fun Fact: The choice of the name Faith reflects Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban’s long journey and steadfast belief in the possibility of having another child, while Margaret honors Kidman’s grandmother.

Baby Trivia for New Parents

Baby Trivia for New Parents Icon

Becoming a first-time parent is exciting and totally daunting all at once. Preparing yourself with facts and statistics can help. If you’re organizing a baby shower for a new set of parents or just want to challenge yourself before your little bundle arrives, delve into these 15 interesting baby trivia questions to grow your knowledge.

At what age is an infant considered a toddler?

Answer: One year.

Fun Fact: This transition is not just about age; it’s also about developmental milestones such as walking, which is why the term “toddler” is used, as it refers to the unsteady walk of a small child.

What age is the oldest woman ever recorded to give birth?

Answer: 74

Fun Fact: This extraordinary case was made possible through in vitro fertilization (IVF), highlighting the advancements in reproductive technology that can extend the age of possible motherhood.

What is the average length of a newborn baby?

Answer: 19 to 20 inches.

Fun Fact: Interestingly, the length of a baby at birth is not a strong predictor of their adult height, as growth patterns vary significantly during childhood.

On average, how many times do newborn babies feed a day?

Answer: Eight to 12.

Fun Fact: Frequent feeding is crucial for the baby’s rapid growth and development and for stimulating the mother’s milk production.

How many teeth do babies have, on average, by their first birthday?

Answer: Six.

Fun Fact: The first teeth to appear are usually the lower central incisors, often followed by the upper central incisors, in a process called teething, which can be uncomfortable for the baby.

Which baby carrier brand allows parents to carry the baby on the back or chest?

Answer: Ergobaby.

Fun Fact: Ergobaby carriers are designed to distribute the baby’s weight evenly across the parent’s hips and shoulders, making for a more comfortable carrying experience.

How many children did the world’s most fertile woman have?

Answer: 69.

Fun Fact: This record was set by a woman in the 18th century in Russia, and she achieved this through multiple births, including 16 pairs of twins, seven sets of triplets, and four sets of quadruplets.

What is meconium?

Answer: A baby’s first poop.

Fun Fact: Unlike later faces, meconium is sterile, consisting of materials ingested during the time in the uterus: intestinal epithelial cells, lanugo, mucus, amniotic fluid, bile, and water.

What is the rooting reflex?

Answer: The reflex that causes a baby to turn its head and open its mouth in preparation to feed.

Fun Fact: This reflex is an essential part of breastfeeding and is one of several reflexes that babies are born with to help them survive and thrive.

What are the chances of having twins naturally?

Answer: About three percent (4).

Fun Fact: The likelihood of having twins naturally can be influenced by family history, mother’s age, and even the number of previous pregnancies.

What popular brand offers baby care products, like shampoo and lotion, founded in 1886?

Answer: Johnson’s Baby.

Fun Fact: Johnson’s Baby has been a pioneer in baby skincare and hygiene products for over a century, evolving its formulas in response to advancing scientific knowledge and consumer needs.

What is the largest number of teeth a baby has ever been born with?

Answer: 12.

Fun Fact: Being born with teeth, known as natal teeth, is rare and happens in about 1 in 2,000 to 3,000 births. These teeth are often not well-formed and may be removed to prevent feeding issues.

What is the safest age to introduce solids?

Answer: Six months.

Fun Fact: Introducing solids at this age is essential for nutritional reasons and helps develop motor skills related to eating, such as chewing and swallowing.

When do babies start to smile?

Answer: About six to eight weeks.

Fun Fact: This initial smile is often a response to social interactions and is an essential milestone in the baby’s emotional and social development.

What is the term for the yellowing of a baby’s skin and eyes?

Answer: Jaundice.

Fun Fact: Newborn jaundice is common due to the immaturity of the baby’s liver, which is unable to process bilirubin effectively in the first few days of life.

Tips for Fun Baby Shower Games and Trivia

Baby showers are a lovely rite of passage for parents transitioning into parenthood. Why not include some games and trivia about newborn facts to make the baby shower extra fun? Below are five tips for hosting the most exciting quiz.

  • Make it entertaining: Choose entertaining and interesting trivia questions and facts. People want to have fun, so don’t choose super boring or well-known facts.
  • Don’t make it too hard: On the topic of having fun, don’t make the quiz too difficult. Consider adding multiple-choice questions to make it a bit easier.
  • Use a screen: Putting the trivia question on a big screen makes it easier for people to see. If they haven’t heard you clearly, they can read the question, too. This is great for big crowds.
  • Know your audience: Consider the audience’s age, diversity, and sense of humor and tailor accordingly.
  • Prizes: Including prizes for the winning team or person can create more excitement. Get good prizes — things people will actually use, not just baby-themed prizes, especially if some people don’t have kids.


What Can Babies Do That Adults Cannot?

There are a few skills that babies have that adults lack. This includes:

  • Moro Reflex: Babies have a reflex called the Moro Reflex, which lasts until they are about four months old. It involves a sudden, startling reflex in which babies spread their arms and legs as if they were falling.
  • Absorb nutrients from breast milk: Babies are specially designed to absorb nutrients from breast milk, which helps with growth and development. Adults, on the other hand, wouldn’t benefit from these nutrients.
  • Have more bones: Babies are born with about 300 bones, whereas adults have 206.
  • Have better perception: Babies are naturally more perceptive than adults. For example, a six-month-old baby can differentiate between two monkeys and recognize which one they have seen before (5).
  • Be more flexible: Babies can easily do the splits and suck their toes, as they are much more flexible than us as adults.

What Is the First Color a Baby Sees?

Newborns can distinguish between black and white, but the first color they see is red (6). This occurs within the first few weeks. When they are around three months old, they can see different shades and colors, especially red and green.

What Was the Heaviest Baby Born?

The heaviest baby born was 22 pounds. This baby was born in Ohio in 1879.

Do Babies Prefer Male or Female Voices?

Studies have found that babies do not prefer male or female voices (7); however, they can tell the difference. They can tell the difference between various female voices, and they have a preference for their own mother’s voice.

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About the Author

Beth McCallum

Beth McCallum is a Scottish freelance writer & book blogger with a degree in creative writing, journalism and English literature. She is a mum to a young boy, and believes that it truly takes a village. When she’s not parenting, writing about parenting, or working, she can be found reading, working on her novel, taking photos, playing board games or wandering through the countryside with her family.